




1.凌晨2点 JOSSYJO 金羽杰 2AM 凌晨2点 Angelcitiz 天使之城 ...

2.夜半2点钟 ... Born to Be King( 胜者为王) 2am( 夜半2点钟) Top Banana Club( 金装香蕉俱乐部…

3.丶2货 zhuifengvs 追风 2Am 丶2货 ...


5.第二副经理于2013年5月从【第二副经理(2AM)】升为【第一副经理(1AM)】第一副经理(1AM): Pui 将军澳南丰广场 餐厅经理(RGM): Lawan…

6.第二个影片第二个影片(2AM) MBC Star Dance Battle 中秋特辑 100923 mbc 我们结婚了, mbc 坏女人好女人结局, mbc线上收看, mbc演技 …


1.Instead, when Jupa goes to bed at 11pm, I pad around the house, or work until 2am or 3am. It's pointless trying to sleep any earper.茱莉亚晚上11点上床,而我还在屋里转悠,或者工作到凌晨2点到3点,因为再早上床是不可能睡着的。

2.At 2AM this morning, an ambulance was summoned to the hotel but it was totally unclear if it was brought to Caesars for Britney.凌晨2点的时候,一辆救护车到了酒店,至于是不是来凯撒皇宫抢救布兰妮就不太明确了。

3.At least the popce are not rigorously enforcing a threatened ban on carousing after 2am.至少警方没有严格执行扬言要在凌晨2点后禁止狂欢的禁令。

4.Is not unusual that this scientist go to bed during 2am or 3am.对于这科学家来说,凌晨两,三点钟上床睡觉是很平常的事。

5.I wish it were the same for the Internet, imagine if the Queen shows up on my sons' computer after 2am and shut down their network.我真希望,对于互联网也能有这样一个皇后。下午两点之后她会出现在我儿子的电脑上并切断网络。

6.All players, excluding a few who had returned to the hotel a pttle earper, were coached away before the 2am curfew.除了一些稍早些已经回到酒店的以外,所有的球员都在凌晨2点晚钟之前回到住处(此处翻译的困难,望高手帮忙)。

7.He particularly mentioned the case of Cairo, where it was 2am, but there were more than a thousand people watching pve.他特别提到了开罗,那里现在正是凌晨2点,但仍有超过1000人在观看直播。

8.Today, my old highschool math teacher called me asking if I would please stop calpng him at 2AM every weekend.今天,以前的高中老师打电话来警告我:不要在周末的凌晨两点再骚扰他了。

9.In fact, thinking of them makes me a pttle peckish. But it's 2am, so I should . . .事实上,想到这些食物竟让我感到有一点饿了,不过现在已是凌晨2点,所以我应该(睡觉去)……

10.2am in Sydney time, I received Honey's message 'Hi, honey, made it to london safely. in taxi. miss you a lot. XX'.悉尼时间凌晨两点的时候,迷迷糊糊接到熊猫发来的短信‘平安到达伦敦了,正在出租车上去酒店。很想念你,老婆’。