

rat:[英 [ræt] 美 [ræt] ]


过去式:ratted;   过去分词:ratted;   现在分词:ratting;   复数形式:rats;

rat 基本解释

名词大老鼠; 似鼠动物; 鼠辈,卑鄙小人

不及物动词捕鼠; 背叛,告密

rat 相关词组

1. smell a rat : 感到不妙;

rat 相关例句


1. They said they'd help but they've ratted on their friends.


2. The cat went ratting.



3. They've ratted on us.




1. Rats carry very nasty diseases.


rat 网络解释

1. 大白鼠:若无特别注明,则为大白鼠(rat)以食入方式之实验数据___ 在固定浓度时经一定时间(通常14小时)之暴露后会造成半数试验动物死亡之浓度为半致死浓度. 本栏位应注明试验动物及吸收途径,若无注明,则为大白鼠(rat)吸入方式之试验数据,一般观察期为 14 天

2. rat

2. rat:renal function tests; 肾功能


3. rat:registration authority terminal; 受理点


4. rat:radio frequency therapy; 肝肿瘤


5. rat:reentrant atrial tachycardia; 折返性房性心动过速

rat 双语例句

1. Objective:To research the effect of capsicin on the NOS in rat facial skin, and to explore the analgesic mechanism of CAP in treating prosopalgia thereby.


2. rat的近义词

2. METHODS: Exposed cutaneous branches rooted in rami posterior nervi spinalis and dominated muscles by exciding the median skin at the back of the rat's neck, given electric stimulation to the muscles by Low-frequency pulse transmitter. The output range was Voltage 0-40 V, frequency 1-111 Hz and pulse width 0-1000 ms.

切开大鼠颈后正中表皮,显露脊神经后支皮支及其所支配的颈部后外侧肌群,使用低频脉冲发射器对上述肌肉进行电刺激,发射器的输出范围为:电压0~40 V,频率1~111 Hz,脉宽0~1 000 ms。

3. rat

3. In order to study the effects of meglumine cycli c adenylate on the systolic function of left ventricle and its mechanisms in patients with congestive heart failure, the left ventriicular systolic function w as mea ssured with echocardiography before and after treatment, effects on the concentra tion of cyclic adenosine monophosphate and leakage of intracellular lactat e dehydrogenase in cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes were investigated. Th irty-four patients were involved in this study and randomly assigned to two gro ups:(1) the routine therapy group; (2) the MCA therapy group, both groups were tre ated for one week.


4. In this study, FAK content and tyrosine phosphorylation were assessed by Western blot and immunoprecipitation in cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells.


5. Result: The salt appetite of the rat was reliably evident from 13 d ays of age in both male and female rats, but no reliably evident from the age of 12 days and under.


6. Much rat MRI is smooth as a result sweep show observation group to see thicker loud signal hypodermically adipose layer, tumor interior or outside face see stain shape believe a bad dead band higher.



7. AIM: To study the binding sites of ZNC PR, a C-terminal pentapeptide fragment of argipressin, in rat brain.



8. Objective To study the effect of Shenqitang to D-galactose-induced aging rat model of free radicals.

目的 探讨参七汤对D-半乳糖致衰老大鼠模型自由基代谢的影响。

9. The histology of growth plate was very different, and the height of the rat proximal tibial growth plate was reduced by inhibiting proliferative and hypertrophic zone.(5)The expression of RARγ in VAD rats was lower than those of the control and supplement. Conclusions:(1) VAD can affect skeletal development of young rats by inhibiting growth plate.(2) The earlier to supplement vitamin A, the more effective to change the effect of inhibiting.


10. Rats 20 days after birth, the morphological changes of growth plate:In the model group, the structure of rat growth plate disorders, proliferative zone chondrocytes are stunted and weakened the bone formation, bone volume decreased significantly.


11. Methods 90 Sprague-Daw rats were divided into sham-operative group, ICH model group and ginkgo therapy group. Every group divided 6h, 12h, 24h, 72h and 7d. Collagenase type Ⅶ with heparinize was infused into the right caudate nucleus to establish rat experimental ICH model.


12. I spent years in a rat hole in North Vietnam


13. Results: 1.That core temperatures of rats increased apparently after LPS injection, and the highest of which reached to 2.5℃above normal indicated that the rat febris model was successfully constructed.

结果:1。LPS 100μg·kg-1 ,ip后,大鼠体温升高,最高超过正常2.5℃,并在LPS作用后0.5h、3h、6h左右各出现一个发热峰,与文献报道一致,说明建模成功。

14. Similar experiments were conducted to examine the effects ofsildenafil in rat isolated perfused lung preparation.


15. Preparation of isolated rat liver cells.


16. High-yield preparation of isolated rat liver parenchymal cells: a biochemical and fine structural study.

经肝静脉与门静脉离体灌注分离猪肝细胞的比较研究。肝脏 2005; 10:22-23

17. Sildenafilproduced similar effects after APE in rat isolated perfusedlung preparation.


18. CONCLUSIONThe DEP inhalation could enhance the level of early reaction obviously after ovalbumin resensitised rat, and the level of the early reaction`s enhance has positive correlation with DEP inhalation time.


19. Some of target compounds were evaluated for their anti-tumor activitiy and inhibitory activity of rat 5α-reductase in vitro.


20. The PA2 value for α blocking were 7.46±0.20 (n=8) in rat anococcygeal muscles and 7.11±0.27 (n=8) for β blocking in guinea pig atrium.


rat 词典解释

1. 老鼠;耗子

A rat is an animal which has a long tail and looks like a large mouse.


e.g. This was demonstrated in a laboratory experiment with rats.


e.g. ...a rat-infested derelict building.


2. 卑劣的人;不忠实的人;小人

If you call someone a rat, you mean that you are angry with them or dislike them, often because they have cheated you or betrayed you.

e.g. What did you do with the gun you took from that little rat Turner?


3. 告密;出卖

If someone rats on you, they tell someone in authority about things that you have done, especially bad things.

e.g. They were accused of encouraging children to rat on their parents.


4. 违约;食言

If someone rats on an agreement, they do not do what they said they would do.


e.g. She claims he ratted on their divorce settlement.


5. 怀疑有问题;发现不对头;有所警觉

If you smell a rat, you begin to suspect or realize that something is wrong in a particular situation, for example that someone is trying to deceive you or harm you.

e.g. If I don't send a picture, he will smell a rat...


e.g. Though Lloyd George's behaviour seemed curious, Haig still did not smell a rat.


rat 单语例句

1. A man has been arrested for spiking a business lunch with rat poison, killing four people and leaving eight sick.

2. According to the Chinese calendar 2008 is the year of the rat.

3. According to the lunar calendar, 2008 is the Year of the rat.

4. Unlike Leonardo DiCaprio at the height of his fame, he didn't carouse around town in a rat pack.

5. When Liu tried to catch the rat himself, it jumped onto his head and bit him before fleeing.

6. Rat An investment opportunity that might increase your bottom line could be chancy.

7. Rat There might be a significant change today, so tie up loose ends and get ready for new opportunities.

8. Of the 116 food poisoning cases reported to the ministry, 42 involved chemical products such as pesticides or rat poison.

9. " Diners who visit the rat meat dish restaurant come from around the country, " he said.

10. Her mother's cousin tried to commit suicide by swallowing rat poison because her land was requisitioned with what she considered unfair compensation.

rat 英英释义


1. any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mouse

2. a pad (usually made of hair) worn as part of a woman's coiffure

3. one who reveals confidential information in return for money

Synonym: informerbetrayersquealerblabber

4. a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible

e.g. only a rotter would do that

kill the rat

throw the bum out

you cowardly little pukes!

the British call a contemptible person a `git'

Synonym: rotterdirty dogskunkstinkerstinkpotbumpukecrumblowlifescum bagso-and-sogit

5. someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike

Synonym: scabstrikebreakerblackleg


1. give away information about somebody

e.g. He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam

Synonym: denouncetell onbetraygive awaygrassshitshopsnitchstag

2. catch rats, especially with dogs

3. give (hair) the appearance of being fuller by using a rat

4. take the place of work of someone on strike

Synonym: finkscabblackleg

5. employ scabs or strike breakers in

6. desert one's party or group of friends, for example, for one's personal advantage