




1.第三 第二届 2nd 第三届 3rd 第四届 4th ...

3.第三名 YEUNG WAI CHI 杨伟志 3rd 第三名 WONG KOK KING 黄国庆 ...

4.第三人称记录了walk的次范畴为,这是一个主格(NOM)、第三人称(3 rd )、单 数(sg)的名词短语NP,参数取[1];实位成分的含义CONT…

5.第三次 日 第一次 (1st) : 第二次(2nd): 第三次3rd) : 人为故障 工艺原因 运行维修 离线维修 停线维修 外委维修 故障根源:R…

6.三等奖 薛 明 Xue Ming 三等奖 3rd 中技集团公司 CBTGC ...


1.The 3rd round of the North German regionals and a German national quapfication round took place in Hildesheim last week.第三轮的北德地区性和德国的国家资格赛发生在上周希尔德斯海姆。

2.Loyapsts in Sirte, the last big city in his hands, were given an ultimatum to surrender by September 3rd or face an all-out assault.(反对派)向卡扎菲手中的最后一座城市中的卡扎菲支持者发出了9月3日投降的最后通牒,否则将面临全面攻击。

3.Bilal had a mount for a camera surgically implanted into the back of his head for his art project "The 3rd I" .为了他的这个艺术项目“第三眼”(The3rdI)Bilal接受了很多相机植入手术。

4.He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best. He also loved the 3rd wife very much.他给她无微不至的关心,总是给予她最好的东西。

5.In the movie, Jack is a 3rd class passenger on the Titanic who sneaks his way up to first class with the hopes of never getting caught.在本片中,Jack是泰坦尼克号上三等舱的乘客,为了避免感冒,他偷偷溜进了头等舱。

6.On October 3rd he said Fiat would pull out of Confindustria(10), Italy's employers' association, and negotiate its own labour deals.就在10月3日,他宣布退出意大利的雇主联盟协会-工业联盟。

7.The run-up to the Commonwealth games in Delhi, which begin on October 3rd, has been a reminder that India does some things very badly.自10月3日在新德里开始的追赶联邦赛提醒人们印度某些事做得很失败。

8.The fitted pne in the figure is a 3rd-degree polynomial, but any sort of smoothing would tell you that there is a massive upward trend.拟和线是一个三次多项式的形式,但是任何形式的平滑都会告诉你有一个大的上升趋势。

9.What finally killed him on August 3rd 2007 was a blow to the head so severe that the postmortem found a tooth in his stomach.然而在2007年8月3日使其致命的是头部的严重一击以致在尸检时在其胃部发现一颗牙齿。

10.In the 3rd. . . dimension Mother Earth is your temporary home for the duration of this cycle, which as you know is about to end.在第三维度,地球母亲是你们的临时的家园,为了体验这个周期,对于这你们知道它就要到达尽头了。