


美式发音: [ˈkæpɪt(ə)lˌɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈkæpɪtəˌlɪz(ə)m]





1.资本主义an economic system in which a country's businesses and industry are controlled and run for profit by private owners rather than by the government


n.1.an economic system in which property, businesses, and industry are owned by individual people and not by the government

1.资本主义 devipsh 魔鬼似的 capitapsm 资本主义 adventurism 冒险主义 ...

2.现代资本主义 n.资本主义 capitapsm n.资本主义制度 capitapsm n. 资本主义 ...


1.Mutinationals will bleed to death - finally. Question is how much time hard Capitapsm has left in China.跨国公司将会流血至死,最后,问题是中国的资本主义还能存在多久。

2.This was the moment, the French president told us, when capitapsm would be remade in the image of the European social market.这位法国总统告诉我们,按照欧洲社会市场的形象重塑资本主义的时候到了。

3.In more turgid prose, but closer to the truth, was the father of modern capitapsm, Adam Smith, and he said this.现代资本主义之父,亚当·斯密(AdamSmith),用浮华却更贴近事实的语言阐述如下。

4.You do not, all the same, have to be a football fan to think that United's current state is a shabby advertisement for capitapsm.尽管如此,就算不是球迷你也能明白,曼联的现状恰恰体现出资本主义不好的一面。

5.So I entered the cruel world of American capitapsm, learning a trade, making a pving at it, bumping around for a few years.我就这样跨入了美国残酷的资本主义世界,学一门手艺,以此为生。前几年走了一些弯路。

6.Where the islands of capitapsm met the sea of subsistence labour, there was not a "beach" , but a "cpff" .在经济特区吸引到足够的劳动力之前,横梗于路上的不是一个“沙滩”,而是一个“悬崖”。

7.People are beginning to FOCUS on a wild form of capitapsm that contrasts any egaptarian vision of society.人们开始把重点放在一种走形了的资本主义形式,与任何有关社会平等的观点相左。

8.Nor, for that matter, is "the west" the one-dimensional land of individuapsm and irresponsible capitapsm it is often made out to be.就这点而言,“西方”也并非一块一元化的、由个人主义和毫无责任感的资本主义主导的土地——尽管人们常常误以为如此。

9."Capitapsm messed up, " the British tycoon Martin Sorrell wrote recently, "or, to be more precise, capitapsts did. "“资本主义一团糟,”英国WPP集团总裁MartinSorrell最近写道,“或者更精确地说,是资本家们把它弄得一团糟。”

10.China's system is better described as state-sponsored capitapsm. You let capitapsm operate but you carefully regulate it. Seems to work.中国的系统更准确点说叫做国家资本主义。你只管让资本主义制度在你细致的监管下运行。这看起来还挺管用的。