

approximate:[英 [əˈprɒksɪmət] 美 [əˈprɑ:ksɪmət] ]


过去式:approximated;   过去分词:approximated;   现在分词:approximating;

approximate 基本解释

形容词约莫的,大概的; 极相似的; [植]相近但不连接的

不及物动词接近于; 近似于

及物动词靠近; 使接近; 使结合

approximate 相关例句


1. approximate的翻译

1. The approximate time is three o'clock.



1. The cost will approximate two million dollars.


2. His income approximated ten thousand dollars a year.


3. approximate的翻译

3. The distance was approximated as five kilometers.



1. The newspaper account of the event approximated to the truth.


approximate 网络解释

1. 近似值:完全(exact)计算法近似值(Approximate)计算方法发射(shooting)光子法收集(gathering)计算法A. 蛮力法(Brute force)蛮力法---或是翻译成暴力法,这是最简单的解算法;这个方法是经由独立计算物体表面每一个阴影点(shaded surface point)追踪每个点上的半球面不同方向的射线所计算出来的间接照明.

approximate 双语例句

1. Calculus can be used to find approximate solutions to equations, in methods such as Newton's method, fixed point iteration, and linear approximation.


2. A theorem on sufficiency and necessity of fuzzy positive matrix is proposed after much analysis. Based on the thought of minimun deviationan, an optimization model is constructed first, and then a formula with parameter is taken advantage to approximate the corresponding element in the fuzzy complementary matrix and results in obtaining a fuzzy positive matrix. Meanwhile, the ordering vector of the fuzzy positive matrix is calculated.


3. The result may seem to be harsh on the owners who made plans in reliance on the first notice, but it would appear that the High Court was persuaded that charterers should not be deprived of the use of the ship for the full charter duration when the 30 day notice of redelivery was expressed to be approximate.



4. In April of this year the High Court in London held that a time charterers` 30 day approximate notice of redelivery could be revised by him, even though the shipowner was then forced to lose follow-on business fixed in reliance on the first notice.


5. The results show that CWIS wind speeds are approximate to JMSC, NSMC wind directions are approximate to JMSC wind.


6. In order to save the cost and enhance the color fidelity, the present study attempted to approximate the tele-spectroradiometer`s measuring results by means of a low-cost spectrophotometer.


7. In addition to searching for exact matches in your e-mails, Mailbag Assistant lets you search for approximate and Soundex (sound-based) matches.


8. approximate的解释

8. The approximate boarding time is 10 o`clock.



9. Furthermore, we will discuss the corresponding decay rates problem when the viscous term tends to zero. The first part is about the local existence. We will regularize the equations by the standard mollifier to get the approximate solutions. Then by making uniform estimates to the approximate solutions and by passing to the limit, we obtain the local existence for the above problem.


10. approximate的翻译

10. If can reach the collaboration that searchs a field with Yahoo, so, microsoft aux will be able to is shared quite approximate the search market share of 30%, and this bit of enough forms awe to Gu Ge, invite opposite party not dare fribble.


11. approximate在线翻译

11. If you want to work out the approximate percentage of VO2max you are working at, use this equation


12. approximate

12. An engine cyclic variation model has been built by using the residual gas temperature for the n-th cycle as the input of the model, through constant pressure intake process, adiabatic compression process, constant volume combustion process, adiabatic expansion process, adiabatic blow down process and constant pressure exhaust process to approximate the thermodynamic processes in the cylinder, finally the residual gas temperature for the (n+1)-th cycle can be estimated.


13. Example calculation shows that the combined use of the coordinate method and the least-square fitting method in the calculation of re-surveying the existing railway curve line not only can overcome error problem of the traditional approximate method based on the theory of involute, improve the calculation precision, minimize the move distance, but also can realize fitting out the circular curve radius and circle center coordinate by using all coordinates of the measured points in circular curve for one time.


14. In order to solve the problem of developing non-developable range around the chest, the approximate development is changed into dark design through using ellipse cone to approximate non-developable area, thereby, the basic pattern of garment digitized draping cutting is construct.


15. Firstly, theory knowledge was used to qualitatively analysis the stress of the feed inlet. The approximate tend of the stress distribution of the feed inlet was obtained.


16. In the paper, a torque loading device is analyzed and researched. It can inflict approximate sine wave or pulse wave to static or rotational axes.


17. There exists the problem of approximate text searching in many fields of computer application.


18. Finally, the approximate proper reparameterization is obtained by the least squares method.


19. By using reparameterization with a quadratic transformation on the parametric domain, an approximate arc-length parameterization method and the corresponding algorithm are presented for Bézier curves.


20. approximate

20. For a kind of nonlinear dynamic absorber of blade out of plane, the combination resonance is studied in Chapter 6 by using the method of multiple scales. The approximate steady state solution of the first order is derived first Then, the stability and bifurcation properties of the system response are investigated.


approximate 词典解释The adjective is pronounced /ə'prɒksɪmət/. The verb is pronounced /ə'prɒksɪmeɪt/. 形容词读作 /ə'prɒksɪmət/,动词读作 /ə'prɒksɪ- meɪt/。

1. 大约的;大概的

An approximate number, time, or position is close to the correct number, time, or position, but is not exact.

e.g. The approximate cost varies from around £150 to £250...


e.g. The times are approximate only.



Approximately $150 million is to be spent on improvements.


2. 近似的;粗略的

An idea or description that is approximate is not intended to be precise or accurate, but to give some indication of what something is like.


e.g. They did not have even an approximate idea what the Germans really wanted.


3. 近似于

If something approximates to something else, it is similar to it but is not exactly the same.

e.g. Something approximating to a fair outcome will be ensured...


e.g. By about 6 weeks of age, most babies begin to show something approximating a day/night sleeping pattern.


approximate 单语例句

1. Find some famous TV wall bracket brands and check the years of their establishments and their approximate annual sales volume.

2. Each child will receive a gift prepared by a family having a child of the same gender and approximate age.

3. It is estimated that the number of American families affected could reach hundreds of thousands, with approximate cost of $ 15 billion to $ 25 billion.

4. An official from the company in the public relations department declined to approximate how many taxis would be introduced.

5. Government statistics show that approximate 60 percent of the newly added fixed line subscribers in China last year were " Little Smart " users.

6. She added that Hisense has done a good job in this regard, referring to the company's approximate US $ 100 million exports of DTV products in 2003.

7. It has the Central Perk sign alright, but the dcor is at best a vague or approximate imitation.

8. Current diets in urban areas approximate the western diet, which is high in fat and low in fiber.

9. The opening of new stores in China is a reduction on the approximate 40 a year previously.

10. According to an approximate estimate, oil price rises cost China US $ 7 billion in 2000.

approximate 英英释义


1. judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time)

e.g. I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds

Synonym: estimategaugeguessjudge

2. be close or similar

e.g. Her results approximate my own

Synonym: come close


1. located close together

e.g. with heads close together

approximate leaves grow together but are not united

Synonym: close together(p)

2. very close in resemblance

e.g. sketched in an approximate likeness

a near likeness

Synonym: near

3. not quite exact or correct

e.g. the approximate time was 10 o'clock

a rough guess

a ballpark estimate

Synonym: approximativerough