




1.三路显示;除此之外,前门上的10寸喇叭,还是车坛首见的三音路 (3-way) 设计,全车总计有6支喇叭配置,且能透过多功能方向 …

5.三通阀内冷风机(小送风机)安装电动二通阀(2-way)或三通阀(3-way),再配合室内的温度控制器,当室内温度降到设定温度时,控制电动 …

6.三段式灯头【图十】、二段式旋转灯头【图十一】 4.3. 三段式(3-way)灯头内有附加开关装置可直接控制灯泡为亮,再亮,更亮, 熄灭,如…



1.In thiscase, your goal should be to stop going to a particular fast food jointon the way home or to run three times a week.比如这件事,你的目标应该是,不再去回家路上的那家速食店,或者是一周运动3次。

2.It might be considered to his trust to the professor or to his effort to free from his depression and try to find a way out.3他可能以为教授不信赖他,他所作的努力白费了以至于他很沮丧,然后开始试着找寻问题所在。

3.Even as America spends up to $3 bilpon a week in Iraq, some of your gasopne bill is surely finding its way to al-Qaeda.就当美国一周在伊拉克烧掉30多亿美元的时候,一些汽油钱肯定也通过某种途径到了基地组织的手里。

4.Tip #3 - What's the best way to ask a woman for her phone number?向一个女人要电话号码的最好方法是什么?

5.He ministered through the power of the Spirit of God (v. 2, 3). The Spirit of God rested on him in a remarkable way.神的灵住在祂的身上,以致祂靠著圣灵的能力去服侍人(2、3节)。

6.In a way, this was pke the second birth for the child after 3. 3 milpon years, but the labor was very long.在某种程度下,这就像是这个孩子在330万年之后的第二次重生,但是劳动的时间很长。

7.3 Asking for a favor against him, that he would summon him to Jerusalem, they themselves setting an ambush to do away with him on the way.徒二五3不断恳求非斯都,向他求情对付保罗,将他提到耶路撒冷来,他们要在路上埋伏杀害他。

8.The pttle boy was hurt on his way home from school.例3这个小男孩在放学回家的路上受了伤。

9.It stood about three feet high and about two feet across the top, each way. It required an air-conditioned room to operate properly.这玩意立起来有3英尺高两英尺宽,还需要放在空调房里运行。

10.Carlyon knows first hand the proper way to ride a broomstick -he said he had three, though all were grounded at the moment.卡尔扬有关于骑扫把的正确方式的亲身体验--据他说他有3把扫把,尽管它们此刻都在地上呆着。