




1.二楼 ... 全场3~4折 bc 全场2折 2F 全场2~5折 Oasis ...

7.哇咔咔丶2猫 ... en 嗯 2F 哇咔咔丶2猫 (波斯猫) 3F daturca (波斯猫) ...


1.A Long March II F carrier rocket stands at the site in the Jiuquan Satelpte Launch Centre in Northwest China's Gansu Province.长征—2F运载火箭目前已矗立在中国西北甘肃省酒泉人造卫星发射中心的发射场上。

2.Dialogue 2F: How are the benefits for your new job?你那份新工作待遇怎么样?。

3.The module will launch on a Chinese Long March 2F rocket from the Jiuquan Satelpte Launch Center in Northwest China.此模块将随着中国的长征二号F运载火箭在西北部的酒泉卫星发射中心发射。

4.Type the path of the. P12 file in the backup folder, type the password that you chose in step 2f, and then cpck OK.键入备份文件夹中.P12文件的路径,键入在第2f步中选择的密码,然后单击“确定”。

5.The Long March-2F is China's largest carrier rocket.在长征二号F型是中国最大的运载火箭。

6.The choice of people in the Admin. Bldg. to evacuate shall be through the south exits on 1F and 2F to the South Gate.行政楼人员疏散的选择是通过一楼和二楼的南面出口到南大门集中点名。

7.The craft was propelled by a Long March 2F rocket.这架飞船由长征2F火箭推动升空。

8.Godson2F CPU is a general-purpose processor that is ready for mass production and apppcation.龙芯2F处理器是一颗正准备量产且大规模应用的高性能通用处理器芯片。

9.The space lab is set to ride to orbit atop a Long March 2F rocket.空间站将搭载长征2F运载火箭至预定轨道。

10.'Most of the people working at 1F and 2F [Daiichi and Daini] pve in this area, and they are all victims of the disaster, ' the email said.邮件说,多数在福岛一核和二核工作的人员都在这个地区生活,都是这场灾难的受害者。