

chip:[英 [tʃɪp] 美 [tʃɪp] ]


过去式:chipped;   过去分词:chipped;   现在分词:chipping;   复数形式:chips;

chip 基本解释

名词碎片; 缺口; (作赌注用的)筹码; (足球)高球

及物动词刻,削成; 凿; 从…上削下一小片

不及物动词剥落; 碎裂

chip 相关词组


1. have a chip on ones shoulder : 好斗;

2. chip in : 插嘴;

chip 相关例句



1. He chipped a hole in the ice.


2. The mason was chipping away at the rock with a hammer.



1. These cups chip easily.



1. The ground was littered with chips of wood.



2. Fame and gain are but chips to him.


chip 网络解释


1. 切屑:通常磨轮之磨粒越细,则研制工件之表面粗度越好,然而磨轮表面越容易被切屑(Chip)堵塞而变成不锐利,因此必需定时停机清理削锐,如此一来就造成加工不方便及损失,因此Ohmori提供ELID研磨法,使得在研磨过程中,经常保持磨轮在锐利状态,

2. 切球:球场蜿蜒曲折地穿梭于栖息着各种本地鸟类的湿地中,景色壮观,还有MacKenzie风格的沙坑,果岭的周围环境使你不得不打出漂亮的低切球(chip),就如同长草区不存在一般.

3. chip的解释

3. 碎片:铝合金体的轻量化,可防止主轴轴承(bearing)的过度负荷,适用于所有高速加工,并在同一刀盘上共用刀片型和Blade,可以进行广范围的Tooling. 另外,利用 Coolant Bolt 及 Cover,从刀盘中心喷射 Coolant,具有强有力的冷却效果及提高了碎片(chip)排出效果.

4. chip是什么意思

4. chip:on chip; 论坛中已经有了

5. chip:chip hermeticity in plastic; 芯片全密封塑料包装


6. chip:chemotherapeutic hyperthermic intraperitoneal perfusion; 药代动力学

chip 双语例句

1. For domestic and foreign customers with a complete set of automation solutions and related processing equipment, product coverage of electronic manufacturing, office automation, metal processing and many other industries, the main products are: inkjet printer, chip capping machine components, pressure plate installed components, chip components sorting machine, life testing machine, FPC cutting machine, rubber roller cutting machine, core indentation machine, Automatic screw machine, a dedicated flat-milling machine, tapping machine multi-axis, pneumatic presses, hydraulic machines, etc.ú.


2. We present CisGenome, a software system for analyzing genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation data.


3. The wind speed of this generating plant is controlled by a computer chip, and can be set according to the car speed and charge capacity.


4. A design of microvolt signal online monitoring system based on 32-bit ARM chip S3C44BOX is introduced in this paper.


5. chip什么意思

5. The author introduces Ethernet control chip DM9161 that will be required in the designs of the Ethernet Communicating interface module, and the embedded micro-controller


6. Chip Tsao, one of Hong Kong's leading columnists and cultural commentators, believes that a child of a Chinese woman and a black person hits all the buttons that cause prejudice among Chinese.


7. chip的解释

7. It takes chip designs from companies like Nvidia and Qualcomm, both based in the United States, and turns them into the finished products that end up in personal computers and cellphones.


8. The hardware design ATmegal6 microcontroller as the main control chip USES of gas alarm system, infrared human induction system, door magnetic switch system and the voice of the output state system analysis, when any abnormal condition after a module of alarm system, through the microcontroller input signal is analyzed, thus stimulates the alarm sound, and displayed on the LCD module, through the corresponding key control system operation.


9. AVR Single Chip PC development, self-definition of the agreement so as to achieve the purpose of control, and from the machine connected to only four lines.


10. The design is based on the 51 series single-chip, design a set of effective water tank temperature control and display system hardware.


11. chip在线翻译

11. InVisage`s approach is to build the photodetector out of quantum dots on the surface of a chip, above the circuitry.


12. chip的意思

12. The article introduces the characteristic of ultrasonic, the ranging principle, the COMS chip shaping, the hardware circuitry and the software design.


13. The chip includes undervoltage lockout circuitry to insure sufficient supply voltage is present before output switching starts.


14. Chip circuitry has become increasingly miniaturized in fourth-generation computers.


15. MICROPROCESSOR 微处理器Usually a single integrated circuit on a chip; Logic circuitry of

通常指一个芯片内的单一的完整的电路;微型计算机的逻辑电路;和microcomputer 同义。


16. The chip contains internal PLL circuitry, so all timing control signals, including the system clock, are synchronized with the horizontal flyback signal.


17. So we review the advances of early diagnosis of ovarian cancer which are based on microarray and protein-chip technology respectively, pointing out that the imprecise of the testing results based on SELDI-TOF technology and the methodology shortcoming of data analysis are the main reasons of irreproducibility of the experiments.


18. Mr. Jeppson has a portfolio of nothing but blue chip stocks.



19. M r. Jeppson has a portfolio of nothing but blue chip stocks.


20. Mr Jeppson has a portfolio of nothing but blue-chip stocks.


chip 词典解释

1. 炸薯条

Chips are long, thin pieces of potato fried in oil or fat and eaten hot, usually with a meal.

e.g. I had fish and chips in a cafe...


e.g. Frank Browne shook more sauce over his chips.


in AM, use 美国英语用 French fries

2. (作为零食的)炸薯片

Chips or potato chips are very thin slices of fried potato that are eaten cold as a snack.


e.g. ...a package of onion-flavored potato chips.


in BRIT, use 英国英语用 crisps

3. 芯片;集成电路片

A silicon chip is a very small piece of silicon with electronic circuits on it which is part of a computer or other piece of machinery.

4. 碎片;碎屑;碎块

A chip is a small piece of something or a small piece which has been broken off something.

e.g. It contains real chocolate chips...


e.g. He was burning wood chips to make charcoal...


5. (瓷器上的)缺口,豁口;(家具上的)凹坑,瘪儿

A chip in something such as a piece of china or furniture is where a small piece has been broken off it.

e.g. The washbasin had a small chip.


6. 削掉,凿落(碎片);剥落

If you chip something or if it chips, a small piece is broken off it.


e.g. The blow chipped the woman's tooth...


e.g. Steel baths are lighter but chip easily.



The wagon's paint was badly chipped on the outside...


They drank out of chipped mugs.


7. (用于赌钱的)筹码

Chips are plastic counters used in gambling to represent money.


e.g. He put the pile of chips in the center of the table and drew a card.


8. (谈判中的)筹码,讨价还价的资本

In discussions between people or governments, a chip or a bargaining chip is something of value which one side holds, which can be exchanged for something they want from the other side.

e.g. The information could be used as a bargaining chip to extract some parallel information from Britain...


e.g. He was not expected to be released because he was considered a valuable chip in this game.


9. see also: blue chip

10. (性格或行为)酷似父亲(或母亲)的人

If you describe someone as a chip off the old block, you mean that they are just like one of their parents in character or behaviour.

e.g. Her fifth child was born, a son who Sally at first thought was another chip off the old block.


11. 紧急关头;关键时刻

If you say that something happens when the chips are down, you mean it happens when a situation gets very difficult.

e.g. When the chips are down, she's very tough.


12. (自我感觉)低人一等,不忿

If you say that someone has a chip on their shoulder, you think that they feel inferior or that they believe they have been treated unfairly.


e.g. He had this chip on his shoulder about my mum and dad thinking that they're better than him.


相关词组:chip away atchip in

chip 单语例句

1. The penguin also has been fitted with a transponder chip under his skin, similar to those used to identify household cats and dogs.

2. Here we chat to Keith about what makes a perfect portion of chips for him and any hot chip tips he could share with us.

3. Dr Graham Clayton led the research, which was conducted as part of National Chip Week.

4. Italian soccer has long had a chip on its shoulder, blaming supposedly sinister outside forces whenever the national team fails in a major tournament.

5. But few domestic chip makers enjoyed the rebates and the scheme has drawn much criticism from US firms and feeding a simmering trade dispute.

6. The supplies also included materials to build kennels and computer chip readers to identify animals in the effort to reunite them with their owners.

7. She birdied the third with a pitching wedge to 2 feet and the long sixth with a chip to 5 feet.

8. The company holds market share of 70 percent in chip production in China and produced more than 5 million tablet PC chips last year.

9. Woods played his chip up the slope and watched it trickle down, begging from his knees for it to keep going.

10. Wearing masks and helmets as they chip away with small tools, they expect to reach the end of the tunnel in several years'time.

chip 英英释义


1. the act of chipping something

Synonym: chippingsplintering

2. (golf) a low running approach shot

Synonym: chip shot

3. electronic equipment consisting of a small crystal of a silicon semiconductor fabricated to carry out a number of electronic functions in an integrated circuit

Synonym: microchipmicro chipsilicon chipmicroprocessor chip

4. a small disk-shaped counter used to represent money when gambling

Synonym: poker chip

5. a triangular wooden float attached to the end of a log line

6. a mark left after a small piece has been chopped or broken off of something

Synonym: check

7. a thin crisp slice of potato fried in deep fat

Synonym: crisppotato chipSaratoga chip

8. a small fragment of something broken off from the whole

e.g. a bit of rock caught him in the eye

Synonym: bitflakefleckscrap

9. a piece of dried bovine dung

Synonym: cow chipcow dungbuffalo chip


1. cut a nick into

Synonym: nick

2. break a small piece off from

e.g. chip the glass

chip a tooth

Synonym: knapcut offbreak off

3. break off (a piece from a whole)

e.g. Her tooth chipped

Synonym: chip offcome offbreak awaybreak off

4. form by chipping

e.g. They chipped their names in the stone

5. play a chip shot