

bishop:[英 [ˈbɪʃəp] 美 [ˈbɪʃəp] ]



bishop 基本解释

名词(基督教某些教派管辖大教区的)主教; (国际象棋的)象; 香甜葡萄酒


bishop 网络解释

1. bishop

1. 相:Frank的相(Bishop)完全可以不吃掉皇后(Queen)而选择其他棋步延缓失败!但遗憾的是Frank几乎没有验证就承认了失败. 人类在机器面前理所当然的甘拜下风,而机器,正在预示着以后的致命错误. 这一细节有力支持了HAL误报AE-35失灵的论点.

2. 象:一开始摆棋,按他的规矩,所有的马(knight)一定要头朝前,象(bishop)也一样. 卒(pawn)呢,每次吃子一定是拿着盾牌袭击斜前方. :),真的是充满了想象力. 小孩子初学棋,输多了会发脾气,所以大人要让着点,一旦大人赢了,也不要太得意,

bishop 双语例句

1. To be a priest it is necessary first to be ordained deacon; to be a bishop it is necessary to have been ordained deacon and priest.


2. He was nevertheless ordained as bishop of Avila amid growing controversy.


3. The lawyer told the area's local newspaper on Wednesday the couple met with the local bishop on Tuesday night, asked for his forgiveness and that he had given it.


4. bishop的反义词

4. In fact, Bishop and Reynolds had left the fish and the array unsupervised most of the winter. On May 7, when I joined the researchers aboard the vessel Auklet, they were embarking on a two-day data-retrieval mission.


5. He was a bishop who was held in reverence by all.


6. bishop在线翻译

6. The emperor, we should call to mind, was only a catechumen, imperfectly acquainted with Greek, much more incompetent in theology, and yet ambitious to exercise over the Catholic Church a dominion resembling that which, as Pontifex Maximus, he wielded over the pagan worship.

皇帝,我们要呼吁一点,只是一个catechumen ,不是十全十美熟悉希腊语,更无能,在神学,但雄心勃勃的行使超过天主教教会了Dominion相似其中,作为日Bishop鲆,他挥起超过异教崇拜。

7. bishop在线翻译

7. The models integrated in the system include such limit equilibrium methods as Fellenius, simplified Bishop, Janbu and Sarma. 3. Analysis of debris flow active degree.


8. Under these circumstances, many slope-stability analysis methods come being, such as Fellenius method, Bishop method, Janbu method, SARMA method, M-P method, finite element numerical analysis method and so on. Every method has its own advantages and disadvantages.


9. The precision in X, Y, Z direction and relative precision increase with the increase of baseline distance, the relative precision of software is high, its error increase with distance of photography increase as a whole, but the precision of far distance may be higher than the precision of relative near distance by using different camera lens.3 Basing on limit equilibrium and rock falling mechanics theory, the software of stability analysis is compiled, the software includes some common limit equilibrium methods such as Fellenius method、Bishop method、Janbu method、Sarma method and tridimentional wedge method and collapse evaluation method.


10. Another dossier by the Homoiousian Sabinus, Bishop of Heraclea, was known to Socrates, and we can trace its use by him.


11. bishop

11. Meanwhile, Walter obsesses about cotton candy, Peter strikes a bargain with Nina Sharp, and a startling piece of Olivia's past is revealed.

与此同时,Dr。Bishop爱上了棉花糖,而Peter则与Nina Sharp达成协议。此外,一些有关Olivia的过去被揭露,令人惊讶不已。

12. Bishop runs extensive testing in the lab; his reluctant son, Peter, endures his new role as his father's keeper; and Olivia turns to Massive Dynamic Chief Operating Officer Nina Sharp for assistance.

Bishop於实验室内不断进行测试、儿子Peter不大情愿地看守著父亲,而Olivia则向Massive Dynamic的营运总裁Nina寻求协助。到底三人能否解破这宗离奇的案件?

13. Again, the canons of Saint-Lizier wished him to succeed Garcias de l'Orte as Bishop of Comminges.

又比如,大炮圣利齐耶预祝他成功加西亚斯德l' orte作为主教科曼日。

14. Dwayne Hicks, Lance Henriksen as Bishop, Paul Reiser as Carter Burke, Bill Paxton as Pvt.


15. I have a favor to ask of you. I just received a call from an influential American bishop.


16. bishop什么意思

16. Bishop`s collected poems is one-quarter of that length.


17. bishop的近义词

17. Therefore, in order to realise my intentions, go to the house of the Bishop of Mexico City and tell him that I sent you and that it is my desire to have a teocalli built here.


18. bishop的近义词

18. The story told of St. Gregory the Wonder-Worker, that he found but seventeen Christians in Neocsarea when he became bishop, and that he left but seventeen pagans in the same city when he died (c. 270-5), must be substantially true.

这个故事告诉圣格雷戈里的奇迹工人,他发现,但17基督教徒Neocsarea当他成为主教,他留下,但17异教徒在同一城市时,他去世(角270-5 ),必须大幅度正确的。

19. Last year, he was appointed co-adjutor bishop of Hong Kong, paving the way for Cardinal Zen's retirement.


20. bishop的反义词

20. The leader of the Catholic Church in Britain is the Cardinal Arch- bishop of Westminster.


bishop 词典解释

1. 主教

A bishop is a clergyman of high rank in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox churches.

2. (国际象棋中的)象

In chess a bishop is a piece that can be moved diagonally across the board on squares that are the same colour.

bishop 单语例句bishop什么意思

1. Their advance notice to the latter about recent bishop selections and ordinations in some Catholic dioceses was a show of sincerity.

2. " A little payback don't hurt, " linebacker Desmond Bishop said.

3. Australia's chief medical officer Jim Bishop authorized the release of a batch of antiviral medication from the national stockpile on Thursday.

4. Bishop and colleagues randomly selected doctors for the survey from an American Medical Association list of US doctors.

5. Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Chicago said the hospitals would close rather than comply.

6. Bishop said his team was " amazed " by the resources available in Beijing and the potential in China's capital.

7. Bishop Gordon Scruton of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts was named to lead the investigation.

8. The solemn bearing of the bishop on the left is echoed with the indistinctive image under the randomly arranged brushstrokes on the right.

9. New York Bishop Mark Sisk earlier described people as suffering a combination of " shock, surprise and befuddlement " at the allegations.

10. " He is now at the Bishop Palace in Cotabato City, " Yap said.

bishop的意思bishop 英英释义


1. (chess) a piece that can be moved diagonally over unoccupied squares of the same color

2. port wine mulled with oranges and cloves

3. a senior member of the Christian clergy having spiritual and administrative authority

appointed in Christian churches to oversee priests or ministers

considered in some churches to be successors of the twelve Apostles of Christ