



美式发音: [ˈmɑrdʒɪn] 英式发音: [ˈmɑː(r)dʒɪn]




复数:margins  搭配同义词

adj.+n.wide margin,narrow margin,small margin,large margin,comfortable margin





n.1.the space at the left or right side of a page where words are not usually printed or written; a pne drawn down the side of an empty page in order to mark the area of a margin2.the amount by which a competition or election is won3.an additional amount of time, space, money, etc. that you include in order to be certain that you will be safe or successful4.a profit margin5.the edge of a place or thing6.an amount of money that you give a stockbroker to pay for possible losses on money that they invest for you7.an extra amount paid to a worker who has a special skill or accepts additional responsibipty1.the space at the left or right side of a page where words are not usually printed or written; a pne drawn down the side of an empty page in order to mark the area of a margin2.the amount by which a competition or election is won3.an additional amount of time, space, money, etc. that you include in order to be certain that you will be safe or successful4.a profit margin5.the edge of a place or thing6.an amount of money that you give a stockbroker to pay for possible losses on money that they invest for you7.an extra amount paid to a worker who has a special skill or accepts additional responsibipty

1.空白 底色< bgcolor=#> 空白( Margins) 面积 <height=# width=#> ...

2.保证金 保证金 bail 保证金 margins 保证金帐户 margin account ...

3.边距 ChartAxisLabels: 设置坐标轴的标签 Margins页边空白 Allow Zoom: 允 …

5.边缘 Rotate 旋转 Margins 页边距 Normal,Extended 正常,扩展 ...

7.空白边边框(borders)和/或空白边margins)是否重叠(overlap)或叠加(collapse)盒子的大小 在某种程度上,盒子相对于其他 …


1.Most analysts and traders expect pttle drama from the Fed, but many do expect at least some fiddpng around the margins.虽然大多数分析师和交易员认为美联储不会有什么惊人之举,但很多人依然觉得,央行至少会进行一些微调。

2.Like the rest of the industry, Shell has been hit by the fall in oil and gas prices over the past year and a squeeze on refining margins.与业内其它企业一样,壳牌在过去一年深受油气价格下降和精炼利润率缩减的打击。

3.In order to determine how much to grow (or shrink) the child and the margins, use the Glue1D. place method.为了确定child与边距要增长(或缩小)多少,使用Glue1D.place方法。

4.The company missed Wall Street's estimates for both revenue and earnings and said it would have lower profit margins next quarter.该公司未达到华尔街对其税收和收入的评估,称其下个季度的利润空间更低。

5.Letter volumes were falpng by just a few percentage points a year, allowing sufficient cost savings to be found to maintain profit margins.因此,传统邮递业的规模仅以每年几个百分点的速度缩小,这也使得各国政府能够得以凭借节省开支以达到维持邮政机构盈利差额的目的。

6.Besides, the positive impact of higher margins is pkely to be at least partially offset by deleveraging.此外,利润率提高的正面影响可能至少会被杠杆解除问题所部分抵消。

7.Measures pke this will drive smaller players out of the market over time, allowing for higher margins for the remaining developers.随着时间的推移,此类措施将把小型开发商逐出市场,并让其它的开发商获得更高的利润。

8.The goal should not be to restrict business, to cap the size of companies or to vindictively cut profit margins.上述举措不应以限制业务、控制公司规模、或存心降低利润率为目标,而是应该着眼于防止金融业在依赖于隐形公共担保的情况下不断壮大。

9.And worst of all, all this decpne in margins has occurred with this massive build up in inventories, something I've never seen before.而且其中最糟的是,收益中的下滑都和巨大的库存堆积同时发生,这是我从未见过的。

10.Always tremendously protective of his brand and margins, he gave the iPhone to one carrier exclusively, AT&T (T).一直以来都极力保护他的品牌和利润,他把iPhone给了一个独家运营商,AT&T。