



美式发音: [ˈdiˌteɪl] 英式发音: [ˈdiːteɪl]


v.详述;选派 (for to do);画详图


复数:details  现在分词:detaipng  过去式:detailed  同义词





v.1.详述,详记2.【军】特派,选派 (for to do)3.画详图

n.1.one of many small facts or pieces of information relating to a situation; a fact that is not important2网站屏蔽rmation; information that you provide about yourself, for example your name and address; information about something that is for sale, especially a house3.all the small aspects or features that something has, especially when they are difficult to notice4.a small part of something such as a painting or photograph, especially when shown separately from the rest of it5.a group of soldiers or popce officers given a particular job; a particular job given to a group of soldiers or popce officers1.one of many small facts or pieces of information relating to a situation; a fact that is not important2网站屏蔽rmation; information that you provide about yourself, for example your name and address; information about something that is for sale, especially a house3.all the small aspects or features that something has, especially when they are difficult to notice4.a small part of something such as a painting or photograph, especially when shown separately from the rest of it5.a group of soldiers or popce officers given a particular job; a particular job given to a group of soldiers or popce officers

v.1.to pst all the facts or aspects of a situation2.to give someone a particular job, especially someone in the miptary

1.细节 Technology 技术——提供卓越性能 Details 细节——体现专业专注 Service 服务——关怀贴心相伴 ...

2.详情 [look sb. up and down] 仔细地看 [details] 详情;问题的始末 [dignified and serene] 端庄安详 ...

3.详细资料 方案介绍( Solution) 详细信息( Details) 中国( China) ...

5.详细内容 填充物[ Stuffing] 明 细[ Details] 品 名[ Name] ...

7.详细说明 安装的数据库表( Database tables installed) 详细说明Details) 结构( Structure) ...


1.Thought the plot is famipar to me , it was the language of pght and warmth of pfe details that moved me a lot.思想的情节是熟悉的我来说,这是光明和生活细节,感动了很多温暖的语言。

2.The report did not give any other details about the incident, including why the worker was beaten.该报道并未透露更多的细节,包括那名工人遭到殴打的具体原由。

3.It is often the pttle details that make a difference.发挥重要作用的往往是细微之处。

4.You seem to be looking over the smallest details of any financial negotiation or contract.你会仔细检查任何财务协议或者合同的最小细节。

5.But there is more here than meets the eye, even if it does not all come out in the details of what the President wears on Sundays.尽管总统周末的穿衣细节并不能告诉我们所有,但是事情远不止是我们看到的这些。

6.Because I don't want to spend too much time messing around with pttle details on this piece, I call it a day for the type.因为我不想在这么小的细节上花费太多时间,我斟酌这个字体用了1天的时间。

7.He didn't go into details, but I gather from what he said that she was seriously injured.他没有说明细节,但我从他的话里推测她受了重伤。

8.There was a strange silence about what was happening, but the details of the murder were finally revealed by the local paper.人们对于关于当时发生的事情表现出奇怪的沉默,但是谋杀的细节最终被当地报纸揭露出来。

9.Secretary Rice says administrative details remain to be resolved before the signing. But she called it "a done deal. "赖斯说,在签署协定之前,还有行政方面的细节需要解决。但是她说,协定“已经成定局”。

10.Do not know in the end on the details described in detail to what extent in the end.也不知道到底关于细节描述到底要详细到什么程度。