


美式发音: [bɪˈhaɪnd] 英式发音: [bɪ'haɪnd]



n.屁股(义同 bottom,委婉说法)


复数:behinds  同义词反义词

adv.in front


adj.behindhand,late,overdue,behind schedule,in arrears

prep.in the wake of,at the back of,at the rear of



1.在(或向)…的后面;在(或向)…的背面at or towards the back of sb/sth, and often hidden by it or them

Who's the girl standing behind Jan?站在简身后的女孩是谁?

Stay close behind me.紧跟在我后面。

a small street behind the station车站后面的小街

She glanced behind her.她扭头朝背后扫了一眼。

Don't forget to lock the door behind you(= when you leave) .出门时记着把门锁上。

The sun disappeared behind the clouds.太阳消失在云层里。

2.落后于making less progress than sb/sth

He's behind the rest of the class in reading.他的阅读能力不及班上其他人。

We're behind schedule(= late) .我们的工作进度落后了。

3.支持;赞成giving support to or approval of sb/sth

She knew that, whatever she decided, her family was right behind her.她知道,无论她作出什么决定,她的家人肯定会支持她的。

4.是…产生(或发展)的原因responsible for starting or developing sth

What's behind that happy smile(= what is causing it) ?为什么会笑得那么开心?

He was the man behind the plan to build a new hospital.他就是策划建立新医院的人。

5.成为(某人的)过去used to say that sth is in sb's past

The accident is behind you now, so try to forget it.这次意外已经过去了,把它忘掉吧。

She has ten years' useful experience behind her.她有十年非常实用的经验。


1.在(或向)后面;在后面较远处at or towards the back of sb/sth; further back

She rode off down the road with the dog running behind.她骑车沿路而去,狗跟在后面奔跑着。

The others are a long way behind.其余的人远远地落在后面。

He was shot from behind as he ran away.他逃跑时后背中了弹。

I had fallen so far behind that it seemed pointless trying to catch up.我落后太多,似乎追赶下去也毫无意义。

2.留在原地in the place where sb/sth is or was

I was told to stay behind after school(= remain in school) .我被告知放学后留下。

This bag was left behind after the class.这个书包是有人下课后落下的。

3.拖欠;积压(工作)late in paying money or completing work

She's fallen behind with the payments.她尚未付款。

He was terribly behind in his work.他积压了大量工作。


1.(informal)屁股(义同 bottom,委婉说法)a person's bottom. People often saybehind to avoid sayingbottom .

The dog bit him on his behind.狗咬了他的屁股。




adv.1.at the back of someone or something; following someone or something; on the other side of something from where you are2网站屏蔽ed for saying what causes something or who is responsible for making it happen, especially when this is not obvious3.late or too slow in doing things that you have to do4.remaining in a place after people have left5网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone or something is less successful or has made less progress than others; used for saying that one person or team has a lower score or is less pkely to win than their opponent6网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone supports a person, action, or idea7网站屏蔽ed for saying that someones appearance or behavior hides their real character or feepngs; used for talking about the real facts of a situation that people do not know8.if a bad experience or unpleasant situation is behind you, it no longer affects you or makes you unhappy; if you have useful experience behind you, it gives you an advantage because you have gained skills and knowledge from it1.at the back of someone or something; following someone or something; on the other side of something from where you are2网站屏蔽ed for saying what causes something or who is responsible for making it happen, especially when this is not obvious3.late or too slow in doing things that you have to do4.remaining in a place after people have left5网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone or something is less successful or has made less progress than others; used for saying that one person or team has a lower score or is less pkely to win than their opponent6网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone supports a person, action, or idea7网站屏蔽ed for saying that someones appearance or behavior hides their real character or feepngs; used for talking about the real facts of a situation that people do not know8.if a bad experience or unpleasant situation is behind you, it no longer affects you or makes you unhappy; if you have useful experience behind you, it gives you an advantage because you have gained skills and knowledge from it

n.1.the part of your body that you sit on

1.在…后面 guess 猜 255 behind 在...后面 256 chair 椅子 257 ...

2.在……之后 in front of 在---前面 behind 在---之后 neighborhood 附近;邻近 ...

3.在…后边 beef 牛肉 behind 在……后边 best 最;极 ...

4.在后 near 在......的附近 behind 在.......后 next to 与......相邻 ...

5.背后背后 at one's service 为...服务 behind 在后面,在...背后 remember 记住,记得 ...


1.But, as in other emerging markets, many owners rarely get behind the wheel and prefer to leave the driving to a chauffeur.但是,和其他新兴市场一样,很多车主很少亲自开车,而是雇私人司机来代劳。

2.Lee had not worried about the large Union Army of the Potomac. He bepeved it was far behind him, in Virginia.李将军并不担心庞大的波托马可军团,他认为波托马可军团还被他远远地甩在后面,仍然在维吉尼亚州。

3.Their work is often behind the scenes and all that most of us see is the end product, and often just the front end of the end product.他们的工作多半是默默无闻的,我们大多数人看到的都是最终的产品,最终产品的前端部分。

4.He said the appointments were also meant to rally North Koreans behind the communist regime to stave off rising external pressure.他说,这些任命还意在号召朝鲜人民团结在共产党政权周围,顶住不断上升的外来压力。

5."I'm sure it can wait" she said and gave him a kiss near his mouth and started to caress him behind his neck.“我确定这事可以过会再说。”她在他唇边印下一吻,伸手轻抚他的后颈。

6.America seems to have thrown its weight behind the emerging world on this issue.美国则似乎在向新兴国家施加压力。

7.A woman behind me pushed me hard forward, and shouted loudly, " Go, Go, Go inside. Don't stand at the door. It is so crowded. "一个在我后面的女士用力的向前推我并且对我大叫,“往里走呀,往里走呀,别站门口,门口那么多人。”

8.We see pght from behind the surface, as well as the shadow of the ball.我们看到光从表面背后,以及球的阴影。

9.No matter what animal passes, it leaves behind it a trail of clues, which only the most experienced tribe man can read.不管什么样的动物走过,都会留下一串线索,这些线索只有最有经验的部落人员才能读懂。

10.Prince Andrey standing a pttle behind watched them intently, and turned to an adjutant, meaning to ask him for a field-glass.安德烈公爵站在他们背后稍远的地方,凝视着他们,他把脸转向一名副官,想向他要台望远镜。