

court:[英 [kɔ:t] 美 [kɔ:rt] ]


过去式:courted;   过去分词:courted;   现在分词:courting;   复数形式:courts;

court 基本解释


名词宫廷; 法院,法庭; 院子,天井; 网球场

及物动词招致; 设法获得; 向…献殷勤; 追求

不及物动词求爱,求婚; 寻求

court 相关词组


1. put oneself out of court : 使自己显得荒谬可笑;

2. go to court : 起诉, 见君主;

3. out of court : 不经法院, 被驳回, 不值得考虑;


court 相关例句


1. He courted the audience's affection.



2. He courted disaster by getting mixed up with criminal types.



1. There were several courting couples in the park.



1. court是什么意思

1. The court found the prisoner not guilty.


2. The prisoner was brought to court for trial.


court 网络解释

1. 球场:「拉杆投篮」的动作是先举起球,放下,再做一次投篮动作,英文是double pump.71.both ends of the floor:floor指体育馆内的地板,用来代替球场 (court) 的字.

2. 追求:游戏中的模版(matrix)再配上玩家掷出的骰子大小决定遭遇地方或人的特征,玩家根据它来选择自己的行动,如一人遭遇的是愚蠢的王子(foolish + prince),可以选择避开(avoid),帮助(aid),抢劫(rob)等等,异性还可以选择追求(court),玩家的选择决定哪一段剧本被揭开,

court 双语例句

1. Rainier is a good place to court altitude sickness.


2. If you lay one finger on me, I will put you to court.


3. In his litigation of claiming the hospital for compensation, the medical identification---the misdiagnosis and the wrong treatments didn`t constitute medical blunders---made by the Medical Association would not be adopted by the court because the staff constitution of the identification group was not compliable. This non-adoption upgraded the status of the other evidence helpful for xxx. But in this favorable situation, xxx`s lawyer took advantage of the ignorance of xxx, convincing him to remove the litigation. As medical institutions have a powerful force in society, and they can affect many aspects of the social life, lawing medical institutions not only consume time and energy, but also would brought adverse effects to his career.


4. I can't see any rationale of the scheme at all, Mr Justice Rogers said on the fourth day of an appeal court hearing.


5. court的解释

5. In every district there is a Procurator-Fiscal, who in addition to investigation has the duty of prosecuting in the Sheriff Court.


6. High above the court, Greg Maddux's red No.


7. After the death of lustful merchant Ximen Qing, he is on trial in the Palace of Yama in hell, the court of the lord of death.


8. The result may seem to be harsh on the owners who made plans in reliance on the first notice, but it would appear that the High Court was persuaded that charterers should not be deprived of the use of the ship for the full charter duration when the 30 day notice of redelivery was expressed to be approximate.


9. In April of this year the High Court in London held that a time charterers` 30 day approximate notice of redelivery could be revised by him, even though the shipowner was then forced to lose follow-on business fixed in reliance on the first notice.


10. court的解释

10. Article 6 Where the plaintiff files an action only against the manufacturer of the infringing products and not against the seller, and the place of manufacturing of the infringing products is not the same one as the place of selling, the people's court of the place of manufacturing shall have the jurisdiction, where the manufacturer and the seller are sued as the joint defendants, the people's court of the place of selling shall have the jurisdiction.

第六条 原告仅对侵权产品制造者提起诉讼,未起诉销售者,侵权产品制造地与销售地不一致的,制造地人民法院有管辖权;以制造者与销售者为共同被告起诉的,销售地人民法院有管辖权。


11. For a joint action involving multiple defendants and different places where the infringement has taken place, the plaintiff may choose the people`s court in the place where one of the defendants had carried out the infringement; for any action against only one of the defendants, the people`s court in the place where the such defendant has carried out the infringement shall have jurisdiction over the case.


12. court

12. For Qing court had not realized the strategy position of Xi - tao Mongols, result to them experienced intricate process into Qing empire


13. He`s the same in life as he is on the court.


14. If you put a finger on me, i will accuse you to court.


15. If you lay a finger at me, i'll accuse you to court.


16. If you lay a finger on me, I will accuse you to the court.


17. The Intermediate People's Court in Yichang said Wang sold one tiger to businessman Jiang Shuyuan, who later killed it last March.

汪竹义于 2008 年 3 月将动物园内的一只老虎卖给商人江书元,老虎随后被江书元杀害。4 月 1 日,民警从江家中搜出虎骨和虎皮。


18. You only remidial way is to bring this to a court.


19. Keeps his pale court in beauty and decay


20. court的近义词

20. Later, at King Roger's court in Potenza, she learnt of the death of her uncle Raymond; this appears to have forced a change of plans, for instead of returning to France from Marseilles, they instead sought the Pope in Tusculum, where he had been driven five months before by a Roman revolt.


court 词典解释


1. 法院;法庭;审判庭

A court is a place where legal matters are decided by a judge and jury or by a magistrate.

e.g. At this rate, we could find ourselves in the divorce courts!


e.g. ...a county court judge...


2. 全体出庭人员;(尤指)全体审判人员

You can refer to the people in a court, especially the judge, jury, or magistrates, as a court .

e.g. A court at Tampa, Florida has convicted five officials on drugs charges.


3. (网球、篮球、羽毛球或壁球等的)球场

A court is an area in which you play a game such as tennis, basketball, badminton, or squash.

e.g. The hotel has several tennis and squash courts...


e.g. She watched a few of the games while waiting to go on court.


4. 王宫;宫殿;宫廷

The court of a king or queen is the place where he or she lives and carries out ceremonial or administrative duties.


e.g. She came to visit England, where she was presented at the court of James I...


e.g. Their family was certainly well regarded at court.


5. (用于大型宅第和公寓街区的名称中)宅第,宅邸,公寓大楼

In Britain, Court is used in the names of large houses and blocks of flats.

e.g. ...7 Ivebury Court, Latimer Rd, London W10 6RA.


6. see also: Crown Court;High Court;kangaroo court

7. (对…)提起诉讼

If you go to court or take someone to court, you take legal action against them.

e.g. They have received at least twenty thousand pounds each but had gone to court to demand more.


e.g. ...members of trade associations who want to take bad debtors to court.


8. 发表意见的机会

Your day in court is your chance to give your side of an argument or other matter.

e.g. He knew that this would be his day in court — his last chance to explain why he acted as he did...


e.g. We knew from the very beginning that it was a question of freedom of speech. All we wanted was our day in court.


9. (因为有趣或出名)引人注目,被人围观

If someone holds court in a place, they are surrounded by a lot of people who are paying them a lot of attention because they are interesting or famous.


e.g. ...in the days when Marlene Dietrich and Ernest Hemingway held court in the famous El Floridita club.


10. (因观点或想法可笑而)对…一笑置之,对…不予考虑

If you laugh someone out of court, you say that their opinions or ideas are so ridiculous that they are not worth considering.

e.g. It's easy for a younger generation of critics to laugh Limon out of court...


e.g. Polytechnic lecturers have asked for 12.5 per cent, a claim sure to be laughed out of court.


11. 庭外;不经法院

If a legal matter is decided or settled out of court, it is decided without legal action being taken in a court of law.

e.g. The Government is anxious to keep the whole case out of court.


e.g. ...a payment of two million pounds in an out of court settlement.



1. (为使某人、团体或国家按自己的意愿做某事而)试图取悦,讨好

To court a particular person, group, or country means to try to please them or improve your relations with them, often so that they will do something that you want them to do.


e.g. Both Democratic and Republican parties are courting former supporters of Ross Perot...


e.g. Stars are courted by manufacturers who value their influence on style-conscious fans.


2. 试图获得,追求(关注或声望)

If you court something such as publicity or popularity, you try to attract it.

e.g. Having spent a lifetime avidly courting publicity, Paul has suddenly become secretive.


e.g. ...his ability to get things done, usually by manipulating, courting favour or cleverly finding a way around opponents.


3. 招致,酿成,导致(不愉快的事)

If you court something unpleasant such as disaster or unpopularity, you act in a way that makes it likely to happen.

e.g. If he thinks he can remain in power by force he is courting disaster...


e.g. They argue that the commission should risk courting unpopularity and push on with its legislative programmes.


4. 追求(异性);向…求爱;恋爱

If you are courting someone of the opposite sex, you spend a lot of time with them, because you are intending to get married. You can also say that a man and a woman are courting .

e.g. I was courting Billy at 19 and married him when I was 21...


e.g. Derek criticised every aspect of Pauline's behaviour, something he had never done when they were courting.


court 单语例句court在线翻译

1. According to the court, the gang began to form in 2001 and were involved in gambling business.

2. The 1968 Gun Control Act prohibits anyone found by a court to be " a mental defective " from possessing a gun.

3. The High Court hears civil cases including divorce, custody proceedings and business law.

4. A federal court in California has held that the Clean Water Act applies to ballast water and ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate discharges.

5. In its own court papers, the Garden said Browne Sanders'firing was for legitimate business reasons.

6. Fang said his lawyer will act for him in court and he will not attend.

7. The wife of a businessman is asking Shunyi district court to order her husband's lover to return gifts he gave her.

8. A court in East China's Zhejiang province on Wednesday upheld the death penalty for a businesswoman for cheating investors out of several hundred million yuan.

9. The judge on Thursday encouraged Butler to get his client's financial information to the court, saying it was past due.

10. Tu's father claimed Wang had lit the fire with his cigarette butt, but the court rejected this after reviewing evidence from fire authorities.

court的反义词court 英英释义



1. respectful deference

e.g. pay court to the emperor

Synonym: homage

2. an area wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings

e.g. the house was built around an inner court

Synonym: courtyard

3. a specially marked horizontal area within which a game is played

e.g. players had to reserve a court in advance

4. a room in which a lawcourt sits

e.g. television cameras were admitted in the courtroom

Synonym: courtroom

5. the residence of a sovereign or nobleman

e.g. the king will visit the duke's court

6. a tribunal that is presided over by a magistrate or by one or more judges who administer justice according to the laws

Synonym: lawcourtcourt of lawcourt of justice

7. a hotel for motorists

provides direct access from rooms to parking area

Synonym: motor hotelmotor innmotor lodgetourist court

8. the sovereign and his advisers who are the governing power of a state

Synonym: royal court

9. the family and retinue of a sovereign or prince

Synonym: royal court

10. an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business

Synonym: tribunaljudicature



1. make amorous advances towards

e.g. John is courting Mary

Synonym: wooromancesolicit

2. engage in social activities leading to marriage

e.g. We were courting for over ten years

3. seek someone's favor

e.g. China is wooing Russia

Synonym: woo