

principality:[英 [ˌprɪnsɪˈpæləti] 美 [ˌprɪnsəˈpælɪti] ]



principality 基本解释


principality 网络解释


1. 公国:十三世纪中期蒙古西征保加利亚备受蹂躏,一三九三年以后沦为土耳其奥图曼帝国之领域长达五百年之久,一八七八年俄土战争结束后,在俄国及罗马尼亚之协助下保加利亚建立了一个公国(Principality),并於一八八五年与罗马尼亚南部领域联合成立王国,

2. 公国地位:princessinfantaraneerani 公主 | principality 公国地位 | principality 公国地位

3. 侯国 公国:monarchy 君主国 君主制度 | principality 侯国 公国 | sheikhdom 酋长国

4. principality的翻译

4. 公国,侯国:缓冲国 buffer state | 公国,侯国 principality | 大公国 grand duchy

principality 双语例句

1. principality在线翻译

1. The Seljuk invasion of Armenia was followed by an exodus of Armenians southwards, and in 1080, Ruben, a relative of the last king of Ani, founded in the heart of the Cilician Taurus a small principality, which gradually expanded into the kingdom of Lesser Armenia or Armenia Minor.


2. Thorn brake, he had Alexander, but because of confusion and inaction has a noble idea of republicanism, in the masses cheering, his other cousin became the ruler of this principality.


3. The Prince Bo o k 3 O f Mixe d Prin c ip a litie s But the difficulties reside in the new principality.

第三章 Book 3 第三章论混合的君主国在新生君主国里,有着重重的困难。

4. A Russian principality in the 13th to 16th centuries; Moscow was the capital.


5. Inhabited since Neolithic times and first mentioned in Russian chronicles in 1147 Moscow became the capital of the principality of Muscovy and by the 15th century was the capital of the Russian state and the seat of the metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church.


6. That made a lot of law for one member company since 1925 the Principality of Liechtenstein has established the first one member company.


7. principality什么意思

7. An acre in Middlesex is better than a principality in Utopia.


8. Operator: Principality of Zeon; Neo Zeon



9. A co-principality since the 13th century, mountainous Andorra has two princes as heads of state: France's president and Spain's Bishop of La Seu d'Urgell (a historic town just south of Andorra). The country adopted a democratic constitution in 1993, creating a parliament and limiting the power of the co-princes.

自从13世纪以来,她由两个统治者作为国家的领袖:法国总统和它南部历史名城乌盖尔 La Seu d'Urgell 的西班牙大主教。1993年,全民公决通过新宪法,成为主权国家,产生议会,限制两个联合统治者的权利。

10. The Han Dynasty was the second feudalism dynasty after the short-lived Qin Dynasty. On the one hand, the Han Dynasty inherited some aspects of the political system in the Qin Dynasty, on the other hand there were many changes too. One of the changes was local administer system -county going hand in hand with principality.



11. Residents of the principality enjoy a zero rated income tax.


12. Do not think of me as Char of Principality of Zeon but rather as the son of Zeon Deikun.


13. He who has annexed them, if he wishes to hold them, has only to bear in mind two considerations: the one, that the family of their former lord is extinguished; the other, that neither their laws nor their taxes are altered, so that in a very short time they will become entirely one body with the old principality.


14. principality

14. A principality is ruled autocratically and is therefore distinguished from a republic, the only other type of state.


15. principality的反义词

15. WHEN the principality of Baden merged with two others to form Baden-W rttemberg in 1951, its former capital, Karlsruhe, was given a consolation prize: the Constitutional Court of the new federal republic.


16. WHEN the principality of Baden merged with two others to form Baden-Württemberg in 1951, its former capital, Karlsruhe, was given a consolation prize: the Constitutional Court of the new federal republic.


17. And since all those who could have harmed him because they were malcontent were dead, he strengthened himself with new civil and military orders, so that in the period of one year that he held the principality, he was not only secure in the city of Fermo but had become fearsome to all his neighbors.


18. At the principality`s Le Metropole shopping mall the winter sales were still in full swing in early February.


19. The city of Antioch had been annexed by Bohemond of Hauteville in the First Crusade, and it was now ruled by Eleanor's flamboyant uncle, Raymond of Antioch, who had gained the principality by marrying its reigning Princess, Constance of Antioch.



20. Zeon Deikun did not built Principality of Zeon.


principality 词典解释

1. 公国;侯国

A principality is a country that is ruled by a prince.

e.g. ...the tiny principality of Liechtenstein.


principality 单语例句principality什么意思

1. Monaco has an animated movie about its history and other exhibits that introduce the principality in an illustrative way.

2. Prost won six times in France and Brazil, while Senna ruled Monaco's street circuit with six wins in the Mediterranean principality.

3. Locals say she has since maintained a low profile and is rarely seen out and about the principality.

4. Coach Frank Rijkaard has good relations with Henry from the Frenchman's time at Monaco, when Rijkaard also had a house in the Principality.

5. Adebayor headed home seven minutes from time to seal the principality side's fourth victory of the season.

6. MONACO - After waiting for nearly 30 years, the glitzy principality of Monaco has a new princess.

7. Red and white national flags fluttered on buildings and lamp posts across the principality.

8. The prince led Monaco into an age of skyscrapers and big business, but he faced accusations that the principality turned a blind eye to money laundering.

principality 英英释义


1. territory ruled by a prince

Synonym: princedom