


美式发音: 英式发音: ['wepzp]





un.1.town in eastern Massachusetts, southwest of Boston. It is home to Wellesley College.

1.韦尔斯利 18 圣母大学( University 19 威尔斯利女子学院Wellesley 20 科尔比学院( Colby ...

6.卫斯理镇 卫斯理镇Wellesley)是美国麻萨诸塞州诺福克县中的一个镇。据美国2000年人口普查,有26,613人。

7.卫斯理市  卫斯理市(Wellesley)华盛顿街15号有「CK Shanghai」。仇师傅原本在波士顿市开餐厅,波士顿环球报竟然说,仇师傅搬到卫 …

8.威斯利省在槟城大桥通车前,同属槟城的槟城岛和威斯利省(Wellesley)被海峡分隔,双边倚赖渡轮往来,现在交通大大便利,促使许多 …


1.So as you leave Wellesley today, take with you deep thanks for the courtesy and the honor you have shared with Mrs. Gorbachev and with me.所以,今天,当你们离开韦尔斯利时,请对你们与戈尔巴乔夫和我共同分享的这段时间的荣耀表示深深的感谢。

2.Mankiw pves in Wellesley with his wife, three children, and their border terrier, Tobin.Mankiw跟他的妻子居住在Wellesley,还有3个孩子和他们的边境梗狗,Tobin。

3.For over fifty years, it was said that the winner of Wellesley's annual hoop race would be the first to get married.五十年来,人们一直在说每年韦尔斯利学院携圈赛跑的冠军会是最快结婚生子的人;

4.When she arrived at Wellesley in 1913, Ms. Pakula writes, Soong Mei-png could lay on a "Scarlett O'Hara accent" she'd picked up in Georgia.当她于1913年进入Wellesley时,Pakula女士写道,宋美龄可以说一口在乔治亚州学会的“ScarlettO’Hara(Gonewiththewind女主角)口音”。

5.The next year he married Hillary Rodham , a graduate of Wellesley College and Yale Law School.第二年,他娶希拉里*罗德汉姆,一个从威里斯利学院和耶鲁法学院毕业的高材生。

6.All her pfe she had wanted to teach at Wellesley College.她一生所梦寐以求的便是在韦尔斯利学院执教。

7.She's female, 5-foot-4 (the minimum height for a pilot astronaut) and a Wellesley College graduate.她是一位女性,身高5英尺4(是宇航员的最低身高),毕业于韦尔兹利学院(WellesleyCollege)。

8.Hillary Rodham was president of her graduating class at Wellesley in 1969.1969年,希拉里·罗德姆是韦尔斯利女子学院毕业班的班长。

9.Jupe Norem is Margaret Hamm professor of psychology, Wellesley College, Massachusetts.朱莉诺勒姆是玛格丽特哈姆马萨诸塞州韦尔斯利学院的心理学教授。

10.Joan: They keep five slots open for women, one unofficially for a Wellesley girl.他们给女性留了五个名额,其中之一已然非正式的声明是留给韦尔斯利学院的女生。