

purity:[英 [ˈpjʊərəti] 美 [ˈpjʊrəti] ]


purity 基本解释

名词[化学]纯度; 纯洁,纯净; 清洁,清白,清廉; (语言)纯正


purity 同义词




purity 反义词



purity 相关例句


1. We admired its purity of form.


purity 网络解释

1. 纯洁性:它是古代宗族在进行自我身份界定时奉行的一条规则:妇女出嫁后与宗族不发生关系,该妇女所生子女不登入族谱.宗族的整合性(integrity)和纯洁性(purity),乃至其存续的可能性(durability)取决于宗族自我身份的界定能力和排他能力,

2. 纯净:然而,不管是对于我们生活的时代,还是对于我们的祖先,人类自身、或来自血缘、或传统固有的纽带关系又总是在和谐(Harmony)与纯净(Purity)的名义下呈现出来的,而正是这种关系在形成建筑设计法则中起着至关重要的作用.


3. 纯:(流浪者有)服务的渴望,必须心智很纯(purity),以及你们称之为有勇无谋,或称为勇气,由你们自己判断. 流浪者的挑战/危险,在于他可能会忘记自己的任务,与业力发生牵连,因此被卷入大漩涡(Maelstrom)中,(虽然)他原本降生的目的是要避免这样的毁灭.

purity 双语例句

1. China, the pigeons are generally emphasize short beak and feather color purity, I do not know your country is what kind of pigeons collectables.


2. purity的意思

2. The purity and high-purity nitrogen generator is one of the main products of the company, which mostly adopts one/two column and common-flow/reverse-flow expansion process.


3. purity

3. Purity of argon shall be over 99.95%.

使用氩气的纯度应在 99.95%以上。

4. purity是什么意思

4. The determination of chlorine in high purity manganese carbonate by ISE method is discussed.


5. A process for preparing SiO2 used in high transparency green tooth paste features that the acidifying agent and alka line solution of silicate are used as raw materials, the edible aluminium sul fate and phospharic acid are used as additive, and the deionized water is used for high purity.


6. purity的反义词

6. Methods The conditions of tosylation were optimized by the orthogonal experiment, the resolution process was investigated, and the optical purity of product was determined by high performance liquid chromatogram.


7. CF1-ATPase was isolated and purified from spinach chloroplast by cellulose DE-52 chromatography and ammonium sulfate fractionation. Then its purity and in-gel activity were detected through PAGE. The effects of temperature, pH value and salt concentration on the activity of CF1-ATPase were also studied, and the topography of CF1-ATPase was observed by AFM.


8. I know it has been my dream, the white clouds float to grant its purity. Maple with its red-hot passion. Soft shine and decorated it with a mysterious veil; Twinkling stars made it a romantic Jade pendant.


9. purity的解释

9. My ways of life are to preserve purity and self-respect.


10. The main steps include as follows: CO2 is led into the mother liquor of sodium meta-aluminate to carry out carbon content decomposing; the primary separation between the aluminum and the gallium is realized by primary carbonatation to filter out sodium hydroxide; secondary carbonatation is carried out on the filtrate to obtain the deposit of the complex salt of gallium and aluminum; a sodium carbonate crystal is obtained after the filtered filtrate is condensed and vaporized; the deposit of the complex salt of gallium and aluminum is dissolved in the mother liquor of sodium meta-aluminate; the processes are repeated until the proportion of gallium and aluminum in the complex salt of gallium and aluminum is larger than 1/340; then the complex salt of gallium and aluminum is added into the NaOH liquor and electrolyzed, thus obtaining the metal gallium with a purity larger than 99.9 percent which reaches the level of 3; simultaneously, the byproducts of the aluminum hydroxide and the sodium carbonate during the process of carbonatation by steps are obtained.

主要步骤包括:向铝酸钠母液中通入CO 2 进行碳分分解,一次碳酸化实现铝镓的初次分离;过滤出氢氧化钠,滤液进行二次碳酸化获得镓铝复盐沉淀,过滤后滤液经浓缩蒸发获得碳酸钠晶体,铝镓复盐沉淀溶解在偏铝酸钠母液中,重复上述过程直至铝镓复盐中的镓铝比例大于1/340,将其加入到NaOH溶液中,电解可获得纯度>99.9%的金属镓,达到3N级水平同时在分步碳酸化的过程中获得氢氧化铝和碳酸钠副产品。

11. Sichuan Lanthanum Cerium founded in 2006, the company mainly engaged in the various specifications of rare earth metals and oxides, high purity rare earth oxides, rare-earth trichromatic fluorescent powder, glass colorants, glass decolorizing agent, polishing powder and polishing materials, NdFeB magnetic material, lanthanum nickel hydrogen storage battery materials, sulfuric acid and chemical products.


12. However, the design makes this valve inappropriate for corrosives and ultrahigh-purity products.


13. Love means purity of living, Being honest all our day


14. There is the purity of color, from, sound and so on.


15. White is the color of purity and victory.


16. purity在线翻译

16. White is the color of purity.


17. purity的翻译

17. I love cauliflower, but also because of her strong enthusiasm for the purity of color and fiery character.



18. Color orange, the color of celebration, and white, the color of purity.


19. purity在线翻译

19. In Europe, the color white symbolizes purity but in Asia it is often the symbol of mourning.


20. White is a color of purity and calmne.


purity 词典解释

1. -> see pure

purity 单语例句

1. Tibet appears to be surreal and a new world to him and maintains a rare, valuable sense of purity despite the bustling commercial development in some places.

2. Those children who are obedient by nature may develop a sense of ethical purity but they may lack the ability to think independently.

3. These childlike aspects evoke the charm and purity of a fairytale world.

4. The color white represents integrity and purity while red represents sincerity and passion.

5. Some language scholars fear such usage will contaminate the purity of Chinese and cause confusion in communication.

6. Opera de Paris'dancer Paquette uses his easy pliability, effortless jumps and mature quality to display purity and elegance throughout his portrayal.

7. Its artistic and technical purity as well as diverse aesthetic conceptions have granted the company major stature among international dance institutions.

8. In fact, 150 mg of heroin of high degree of purity would be lethal.

9. The term " Erguotou " means " second distillation ", which indicates the moment when the spirit reaches its highest level of purity.

10. It has nothing to do with saving face but everything to do with the purity of heart.

purity的近义词purity 英英释义


1. a woman's virtue or chastity

Synonym: honorhonourpureness

2. the state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong

lacking a knowledge of evil

Synonym: purenesssinlessnessinnocencewhiteness

3. being undiluted or unmixed with extraneous material

Synonym: pureness