

boldly:[英 ['bəʊldlɪ] 美 ['boʊldlɪ] ]


boldly 基本解释

副词大胆地,显眼地; 冒

boldly 相关例句


1. The airman boldly jumped from the airplane with his parachute.


boldly 网络解释


1. 大胆的,显露的:67. agitated 激动的,不安的 | 68. boldly 大胆的,显露的 | 69. eminent 杰出的,显赫的

2. boldly的解释

2. 大胆地:boldhearted 大胆的 | boldly 大胆地 | boldness 大胆

3. 勇敢地:therefore=因此; | boldly=勇敢地; | face=面对;

4. 大胆地, 显眼地:boldhearted || 大胆的, 勇敢的 | boldly || 大胆地, 显眼地 | boldness || 大胆, 冒失, 勇敢

boldly 双语例句

1. boldly

1. I searched deeper into the Spirit of Prophecy and discovered that Sister White brought some of the strongest rebukes against those who would not boldly give the straight testimony and call sin by its right name.


2. He was apologetic for speaking so boldly to his elders, but he felt compelled by the spirit within him to speak his mind.


3. boldly的解释

3. Somewhere, as you read, the secret to which I refer will jump from the page and stand boldly before you, IF YOU ARE READY FOR IT!


4. boldly什么意思

4. He knocks boldly at the door who brings good news.


5. boldly什么意思

5. If it be right, do it boldly, --if it be wro ng, leave it undone.


6. I have boldly taken on a group photo at the time.


7. But I believe that I will come out lonely marsh, I will boldly face.


8. boldly是什么意思

8. I put you as a real idol The only over his people You are so out of reach I even think that not qualified to speak with you I hope that one day like you So you are my idol I do not know you But my intuition tells me You are a perfect person You passed me by My friends and joking as usual But who would know that I can no longer breathe Maybe I should have recognized The first day I love you You are my fellow student of mine I think I should not have such a Every day I love and worship in the study the difference between I repeat you are my idol So I can boldly say that you in the front of their friends how good However, even if the whole world believe I still can not fool themselves Every day looking for your shadow Even if very far from the stadium mess I can still recognize you at a glance In addition to training, I dare you Zhengyan Kan Because you see me one day, be happy Think you and I will not stop laughing..


9. This visually dazzling and boldly moral film caught many critics napping when it first came out.


10. Now, boldly, let's declare in a Nietzschean manner, that


11. Dear Lord, thank You for the courage and strength to march boldly into ach new day.

祷告 亲爱的主,谢谢您赐给我们勇气和力量大胆的朝每个新的日子前进。

12. In engineering practice, the center boldly appoints young people to some key posts.


13. But the wildchild boldly gets rid of him with a fluid shield and has yielded abuilding without welds.



14. The company boldly opened a number of highly educated young people, of high quality.


15. Unforeseen clever combination, changes your singly traditional concept and thinking mode, lets you seize one thing at any angles and in different direction, it is the powerful opponent to routineer and decadent, do you have confidence to be brave in creation and boldly try? ?


16. boldly什么意思

16. Jian Deng Xin Hua`s ideological nature to be slightly weak, but also has the original opinion to the social life, it inherited recorded strange or super natural events in the literary work, using the ghost expressed feelings, ugly dared to the realistic life to promulgate; Since has inherited the Tang legend to dare to write the real situation the spirit, boldly performs to the current event to criticize; The literary work is mind reposing, writer's creation is for the reader understanding its concealed emotion, an outstanding literary work `s connotation should be the rich and profound, Jian Deng Xin Hua although to have the certain connotation, but appears straight and shallow, the author has not surpassed the limitation of his time.


17. Heknocks boldly at the door who brings good news.


18. A landmark movie in the history of Hong Kong erotic cinema, An Amorous Woman Of Tang Dynasty boldly goes where no Chinese movie went before. Whether in the boudoir or the monastery, the amorous woman of the title — a scholar turned Taoist nun turned literati (played by Patricia Ha in her most acclaimed role)— pursues lust and love in a manner that shows the Tang Dynasty was light years ahead of the West when it comes to sexual enlightenment.


19. boldly

19. If Nvbannanzhuang Luo Selin, escaped from court, the selection of his wife and boldly expressed.


20. The leaders feared the enemy as if he were a tiger, set up defences everywhere, fought defensive actions at every step and did not dare to advance to the enemy's rear and attack him there, which would have been to our advantage, or boldly to lure the enemy troops in deep so as to herd them together and annihilate them.


boldly 单语例句

1. Investment success can depend upon catching the right idea at the right time, or by acting boldly when others are cowering in fear.

2. We have to become adept at identifying young promising scientists and technicians and boldly give them responsible work.

3. Chan said he acted so boldly to Hollywood's advances not because he was famous but because the Chinese film industry had given him more choices.

4. The instructions called on Party members to boldly promote outstanding members with both the ability and integrity to fulfill a variety of leadership positions.

5. They boldly tried to assassinate the police chief last week and have turned the back roads into a gauntlet of fear for aid workers.

6. We wish they could all stand up to boldly and assuredly announce that they are innocent.

7. Some residents had bought firecrackers from rural markets beforehand and boldly lit them when they heard others were doing the same.

8. We are not sure how many of them can boldly claim innocence.

9. Many local women have followed her lead in reading newspapers or listening to TV news, now more boldly voicing their opinions at villagers'meetings.

10. But one local economist has grabbed the media's full attention by boldly claiming that the Chinese economy will remain strong after the Beijing Olympics.

boldly 英英释义



1. with boldness, in a bold manner

e.g. we must tackle these tasks boldly