

merge:[英 [mɜ:dʒ] 美 [mɜ:rdʒ] ]


过去式:merged;   过去分词:merged;   现在分词:merging;

merge 基本解释

及物/不及物动词融入; (使)混合; 相融; 渐渐消失在某物中

merge 相关例句


1. All fear was merged in curiosity.


2. The roads merge a kilometre ahead.


3. It was decided that the two businesses should be merged.



1. merge的意思

1. One colour merged into the other.



2. Our bank merged with theirs.


3. merge的翻译

3. The two lanes merge going into the tunnel.


merge 网络解释


1. 合并 合并:单击合并合并合并合并 (Merge ) > 相交相交相交相交 (Inter sect)3. 单击合并合并合并合并 (Merge ) > 连接连接连接连接 (Join)5. 在 曲面定义 (SURF DEFINE) 菜单中 单击完成完成完成完成/返回返回返回返回6.

2. 归并:而B仅含一个元素. 下面来看一看采用平衡分割法会发生什么情况:A集合中含有n/k个元素,B中包含其余的元素. 递归地使用分而治之方法对A和B进行排序. 然后采用一个被称之为归并(merge)的过程,将已排好序的A和B合并成一个集合.

merge 双语例句

1. As the evening rounds started to take shape the top pros began to merge together, while others are set to play this evening.


2. merge在线翻译

2. Chens, and it is left to him to merge the Eastern and Western influences into a cohesive whole.


3. It's possible your company may merge or be sold, too.



4. When the biker wars of the 90's where going on, the leader of the Hell's Angels approached the head of the Loners to see if they wanted to merge with them.


5. We pursue an infinite idea and excellent service, we merge into an integral with our customers.



6. Supported effects which can be processed in batch mode include: Adjust HSL, Adjust RGB, Blend, Brightness, Buttonize, Color Depth, Contrast, Crop, Draw Text, Motion Blur, Mosaic, Perspective, Pinch, Posterize, Resample, Resize, Ripple, Rotate, Sharpen, Soften, Solarize, Swirl, Auto Contrast, Blur, Diffuse, Dilate, Emboss, Equalize, Erode, Flip, Median, Mirror, Negate, Outline, Replace Colors, Colorize, Merge.

支持的影响可以处理在批处理模式包括:hsl调整,调整的RGB ,共混物,亮度,buttonize ,颜色深度,相反,作物,制定文本,运动模糊,马赛克,角度来看,箍缩,posterize ,重采样,大小,纹波,旋转,锐化,柔化,曝光,漩涡,自动调整对比度,模糊,弥漫性,扩张,emboss ,平衡,削弱,倒装,中位数,是一面镜子,否定,纲要,取代的颜色,colorize ,合并。

7. Thus, the breast, the hand and the hair are made increasingly schematised, the lopsidedness of the body is lost for the sake of a central axis which assimilates the figure into an engaged column, and the design fades gradually to merge into the background.


8. merge是什么意思

8. Frequently you want to merge from the same origin to the same target multiple times.


9. merge

9. Through the Qin, people can merge their souls with heaven, with the earth and move with this great, universal breath.


10. The concentration data can also merge with meteorological data to show wind-rose map and polar graph


11. merge什么意思

11. Furthermore, two or more states within the Republic have the right to merge, thereby creating one large state.


12. I am talking here about the primitive, almost pre-logical compulsion I felt as a son of recent immigrants to merge myself with the world I saw around me, a world which, owing to accidents of place and time, took on an absolute aspect.


13. The time has come for these two areas of practice to merge their efforts and integrate their practices toward the development of an effective and more powerful synergy.


14. Two glancing galaxies NGC 2207 and IC 2163 will eventually merge into one by their strong gravitational forces.

两个擦身而过的星系NGC 2207及 IC 2163,最终会因强大的引力而二合为一。


15. On the one hand, our constant sound urban sewage collection pipe network for men within a pipeline or road emissions of 248 stormwater pollution merge small modifications streets of urban households in 7171 households merge module implemented stormwater drainage pollution streaming works.


16. merge的反义词

16. Wind of regarding the purple Jin Jiayuan Jan Ou, was still gently beautiful from time to time using the line refined, from time to time is rich in the rhythm, the entire three-dimensional form with methodical, has the rhythm curve to merge into one organic whole.


17. merge什么意思

17. He seeks to merge harmoniously with the oncoming force of the opponent—to be the complement, and not the opposite of the opponent`s force.


18. It shows the re-construction of morality and the merge of the Confucianism, Daoism and the Buddhism during the Guiyi Army period.


19. Meanwhile, the merge and displace of the high frame frequency image is also discussed.



20. In order to merge fleets, the fleets in question have to be in close proximity of each other.


merge 词典解释

1. (使)合并;(使)融合

If one thing merges with another, or is merged with another, they combine or come together to make one whole thing. You can also say that two things merge, or are merged .

e.g. My life merged with his...


e.g. Bank of America merged with a rival bank...


2. 渐渐消失于;融入;相融

If one sound, colour, or object merges into another, the first changes so gradually into the second that you do not notice the change.

e.g. Like a chameleon, he could merge unobtrusively into the background...


e.g. His features merged with the darkness...


merge 单语例句

1. " Small wineries will have to merge or be absorbed by large groups, " says Campo.

2. The rebels have been fighting since 1989 to carve out a separate homeland or merge Kashmir with India's neighbor Pakistan.

3. The result is likely to be a wave of consolidation as production lines are halted and car producers merge or close down.

4. The two cities have decided to join forces to merge their advantages and seek mutual development through even closer economic ties and collaboration.

5. To realize these expansion goals, the company will likely buy or merge other companies.

6. Dongfeng has said it aims to merge or link up with two or three less competitive automakers in China by 2005.

7. It has been trying hard to become a household word in the world since after its merge with IBM PC business.

8. The BMW Concept Gran Coupe is a further development of the classic design of a notchback sedan in which the individual body sections merge harmoniously.

9. Mao said it's possible the media group will merge its advertising business into Yue Media in future.

10. The government of Shanxi province is determined to merge all the small coal mines into larger corporations for the sake of production safety.

merge 英英释义


1. join or combine

e.g. We merged our resources

Synonym: uniteunify

2. become one

e.g. Germany unified officially in 1990

the cells merge

Synonym: unifyunite

3. mix together different elements

e.g. The colors blend well

Synonym: blendfluxmixconflatecommingleimmixfusecoalescemeldcombine