



1.The possum cannot survive much more than five hours at temperatures over 30C.负鼠在30摄氏度以上的环境中,活不过五个小时。

2.Amid the worst drought in decades, Lhasa experienced its first temperature above 30C since records began in 1961, the report said.报告称,拉萨这片几十年来都干旱的土地,正在经历着自1961年以来的首次温度超过30度的天气。

3.As water gets colder it contracts, which is ordinary behaviour, until it reaches the temperature of 30C. above freezing point.在水温降到冰点以上30C之前,水逐渐变冷,它就逐渐收缩,这是普通的性质。

4.Reducing the gas pressure also brings about a sudden drop in temperature, typically from 10C to -30C.减低气压也会带来温度的骤降,通常是从10度降至零下30度。

5.In winter temperatures used to go down to -50C. Now they are typically -30C, according to Japtik.在冬天,过去气温会下降到零下50摄氏度,但据Japtik说,现在气温通常只有零下30摄氏度。

6.It's so cold! It must be - 30C outside.太冷了,外边肯定有零下30度。