

discretionary:[英 [dɪˈskreʃənəri] 美 [dɪˈskreʃəneri] ]


discretionary 基本解释

形容词任意的; 自由决定的; 酌情行事的; 便宜行事的


discretionary 网络解释

1. 自由裁量:将合规性成本(compliance cost)纳入监管政策考虑范畴、怎样取得监管的程序化(formula-driven)方式和自由裁量(discretionary)方式之间的合理平衡、分析监管机构的委员制结构(collegiate)与一长制(single-headed)权力结构的相对优劣势,

2. 随意的,自由裁量的:1. discretionary 随意的,自由裁量的 | 2. curb 约束,控制 | 3. thrifty 节俭的,节省的

3. 随意的:convergence 分散聚合 | discretionary 随意的 | conviction 定罪/确信

4. 任意的:discretionary income 可随意支配的收入 | discretionary 任意的 | discriminability 可分别

discretionary 双语例句

1. My impression is that system traders do better as a group, while the best traders overall tend to be discretionary.


2. ChapterⅣdeals with the content of the right to be heard before the court, including the right to know, right to be heard, the discretionary right to request trial and the raid of the right to request a magistrate prohibited.


3. Maximal Discretionary Access Control is the access control policy of owner-centric file sharing mechanism in grid environment, we define MDAC based on the method of BLP model.


4. Teens want to have discretionary funds they can use without their parents poking at them and auditing all their cents.



5. The commission has discretionary power to award extra funds.


6. Inadequate management of budgetary funds and extrabudgetary funds discretionary led to higher administrativecosts.


7. Even if the bank is not a freeze, instead of using the customer can not lead to other forms of discretionary funds in the account also violated the rights of customers.


8. The reason is that the professionals: First of all, just out of college graduates, lack of social experience, on the future direction of career development is not clear, in order to find real work for their own development, may be a period of time in changing the status of vocational, place of work is not fixed, in such cases, the rent is no doubt that the best choice, because as the place of residence to work place can vary, the higher degree of freedom; Secondly, just graduated from college students took to the social, economic strength of the poor do not have too much discretionary funds, rush to buy a house if the cost is too high, can not afford.


9. discretionary

9. Ways to Attract Higher Paying Clients - Some people have little difficulty attracting and maintaining clients who have higher discretionary funds to spend for solutions.


10. discretionary是什么意思

10. When pressed to explain how it intends to pay this year`s bills if the oil price remains low, officials say that they can draw on up to $100 billion in international reserves and money in various discretionary funds.


11. The percentage of the discretionary bonus awarded in equity should increase significantly as an employee's total compensation increases.


12. This study aimed to investigate the effect of increasing tax rate on discretionary accruals relevant to book-tax discretionary accrual and book-only discretionary accruals adjustment.


13. After the company draws the legal reserved funds from the aftertax profits, it may, upon a resolution made by the shareholders'meeting or the shareholders`assembly, draw a discretionary reserved funds from the aftertax profits.


14. discretionary的近义词

14. On the one hand, the Civil Codescontain necessarily some omissions even errors, the interpretation of the judge is the most efficient way to fill such gaps; on the other, all tentatives to limit the discretionary power of the judge will restrict the evolution of the COdes, accelemteits seleroses and impair its vitality.


15. The Discretionary Surplus Reserves is approved by a resolution of shareholders` general meeting after BOD`s proposal.


16. Main reason is: On the one hand, has yet to agree to the discretion of the general theoretical understanding on the other hand, also has discretionary power to much free space.


17. discretionary的解释

17. Following Chan, Chan, Jegadeesh and Lakonishok (2006), we measure the components of discretionary accruals to carry out our empirical study. Changes in accounts receivable, inventory and accounts payable are the components of accruals. This study investigates the relation between components of accruals and future stock returns.

常见用於进行盈余管理的方法有很多种,本文参考Chan,Chan,Jegadeesh and Lakonishok (2006)衡量裁决性应计组成项目之方法计算裁决性应计组成项目(应收帐款、存货及应付帐款变动数)及非裁决性应计组成项目,以验证裁决性应计项目组成(应收帐款、存货及应付帐款)是否具预测股票未来报酬之能力。


18. Non-Prosecution System; Extenuatory Non-Prosecution; Discretionary Jurisdiction; Criminal Policy of Temper Justice with Mercy.


19. In contrast, reward pay policies are discretionary tools that can be more easily and quickly adjusted.


20. The interaction of independent director holdings and the discretionary accrual has positive influence on fraud after the act of the independent directors and auditor, i. e., It is ironical to promotion of the corporate government system in Taiwan that increasing independence director holdings would increase the influence of discretionary accrual on fraud.


discretionary 词典解释

1. 自由决定的;酌情行事的;便宜行事的

Discretionary things are not fixed by rules but are decided on by people in authority, who consider each individual case.

e.g. Magistrates were given wider discretionary powers...


e.g. Check whether you are entitled to a discretionary grant for your course.


discretionary 单语例句

1. Investors worried the rise in oil would force consumers to forgo spending on discretionary items, squeezing business profits.

2. Investors should buy consumer discretionary stocks before this month's meeting of the National People's Congress, according to Barclays PLC.

3. The group has been given discretionary power over the use of donations raised through some of its charitable activities.

4. The mother felt it was a highly competitive situation for children to enroll in a favorite primary school at the discretionary places admission stage.

5. Discretionary spending data are weaker in parts and household bank deposits are rebounding.

6. His critics charged that his discretionary interpretation made him look like an irresponsible detective who interprets the book by setting one suspense after another.

7. Although the fund shows only a 15 percent deviation in the discretionary sector, it shows more than 70 percent in the financial and energy sectors.

8. Mobile communications is discretionary spending, and is more vulnerable to an economic downturn.

9. But now there is talk of how the global crisis is slowing down these economies and killing off discretionary spending.

10. Li studied the relevant laws to better defend himself but says the language about penalties and fines is " too vague " and discretionary.

discretionary的反义词discretionary 英英释义



1. having or using the ability to act or decide according to your own discretion or judgment

e.g. The commission has discretionary power to award extra funds

Synonym: discretional

2. (especially of funds) not earmarked

available for use as needed

e.g. discretionary funds

discretionary income