



1.On September 24th, the bank said he had resigned "to assume responsibipty for the recent unauthorised trading incident. "9月24日该行表示,他辞职是“为了对最近未经授权的交易事件承担责任。”

2.Back in 2000, when I was "fresh off the boat, " as the not-so-nice folks say, I worked on the 24th floor of an office building in Seattle.回到2000年,我还“刚从偷渡的船上下来”,一个不是很友好的人说的。我在西雅图的一栋建筑的第24层工作。

3.Some days later, Candy asked me what I would give her for her coming 24th birthday. I thought for a while and said.几天后,小唐问我,在她的即将到来的24岁生日时,我会给她什么礼物。

4.Imperial College London on the 24th June said it had a high proportion of foreign students as it chose on "merit" rather than nationapty.伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollegeLondon)6月24号表示,该院外国学生的比例非常高,因为它选择学生时更看重“个人才能”而不是国籍。

5.Between now and the 24th of June, it's visible in a moon-free sky, but after the 26th it will be too close to the sun to see.从现在起一直到6月24号,在没有月亮的晚上彗星都是可见的,但是26号之后,由于它太过于靠近太阳因此难以见到。

6.It's not to be ignored: on September 24th an honour-roll student was beaten to death near Fenger, swept up in senseless violence.这种情况不会被忽视:9月24号在风阁附近,一场没有意义的暴力活动就致使一个上过光荣榜的学生被打死。

7.I trouble you for advice to see whether the administrator, if found handbags, Jiefang Lu sent to Beijing on the 24th, be grateful!麻烦您帮我咨询管理员是否看到,如果找到手提包,请寄往北京解放路24号,不胜感激!

8.UCL on the 24th June said the "cultural exchange" born of the growth benefited British as well as foreign students.伦敦大学学院在6月24日表示,不断加强的“文化交流”使英国人和外国学生皆受益。

9.Some of them are meeting January 24th at the Royal Society in London to discuss future improvements to the measurement units.一些科学家于1月24日在英国皇家学会举行的会议中讨论了将来对测量单位的改进。

10.She was determined that I should be impressed. on the 24th, my wife and I were asked to join the kids for some last-minute shopping.她下决心要让我印象深刻。在圣诞前夜,妻子和我被邀请参加孩子们的最后一分钟购物。