

deserter:[英 [dɪˈzɜ:tə(r)] 美 [dɪˈzɜ:rtə(r)] ]



deserter 基本解释


名词逃兵; 背弃者,逃亡者,脱党者

deserter 网络解释

1. 背弃者:deserted 荒芜的 | deserter 背弃者 | desertion 丢掉


2. 擅离职守者;弃职者:descent 世系 | deserter 擅离职守者;弃职者 | desertion 遗弃


3. 私自离船的船员:desert 荒地 | deserter 私自离船的船员 | deserter 逃亡者


4. 逃亡者:deserter 私自离船的船员 | deserter 逃亡者 | desertion 船员私自离船

deserter 双语例句

1. Punk walk the street in them, he would look like a deserter, utterly dishevelled and unkempt.


2. I didn`t see anyone else, I think he must be a deserter.


3. deserter

3. So, you are a deserter as me?


4. deserter的近义词

4. I didn't see anyone else. I think he must be a deserter.


5. He is believed to be the first American army deserter ever to be deported from Canada.


6. A deserter from the army was engaged by the Respondents as a fireman on a steamer.



7. Since Spike might be an army deserter, Rehgar feels confident enough to use him as his new gladiator without worrying about Alliance revenge.


8. deserter的意思

8. Does our if army deserter, this once this 2 coming out from inside the city can feel at ease get stuck in the marriage phalanx?


9. For the relative liberals who form the majority among England's Catholic bishops, their new leader is a bit too conservative (that is, too close to Pope Benedict XVI some would call him a deserter from liberal causes that he once embraced, such as racial and social equality. And for the clever advocates of old-time religion who abound in cyberspace, the new archbishop of Westminster isn't far enough to the right.



10. New troops Swadian_Militia_crossbowman Irregular Militia Irregular troop Adenian Irregular footman* Irregular archer Adenian Irregular horseman Adenian Crossbowman Adenian sniper Adenian Man at arms Adenian Captain Herald Optio Anubis virgin Anubis Sister of venatores Anubis Knight of venatore Footman deserter Horseman Deserter New heroes Bors Uther Pendragon Mordred Natasha********* Merlin All other Adenian troops have been reworked Many new names for Towns Villages Castles Lords Player will have a large party to start with + coin New troops to recruit in taverns Many tweaks to speed campaign up Many other small alterations All centurions have been given real names from history; some details have been altered, 2 extra troop types to recruit from the tavern barman or woman; both may not appear at the same time. Troop types.


11. Forgives me, is I is not very brave, the choice is a military deserter.


12. I am no deserter. my time was served.


13. Find the prison inside Inner Hold in Valiance Keep and speak to the deserter.


14. deserter什么意思

14. Formal training began, but the basic skills of volleyball training is boring, it is very hard, and whenever I have a loose idea of leakage, the Fu coach would come to me talk, and once to find I do solemnly said to me: You have did a deserter, and is it still possible when the second time a deserter?


15. deserter

15. All his friends have deserter him when he is in difficulties.


16. If I have a chance, I must be not to do as a deserter, but I have no choice.


17. deserter在线翻译

17. We all profess the Christian law of forgiveness of sins and love for one's neighbour—the law, in honour of which we have raised forty times forty churches in Moscow—but yesterday we knouted to death a deserter; and the minister of that same law of love and forgiveness, the priest, gave the soldier the cross to kiss before his punishment.


18. He left Gallipoli for France after a spur-of-the – moment invitation from a superior officer, and was bemused to discover later that he'd been mistakenly posted as a deserter.


19. deserter的反义词

19. Article 373 whoever incites a serviceman to desert from the unit or knowingly employs such a deserter, if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance.



20. Later, the Communist-led Eighth Route Army came and smashed the deserter and bandit gangs, and the two cousins returned to Liujia valley.


deserter 词典解释

1. 逃兵;开小差的士兵

A deserter is someone who leaves their job in the armed forces without permission.


deserter 单语例句

1. After 30 days of being Awol a serviceman is considered a deserter, and a warrant is issued for his arrest.

2. He understood only too well the feelings of the deserter, as he himself yearned to see his mother.

3. The US Army defines a deserter as someone who has been absent without leave for longer than 30 days.

deserter 英英释义


1. a person who abandons their duty (as on a military post)

Synonym: defector

2. a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.

Synonym: apostaterenegadeturncoatrecreantratter