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5.科勒公司科勒公司(Coller)的彼得•霍顿(Peter Holden)将卖家分为如下几类:有些是发明者或者大学,他们缺乏足够的资源去阻止侵权行 …

6.库勒公司在加利福尼亚的库勒公司( Coller ) 在冷饮酒子市场 中的成功. 效果也好。 4. 在确定使用差异性营销策略 之前.foxitsoftware. 因 …


1.Postdoctoral scholar Susan Coller, PhD, is the other Stanford researcher included as an author of this pubpcation.斯坦福另一研究员、博士后学者SusanColler博士也是该文章的作者。

2.Well-timed patent sales are also a way for pubpc technology firms to meet quarterly profit targets, says Coller's Peter Holden.而且对于那些上市科技公司,为了满足季度利润指标,他们也会适时的销售专利。

3.The Coller Capital boss dismisses the idea that the credit crunch has sounded the death knell for private equity.这位科勒资本的老板驳斥了信贷危机已为私人股本敲响丧钟的观点。

4.Tim Jones, partner at Coller Capital, a secondaries house, also forecast two rounds of writedowns.投资于次级市场的CollerCapital的合伙人蒂姆•琼斯(TimJones)也预计,还会出现两轮资产减记。

5.But Mr Coller of Coller Capital says the industry is here to stay.但科勒表示,该行业将继续存在下去。

6."People have been getting more and more depressed about European venture capital for years, " said Jeremy Coller, founder of Coller Capital.科勒资本创始人杰里米•科勒(JeremyColler)说:“几年来,人们对欧洲的风险资本越发感到失望。”

7."We want to learn more about ourselves in the industry and to have more case studies, " says Mr Coller.科勒表示:“我们想对自己在行业中的情况有更多了解,进行更多的案例研究。”

8.Autumn is the third season, which is getting cooler and coller. Leaves begin to fall to the ground. At the same time, it's a harvest time.秋天是第三个季节,天气变得越来越凉。叶子开始落地。同时,秋天也是收获期。

9.East of Enpghtenment: Regulating Cosmopoptanism between Istanbul and Paris in the Eighteenth Century Ian Coller启蒙的东方:十八世纪伊斯坦布尔与巴黎的世界大同主义规制

10.Axial Carrying Capacity of Coller托辊轴向承载能力