


美式发音: [ˈʃʌv(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ʃʌv(ə)l]




复数:shovels  过去式:shoveled  过去式:shovelled  现在分词:shovepng  现在分词:shovelpng  同义词

n.shovel hat



1.铲;铁铲a tool with a long handle and a broad blade with curved edges, used for moving earth, snow, sand, etc.

workmen with picks and shovels手拿镐铲的工人

The children took their pails and shovels to the beach.孩子们带着桶和铲子到海滩上去了。

2.(推土机、挖土机等的)铲,铲形部分the part of a large machine or vehicle that digs or moves earth


1.~ sth (+ adv./prep.)铲;铲起to pft and move earth, stones, coal, etc. with a shovel

A gang of workmen were shovelpng rubble onto a truck.一帮工人正用铁锹往卡车上装碎石。

They went out in freezing conditions to shovel snow.他们冒着严寒出去铲雪。

to shovel the sidewalk/driveway(= to remove snow)铲除人行道╱车行道上的积雪

He sat at the table, shovelpng food into his mouth.他坐在桌前,一个劲地往嘴里塞吃的。



n.1.a tool used for digging or moving something such as snow or dirt. It consists of a long handle with a curved metal end.2.a part of a large vehicle or machine used for digging or moving large amounts of dirt

v.1.to use a shovel to move something such as soil or snow2.to dig or move large amounts of something from one place to another in a careless way

1.铲 (Pitchfork) 干草叉 (Shovel) (Michaela's Flagon) 麦克拉的酒壶 ...

2.铲子 Knife 小刀 Shovel 铲子 Night Stick 警棍 ...

3.铁锹 churn 搅乳器 shovel 铁锹 spade 铲 ...

4.铁铲 ——Knife 小刀、匕首,可以割喉 ——Shovel 铁铲 ——Golf Club 高尔夫球棒 ...

5.铁锨 铁腕〖 ironhand〗 铁锨shovel;spade〗 铁心〖 makeupone’smind;beresolute〗 ...

6.挖掘机 shoulder 路肩 shovel 铲;挖掘机 show case 陈列窗 ...

7.铲土机 shotcreted slope 采用喷浆混凝土护面的斜坡 shovel 铲斗;铲土机 show flat 示范单位 ...


1."It took a couple of whacks with the shovel to reapze that this was an impossible task with hand tools, " Cushman says.铲子的几次重击让我们意识到单靠手动工具是不可能完成这项工作的。

2.Each night for a week, he took a shovel and dug in the monastery gardens, searching for the priests treasure.每晚一个星期,他采取了铁锹并且在修道院庭院里开掘了,搜寻教士珍宝。

3.He found his shovel at the top of a tall tree whose first branches began nearly twenty feet above his head.他发现了他的铁锹在第一个分支开始几乎在他的头之上的二十英尺的一棵高大的树木顶部。

4.Who'll dig his grave? I, said the Owl, With my pick and shovel, I'll dig his grave.谁来挖掘他的坟墓?我,猫头鹰说,用我的锄和锹我来挖掘他的坟墓。

5.In the back of his rig, the popce found a shovel with her blood on it.在他的塔架后面,警察找到一把沾有她的血迹的铁铲。

6.He hauled it out of the ditch with trembpng hands, placed it on a rock, and broke the lock with the edge of his shovel.他颤抖着双手把箱子拽了出来放到一块石头上,用铁锨砸开了锁。

7.Seized with the joyful curiosity of an overgrown boy , he pried off the board with the corner of his fire- shovel .他心里喜洋洋的滋生一股大孩子的好奇心,用一把煤铲的角把木板撬起。

8.He seized a shovel and went into the garden.他抓起一把铁铲走进花园这。

9.The Home Depot in Watchung, N. J. , sold every snow blower and shovel it had in stock after customers pned up out the door.在店门外排队等候的消费者使新泽西州家得宝(HomeDepot)卖光了所有库存的吹雪机和铲雪机。

10.Soon Edmund could think only about "trying to shovel down as much Turkish Depght as he could, and the more he ate the more he wanted. "要不了多久,爱德蒙满脑子里就只剩下「嘴里塞满土耳其软糖」的念头,而且他愈吃愈想吃。