

interference:[英 [ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns] 美 [ˌɪntərˈfɪrəns] ]



interference 基本解释

名词干涉,干扰,冲突; 介入; 妨碍,打扰,阻碍物; 冲突,抵触

interference 同义词



interference 反义词



interference 相关例句


1. He cannot brook interference.


2. The picture on our TV is spoilt by interference from your vacuum cleaner.


interference 网络解释

1. 干扰现象:从此导出了病毒间干扰现象(interference)的概念. 先后证明:干扰现象可以发生在无免疫学关系的病毒之间,也可发生于同一病毒的无毒株与有毒株之间以及相近病毒之间. 此外,还发现有自家干扰现象. 干扰现象不仅发生在动物机体水平,

2. interference的翻译

2. 冲突:美国专利法102(g)中规定,系彰显先发明主义之精神,亦即美国之专利制度系将专利授与优先之发明,而非优先之专利申请案(注2),所以,於美国专利法135(a)之有关冲突(interference)处理,亦以首先发明(first按於美国专利诉讼中,禁反言(estoppel)之运用,

interference 双语例句


1. Secondly, the method can make people' s recognizing and remembering convert from the short-term memory into long-term memory quickly and smoothly, can get rid of the interference of proactive inhibition and retroactive inhibition effectively.


2. interference什么意思

2. As ionic kosmotropes primarily achieve their increased structuring solely within their hydration shell, they partition into the more dense water where they can obtain this hydration water more readily, whereas the ionic chaotropes, by avoiding interference with water's hydrogen-bonded network, tend to clathrate formation within the less dense environment.


3. This is also suitable when interference is necessary for both the inner and outer rings.


4. interference什么意思

4. The impacts of beat noise, multi-access interference, shot noise and thermal noise in coherent OCDMA are studied in this paper.


5. The two beat interference signals have amplitudes varying complementarily.


6. interference

6. They produce two beat interference signals after interfering with the light wave passed through the other optical paht of the interferometer.



7. Also, the notch frequency is automatically adjusted to follow interfering beat signals—reducing interference from RTTY signals during SSB operation for example.


8. Optical beat interference noise in a subcarrier multiplexing system with multiple optical carriers is discussed. The mechanism of OBI, its spectrum distribution and carrier-to-interference ratio are analyzed.


9. Can have suppression disturbance and so on combination frequencies disturbance, beat interference, intermodulation interference in the mixing process main methods is enhances the initial segment the selectivity, as well as adjustment mixer active status and authentic choice bias, signal voltage and candid voltage size.


10. It is found that the phase-conjugate fifth-order polarization beat is due to the interference between fifth- and fifth-order optical polarizations, the beat signal oscillates not only temporally but also spatially, and the measurement accuracy for laser absolute frequency could reach the same order of magnitude as the laser linewidth.


11. Reward or punishment is meted out of human`s interference.


12. Keywords: Human embryonic stem cells; EBV episomal vectors; Stable transgene transfer/expression; RNA interference


13. interference的解释

13. For instance, political interference is a face of life in some Asian countries.


14. For instance, political interference is a face of life in someAsian countries.


15. The core part of the system used a Japanese Mitsubishi company to produce of the F1 - 40 MR type PLC is the software procedure control in the core because of what to control the part adoption, thus Be promising the elevator circulates normally under the circumstance of this request, raised elevator to break down check and the convenience and easy for maintain consumedly, still overcame to move an operation some artificial interference factors bring in the meantime, obtain the good economic performance and social performance.


16. interference

16. In order to eliminate the general computer input signal in the noise and interference, the system used in the filter.



17. Research on using self-adaptive filter technique to suppress narrowband interference of electronic equipment; 2. Corresponding algorithm is given by integrating techniques of Hilbert transform, spectrum analysis/correction and self-adaptive filter perfectly.


18. This monopoly is exercised by the Swiss National Bank, which is more or less independent of state interference.


19. Based on the harmonic analysis of power system, its interference with the protective equipment is discussed.


20. To get the accurate parameter, we should process the interference fringe by computer.


interference 词典解释

1. 干涉;干预;介入

Interference by a person or group is their unwanted or unnecessary involvement in something.

e.g. The parliament described the decree as interference in the republic's internal affairs...


e.g. Airlines will be able to set cheap fares without interference from the government.


2. (电波的)干扰

When there is interference, a radio signal is affected by other radio waves or electrical activity so that it cannot be received properly.

e.g. ...electrical interference...


e.g. They have been accused of deliberately causing interference to transmissions.


interference 单语例句

1. But it is aggravated by interference from the Right, which cannot be ignored either.

2. He said raising the issue of Taiwan's representation in the United Nations constituted a violation of UN Charter and an interference in China's internal affairs.

3. GUANGZHOU - China's Chief Justice has told judges to resist meddling and interference from local authorities who try to impede public litigation against them.

4. " Our partners demanded additional formulations which actually meant interference in the negotiation process in Ukraine, " Lavrov told a news conference.

5. They also cite interference with automobiles, conventional bikes and pedestrians that results in accidents or slowed traffic.

6. Changping court said Yi was violent towards a civil servant doing his job, so Yi is guilty of interference with a public service.

7. China's human rights development road is compatible with its national conditions, and outside interference will never prompt it to change it.

8. The two countries'relationship is indeed complicated because of the legacy they share, from the past ideological divide to interference in domestic politics.

9. For example, the government has reduced administrative interference in the enterprises'operation.

10. They are not subject to interference by any administrative organ, public organization or individual.

interference 英英释义


1. (American football) blocking a player's path with your body

e.g. he ran interference for the quarterback

2. the act of hindering or obstructing or impeding

Synonym: hindrancehinderance

3. any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome

Synonym: hindrancehinderancehitchpreventivepreventativeencumbranceincumbrance

4. a policy of intervening in the affairs of other countries

Synonym: intervention

5. electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication

Synonym: noisedisturbance