



1.The next day at 5. 30p. m. , I was at my parents' house ringing the doorbell. It was Dad who answered the door.第二天下午5:30的时候,我按响了父母家的门铃。是爸爸开的门。

2.A fully automated V 30P system occupies a small amount of space, according to the company.一个完全自动化的V30P电源系统占用很小的空间,据该公司。

3.Show up at New York Hotdog and Coffee this Wed. starting at 12: 30p. m. and if you're one of the first 100 customers, you get a free burger!这个星期三在纽约热狗和咖啡上登场。下午12点30分开始。如果你是前100个客户中的一个,你就能免费获得一个汉堡。

4.It offered plastic table coverings, tea at 30p a mug, succulent bacon butties and four computers.这家咖啡馆提供塑料桌布、30便士一杯的茶、多汁的腊肉三明治及4台电脑。

5.A new V 30P model packaging cell for production facipties with pmited floor space has been launched by ESS Technologies.阿新的V30P输出模式面积有限的生产设施,包装细胞已经启动斯洛文尼亚就业服务局技术。

6.Judy and I took our umbrellas, our gifts and our granddaughter, Chelsey, and at about 9: 30p. m. we headed off to the Christmas party.朱迪和我带上雨伞、礼物,还有我们的孙女切尔西,在大约晚上9点半的时候出门前去参加圣诞晚会。

7.Every clerk was given a petrol allowance of 30p per mile.公司发给每个职员每英里30便士的汽油津贴。

8.Even basic orange juice has gone from 30p to 56p a carton in my local supermarket in three years.这三年来在本地的超市里,甚至连最基本的橘子汁也从30分涨到56分一盒了。

9.Engpsh broadcast (songs): Monday-Friday from 12: 00-12: 30p. m.英语广播(音乐欣赏):周一——周五中午12:

10.From 2008 , basic rate income tax will be cut from 22p to 20p in the pound and corporation tax will fall from 30p to 28p .从2008年开始,英国个人所得税基本税率将从22%下调至20%,企业所得税率将从30%下调到28%。