

angrily:[英 ['æŋɡrəlɪ] 美 [ˈæŋɡrɪlɪ] ]


angrily 基本解释


副词愤怒地,生气地; 气呼呼; 气冲冲

angrily 相关例句


1. She slammed the telephone down angrily.


angrily 网络解释

1. angrily是什么意思

1. 气愤地:drily 冷冰冰地,干燥地 | angrily 气愤地 | clumsily 笨拙地,样子瞥脚地

2. 发怒地;愤怒地:clearly 明白地;清晰地 8 | angrily 发怒地,愤怒地 8 | quietly 安静地 8

3. angrily在线翻译

3. 生气地,愤怒地:angry生气的;愤怒的 | angrily生气地,愤怒地 | clear清楚的,清晰的

angrily 双语例句

1. On the other hand, Pakistan's sister close by his father, the Palestinian anger can not be closed brown, chopped angrily to his father and seriously injured, and its de facto abolition Chai boyfriend alone.



2. He thought angrily. ` So he has the magic lamp, and he knows about the jinnee!


3. She dried her hands on the apron and said angrily.


4. Only when men were killed and wounded he knitted his brows, and turning away from the dead man, shouted angrily to the men, slow, as they always are, to pick up a wounded man or a dead body.


5. Look daggers at To glare at angrily or hatefully.


6. Stare angrily; look daggers at; glare at; glower at


7. One example is a man who angrily shuts his hymnbook and pouts through the rest of the service if the song leader does not sing every verse of a song.


8. angrily在线翻译

8. He said angrily, On the way to your home, I heard someone calling me.


9. The fish very angrily retorted, I've lost my normal habitat and have no place to live.



10. When Tang planned to consign his throne to Wuguang, who refused it angrily without any reason.


11. He said angrily to the March Hare.


12. They were sound asleep when Winnie, their cat, clawed at Cathy`s hair and meowed angrily, waking her up.


13. At the time of Chen's defection, Beijing angrily rejected his claims.


14. In November, 1949, the international democratic Women's Federationheld the director conference in Moscow, China and the variouscountries represents angrily has exposed the imperialist element andthe various countries'reactionary clique massacres, poisons the childthe crime.



15. Ono angrily, and then stared sternly eye Kogaya do not speak, has always...


16. That may have backfired: Mr D'Alema, a staunch backer of ISAF, angrily dismissed the move as interference by outsiders in Italy's democracy.

这可能已引起了反效果:ISAF 坚实的支持者达莱马先生愤怒地回决了这位提议,把它视为外界对意大利民主的干涉。

17. In twenty-four hours, I'd journeyed from wanting to angrily reject Nia's decision to accepting-and even enjoying-her choice.


18. Kerry's advisors angrily reject the rumor.


19. Kerrysadvisors angrily reject the rumor.


20. Dainty abandon, sometimes as if Nature laughing on a hillside in the sunshine; serious and firm monotones, as of winds; a horn sounding though the tangle of the forest, and the dying echoes; soothing floating of waves, but presently rising in surges, angrily lashing, muttering, heavy; piercing peels of laughter, for interstices; now and then weird, as Nature herself is in certain moods------but mainly spontaneous, easy, careless------often the sentiment of postures of naked children playing or sleeping.


angrily 单语例句

1. The club angrily denied the charge and a bitter legal battle ensued to try to keep Catania from folding.

2. A big Chinese chap was shouting angrily and stabbing his finger at museum attendants.

3. Many people reacted angrily after seeing images of the performance online, with some accusing Zhu Yongsheng of child abuse.

4. Colombian military commanders have accused former paratrooper Chavez of collaborating with Marxist rebels, a charge he has angrily denied.

5. The actress has angrily dismissed claims that her steamy sex scene in new movie The Black Dahlia is an unnecessary distraction.

6. Miss World contestants united in defending the pageant's relevance and angrily denied it degraded women.

7. But Pittsburgh's residents do not take kindly to disparaging remarks about their town and often react angrily.

8. The US Olympic committee reacted angrily to FIG's suggestion and said Hamm was the legitimate winner of the competition.

9. An Alabama property owner who has lost vast sums of rental income angrily confronted a BP executive at a town meeting.

10. Clinton responded angrily and pounded her fist on the table when repeatedly pressed by Republican Senator Ron Johnson.

angrily 英英释义


1. with anger

e.g. he angrily denied the accusation