

corny:[英 [ˈkɔ:ni] 美 [ˈkɔ:rni] ]


corny 基本解释



corny 相关例句



1. The boss gets too corny when he talks to the workers.


corny 网络解释

1. corny什么意思

1. 伤感的音乐:Cool:继热爵士消沉後而兴起的凉派爵士乐. | Corny:伤感的音乐. | Crazy:最上乘的、无比的. 可用於形容词或惊叹词.

2. corny的翻译

2. 陈腔滥调:97 Scream热闹;有意思 | 98 Corny陈腔滥调 | 99 Uh, oh!唉呀!糟糕!

3. 陈词滥调,毫无新意:Cough it up. I know you have the twenty dollars.付钱吧. 我知道你有这二十美金的. | 74. corny陈词滥调,毫无新意 | Freds jokes are always so corny.弗雷德的笑话总是如此毫无新意.

4. 谷类的:Cornwall 康沃尔 | corny 谷类的 | corolitic 装饰的

corny 双语例句

1. corny在线翻译

1. It might sound corny, I know … but trust me, theres no better rule in life.



2. And what was it only one of the smutty yankee pictures Terry borrows off of Corny Kelleher.


3. I'm looking for corny in my life.


4. I think some of it is corny, but that's just me.


5. I mean, it's kind of corny, but it's really pretty.


6. I don't want to sound corny with you.


7. And then you come over here and you find that it's not corny at all.


8. If this is too corny for you, move on.


9. corny的翻译

9. Corny Kelleher on the sideseat sways his head to and fro in sign of mirth at Bloom's plight.



10. That might sound corny, but it`s true.


11. If this is too corny for you, move on. But for the rest of you, know that


12. corny的意思

12. CORNY KELLEHER: Sure they wanted me to join in with the mots.



13. Now I don't have to spend hours poring over corny valentines in a card shop any more.


14. corny的翻译

14. Big hot pockets, feya, ugly Corny, busted, chopped, straight fugly British guys playing rugby Brooklyn boys who wanna thug me Skanky, cranky, foogly, oogly Slammin dudes who wanna do me G'Doonk G'Doonk, skoonky, flavors Bangin, mega hot, dumb haters Country boys and them boys in the city Buy me lunch and make me all giddy Sparkling clean, dirty, grimey and gritty Big muscle men and a little itty bitty Some look so good and some need a little work Some know what they gotta do to make me smirk Ralph, Donna, Marc, and my man Tommy Better go get that girl, Hey Mami Yeah Yeah Thats what they shout On the street when I strut when I walk to the store They wanna turn me out Hootin and hollerin Ring around the collar and This ain't Scores and You ain't wavin a dollar and You better tighten up that game Theres a million other guys tryin to get with us And you all sound the same You should slow it on down papi You sound like a carbon copy I wanna a man whos smooth, got all the right moves But you're just plain sloppy Big hot pockets, feya, ugly Corny, busted, chopped, straight fugly British guys playing rugby Brooklyn boys who wanna thug me Skanky, cranky, foogly, oogly Slammin dudes who wanna do me G'Doonk G'Doonk, skoonky, flavors Bangin, mega hot, dumb haters Country boys and them boys in the city Buy me lunch and make me all giddy Sparkling clean, dirty, grimey and gritty Big muscle men and a little itty bitty Some look so good and some need a little work Some know what they gotta do to make me smirk Ralph, Donna, Marc, and my man Tommy Better go get that girl, Hey Mami

大热的口袋,feya,丑恶打橄榄球的过时,被猛击的,切好的,平直的fugly英国人想要对恶棍我的布鲁克林男孩 Skanky,胡思乱想,foogly,oogly 想要做我的Slammin花花公子 G'Doonk G'Doonk,skoonky,味道 Bangin,兆热,沉默寡言的怀恨在心者乡村男孩和他们男孩在城市给我买午餐并且使我所有轻浮闪耀干净,肮脏,grimey和粗砂大肌肉人和一少许itty片断一些看很好,并且一些需要一点工作一些知道什么他们得到做做我假笑拉尔夫、唐娜、果渣和我的人托米更好是得到那个女孩,嘿Mami 呀呀那是什么他们呼喊在街道上,当我支撑时,当我走到商店他们想要转动我 Hootin和hollerin 圆环在衣领附近和这不是比分和你不是wavin每美元和你更好加强那场比赛 Theres其他百万人tryin得到的与我们和你全部听起来同样你应该减速它在papi 你听起来复写本我要对一个人whos光滑,得到所有正确的移动,但是你是简单散漫的大热的口袋,feya,丑恶打橄榄球的过时,被猛击的,切好的,平直的fugly英国人想要对恶棍我的布鲁克林男孩 Skanky,胡思乱想,foogly,oogly 想要做我的Slammin花花公子 G'Doonk G'Doonk,skoonky,味道 Bangin,兆热,沉默寡言的怀恨在心者乡村男孩和他们男孩在城市给我买午餐并且使我所有轻浮闪耀干净,肮脏,grimey和粗砂大肌肉人和一少许itty片断一些看很好,并且一些需要一点工作一些知道什么他们得到做做我假笑拉尔夫、唐娜、果渣和我的人托米更好是得到那个女孩,嘿Mami

15. The promotion of getting your picture clicked with one's most furious face was just corny though!


16. It might sound corny, I know … but trust me, there's no better rule in life.


17. corny的解释

17. Cynics will call it corny, but it offends no one.


18. Highly providential was the appearance on the scene of Corny Kelleher when Stephen was blissfully unconscious but for that man in the gap turning up at the eleventh hour the finis might have been that he might have been a candidate for the accident ward or, failing that, the bridewell and an appearance in the court next day before Mr Tobias or, he being the solicitor rather, old Wall, he meant to say, or Mahony which simply spelt ruin for a chap when it got bruited about.


19. corny

19. CORNY KELLEHER: Sure it was Behan our jarvey there that told me after we left the two commercials in Mrs Cohen's and I told him to pull up and got off to see.


20. It might sound corny, I know … but trust me, there's no better rule in.


corny 词典解释

1. 陈旧的;过时的;老生常谈的

If you describe something as corny, you mean that it is obvious or sentimental and not at all original.

e.g. I know it sounds corny, but I'm really not motivated by money.


e.g. ...corny jokes.


corny 单语例句

1. Wonder what the Greek words are for corny, hackneyed and flat.

2. A comment that went viral on the Chinese Internet lamented " even such a prestigious university can't stop itself being corny " in its recruitment campaign.

3. He even realized how corny he was being when he told his toddler son, " This could be yours ".

4. This kind of talk may sound a bit corny coming from someone else.

5. At the risk of being corny, it could be that button that sets off a real interest in history.

corny的翻译corny 英英释义


1. dull and tiresome but with pretensions of significance or originality

e.g. bromidic sermons

Synonym: bromidicplatitudinalplatitudinous