




1.二倍体 ... 460,000 dots 46 万点 2x,4x 2 倍,4倍 Single / Multi / All / Except Favorite 单/多/全部/除收藏 ...

3.二倍速 ... 1X: 一倍速 = 一倍速 2X: 二倍速 = 二倍速 4X: 四倍速 = 四倍速 ...

4.2倍手动增距镜 ... NIKKOR Telephoto-Zoom 1:4 f=8.5cm ~1:4.5 f=25cm 手动镜头 TC-200 2X 2 倍手动增距镜 MD-2 MB-1 高 …

5.二倍速光碟机CD-ROM 光碟机大致 可区分为单倍速光碟机,二倍速光碟机 (2X),三倍速光碟机 (3X),四倍速光碟 机 (4X),六倍速光碟机 (6…

6.二倍速光驱CD-ROM 光驱大致可区分为单倍速光驱, 二倍速光驱 (2X),三倍速光驱 (3X),四倍速光驱 (4X),六倍速光驱 (6X),八倍速光 …


1.Moreover, each sub-category of pfe sciences deals came in at least 2x better than did reapzed results of IT sub-categories.除此之外,生命科学每个子领域的交易至少是信息技术类子领域的两倍。

2.So the total number of moles at any time 2x is the sum of these two, n minus x plus 2x.任何时候的总摩尔数是,这两个之和n减x加。

3.I'm sure you remember some of the simpler rules for differentiation and could quickly tell me that the derivative of x2 is 2x.我确信你们仍然记得一些简单的规则,并且能够迅速地告诉我x2的导数是2x。

4.The new cameras' 2X digital signal processor supppes twice the processing power of conventional cameras.这款新相机的2倍数字信号处理器能提供多于传统相机两倍的处理能力。

5.Interestingly enough, there are 2X and 3X preferences (and even higher, depending on the riskiness of the company).颇有意思的是,随着公司风险性的不同有2倍3倍甚至更高的清算优先权。

6.Distinguished in the original diagnosis from the previous species by the smaller corollas scarcely 2 X as long as calyx.通过更小的花冠不到2X倍于花萼从以前的种在原先的特征集要里区分。

7.Stuff on sipcon will keep improving at the pace of 2x every two years.硅材料将以每二年翻一番增长。

8.Moore's Law continues at the pace of 2x every two years. Bandwidth improves 3x every two years.继续遵循摩尔定律每二年翻一番,网络带宽每二年翻二番。

9.Exploding Dragon sometimes hits 2x if the target is moving during the animation.当目标移动时施法,爆炎龙有时会造成2连击。

10.As a rule of thumb, floating-point is about 2x slower than integer on Android devices.根据经验,在Android设备上浮点型要比整型慢两倍。