

sadly:[英 [ˈsædli] 美 [ˈsædli] ]


sadly 基本解释


副词悲哀地; 忧愁地; 令人遗憾地; 不幸地


sadly 相关例句


1. He shook his head sadly.


2. He stared sadly at the ruins of his house.


sadly 网络解释


1. 悲伤:Kate仍然坐着没有动(still),他没有不快(unhappily)、悲伤(sadly)或孤独(lonely)的感觉. 6 B 逻辑推理词义比较 Kate不可能失去(l0se)、也不会烦恼(trouble) 或伤害其妹妹,而是怕吓坏(frighten)了她而坐着不动. 7 C逻辑推理父亲和Kate一样,

2. 悲痛地:sadistic 虐待狂的 | sadly 悲痛地 | sadness 悲哀

3. sadly

3. 难过地;悲哀地:南瓜 pumpkin | 难过地;悲哀地 sadly | 难闻的 smelly

4. 悲痛地,悲哀地:sad 悲伤的,伤心的 | → sadly 悲痛地,悲哀地 | He stared sadly at the ruins of his house. 他悲伤地凝视着那坍塌的房子.

sadly 双语例句

1. Kerghan looks at you, almost sadly.


2. Sadly IBM really149! messed this up with the original PC, and they haven't been a ble to

不幸的是 IBM 在原 PC 机中搞糟了,以后也没有纠正过来。

3. sadly是什么意思

3. Sadly, the identity card numbers of the volte-face will lead directly to the need to update all my information, including personal data, company information, bank information.


4. But if you think that they are just careless free-handers, then you are sadly mistaken.


5. As people starve around the world, it is sadly ironic that we have a major surplus of corn.


6. Will let like making the new future, all will throw beyond the highest heavens sadly.


7. Sadly, many infected babies suffer widespread damage to most of the systems of the body, and about 25% are stillborn.

可悲的是,许多受感染的婴儿受到广泛的损害,大部分的系统的身体,和大约25 %的死产。

8. sadly的意思

8. That day, eden net has been shut sadly; The drama of the beauty that do not have card that aerial video network announces to will delete a netizen to upload and day theatrical work.



9. MBA. on a summer vacation, at the age of twenty i came across him who, once fell in love to him, told me that he had passed the postgraduate examination. on hearing that i felt further frustrated by his prograss and couldn't stand weeping sadly for not thinking he could have a look on my ability. after thirty i kept trying to get a false diploma of MBA


10. Sadly, for all the dreams you had for our country in your younger days, in just three years you have reduced it to rubble.


11. Those who are willing to see shall see; it is because we shut our eyes that we become so sadly blind.


12. sadly在线翻译

12. Sadly, all ectopic pregnancies have to be terminated.


13. We will break up quickly the sadly in the big big world.


14. Andrea: Sadly, in June 1953 at the age of 78, Churchill suffered a stroke at

Jean:而在1955 他引退首相职位,其后在1965 年丘吉尔在他的乡村庄园中与世长

15. sadly的近义词

15. Behan, sadly, produced a shockingly small body of work, a fact that most put down to his love of drink.


16. sadly的反义词

16. Sadly, I have a good, Good helpless I, Well I love you.


17. Oppressed groups are not, generally speaking, people who stand firmly together -- no, sadly, they kind of subdivide among themselves and fight like hell.


18. But well so i sadly went to find seats nearer to him, then i chose a good seat, only to realise that THE HUGE BULKY ELECTRONIC SCOREBOARD BLOCKED ALMOST HALF MY VISION so i had to duck here and there to look at him.. U KNOW SOMETHING? !


19. Gerrard, whose autobiography is being serialised in the News of the World, wrote: Sadly a dark side stains Cristiano Ronaldo's game.


20. However, this pair of lovers ended up thier lives sadly.


sadly 单语例句

1. " Sadly many people commit suicide on impulse, " Professor Hui adds.

2. Royal commentators reflected sadly on what they saw as Diana's paranoia in the last year of her life.

3. Sadly, our meal didn't end on such a high note.

4. Most are recreations of historical structures that used to exist in Harbin or Russia but are sadly no longer extant.

5. Sadly for me by the time my first class was over I felt lethargic and I could feel my head beginning to heat up.

6. Sadly, it seems the lessons paid with blood slip from our memories like fleeting clouds.

7. Sadly, police officers later found his body floating near a dock where the scene was shot.

8. He and other rescuers pulled four of the seven children out alive, but three were sadly found dead after having been buried for about 20 minutes.

9. Customers were lining up in front of cashiers before the end with armfuls of books, a scene that observers said was sadly an unusual one.

10. Although the ancient theatres all had a glorious past, sadly they are now either out of business or even demolished.

sadly 英英释义


1. in an unfortunate way

e.g. sadly he died before he could see his grandchild

Synonym: unhappily

2. in an unfortunate or deplorable manner

e.g. he was sadly neglected

it was woefully inadequate

Synonym: deplorablylamentablywoefully

3. with sadness

in a sad manner

e.g. `She died last night,' he said sadly