



1.New York is still the most expensive city outside of Europe or Asia, but it has sppped from 28th to 39th in a year.一年之内,纽约已从第28位下滑到第39位,但在欧洲或亚洲之外的地区,它仍然高居榜首。

2.But Mr Karzai does not want to be presiding over a half-formed government when he meets foreign leaders in London on January 28th.但是卡尔扎克可不希望到1月28日伦敦与外国领导人见面那会,他的政府才成立了一半。

3.He insisted on Wednesday April 28th that there was "no question" of Greece's debts being restructured.在4月28日,也就是周三,他坚称希腊的债务问题将会得到妥善解决。

4.The Audi Urban Future Award, a project unveiled at a conference in London on May 28th, aims to help.伦敦5月28日举行的会议公布了一个名为“奥迪城市未来奖”的项目,旨在为此提供帮助。

5.The old couple are proud of their grandson, as he won two gold medals and a bronze medals in The 28th Olympic Games.老两口为他们的孙子感到骄傲,因为他在第28届奥运会上获得了两枚金牌和一枚铜牌。

6.Though I could not catch my fpght back on 28th evening, I got on the next day's fpght and reached home safely.我虽然错过原订28日的班机,但仍搭上隔天晚上的班次平安返回德里。

7.So the company's announcement of its "Cadbury Cocoa Partnership" on January 28th provided a helpful distraction from such problems.因此,1月28日“吉百利可可种植合作计划”的出台有助于把人们的视线从这些问题引开。

8.Attention now shifts back to Latvia, where the IMF and EU are holding up a new budget, due to be passed on October 28th.眼下,焦点已经转回拉脱维亚。国际货币基金组织和欧盟正提出一份新的预计10月28日通过的预算,。

9.To put a more positive spin on the idea, several blogs are suggesting that the 28th be " Make Something Day" instead.一些博客对这一思想用了个更积极点的方式,建议将28号这天命为“做些事情日”。

10.JUNE 28th was a day of reckoning for the most important law of Barack Obama's presidency, and for the president himself.7月28号是宣判奥巴马总统任期内最重要的法案的日子,对总统本人来说也具有深远的意义。