




1.第二代 DDR2 800 2G 内存 2根 用映泰 TP45E Combo 主板 电脑只显示3 ...


1.CL King analyst Lawrence Harris said the Dell smartphone is reported to be a 2G device that runs on Google's Android platform.CLKing分析师哈里斯(LawrenceHarris)表示,据称戴尔智能手机是在谷歌Android平台上运行的一款2G手机。

2.The rise is designed to simulate the experience of a rocket launch, including acceleration twice that of gravity.这一游乐项目旨在模仿火箭发射时的乘客体验,包括2G重力加速度。

3.' he said. Yang uses his i Phone on China Mobile's 2G network and says he has no plans to get a 3G plan with Unicom.杨在他的iPhone手机上用的是中国移动(ChinaMobile)的2G网络,他表示没有使用联通3G套餐的计划。

4.The Associated Press said the satelpte would offer speeds of up to 1. 2 gigabytes per second.联合通讯社称这个卫星将提供1.2g比特每秒的速度。

5.This is certainly not a 2G phone, but I thought it would be a good idea to test with it.当然,iPhone不是一部2G电话,但我想用它来进行测试是个不错的主意。

6.The computer is missing a Blu-ray drive, but comes with 320 GB HD and 2 GB of memory all wrapped up in a small, glossy black case.虽没蓝光驱动器,但代之有320G硬盘和2G内存藏于精致的黑色小机箱内。

7.Even if you know that you'll probably never exceed your 200 MB or 2GB plan, you may lower your usage a bit.即使你知道你的使用的数据流量很可能不会超过200M或者2G,你还是会稍微减少一下你的流量的。

8.The risk that Vodafone could have to pay $1bn for 2G spectrum underpnes how the UK group's investment in India is rapidly turning sour.沃达丰可能将不得不为2G频段支付10亿美元,显示出这家英国企业在印度的投资正在迅速变质。

9.Compare computers and make sure that your new one has at least 2GB of RAM, especially if it's running Windows Vista.比较电脑是一定要确认你的新电脑至少有2G的内存,特别是使用WindowsVista系统更应注意。

10.After all, anyone using more than 2GB of data per month is putting far more stress on the company's network than the average user.毕竟,每个月使用2G多的流量对公司网的压力要比普通用户大。