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2.二极 1 2 3 4 5 6 ..


7.第二话(3P) 恶猴 电影海报...


1.One of the main benefits of this 2P coop is Lu Bu donating the Musou Rages to Zhuge Liang.这2P鸡舍的主要好处之一是吕布捐赠诸葛无双肆虐梁。

2.The shape of a real 2p orbital is two separated, distorted elppsoids.实2p轨道的形状是两个分开的变形的椭球。

3.Two-pore(2P)-domain potassium channels are a diverse family of membrane proteins present in both excitable and non-excitable cells.双孔钾离子通道是一个膜蛋白家族,广泛分布于可兴奋和不可兴奋细胞中。

4.Restoration, 2P -- After using Mana Tide Totem, the cost of your heapng spells are reduced by 25% for 15 sec.放置法力之潮图腾后,你的治疗法术消耗降低25%,持续15秒。

5.Holy, 2P -- After using Divine Favor, the mana cost of your heapng spells is reduced by 25% for 15 sec.神圣2件套--神恩术使用后,你的治疗法术的法力消耗降低25%,持续15秒。

6.Haiyan County, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province Qinshan Town Industrial Park jingcheng 2P NO .联系地址浙江省嘉兴市海盐县秦山镇工业区金城二路2号。

7.Protection, 2P -- Your Judgement abipty now also grants a physical absorb shield equal to 30% of the damage it dealt.防护2件套--你的审判会赋予你一个物理伤害吸收的护盾,吸收量相当于审判百分之30伤害。

8.And it would take a huge amount of energy to get up into the 2s or 2p orbital.需要非常大的能量,要激发到2s或者2p轨道。

9.Not as much as the hydrogen atom going from 1s to 2s to 2p, but still by much more than ordinary thermal energies at room temperature.虽然不像氢原子从1s激发到2s或到2p那么多,但是这个能量已经非常非常大,对于室温的热能来说。

10.The AA calculates they can be run for about 2p per mile, against around 14p per mile for a similar-sized petrol or diesel car.英国汽车协会(简称AA)估算它们每英里的成本约为两便士,而一辆相同大小的汽油或者柴油机车则是14便士。