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网络释义:合同研究组织(Contract Research Organization);医药研发外包;首席风险官(Chief Risk Officer)



abbr.1.cathode-ray oscilloscope2.Community Relations Officer3.Criminal Records Office

1.合同研究组织(Contract Research Organization) PharmaStudies Inc. 1 什么是合同研究组织(CRO)? 什么是合同研究组织(CRO)? 一种学术性或商业性的科学机构. 一种学术 …

2.医药研发外包物医药研发外包CRO )企业便捷通关试点;有效推进降低外国人居 留许可政策门槛;积极推进房产政策的系统考虑和研究。

3.首席风险官(Chief Risk Officer)首席风险官设立开始于2002年美国货币监理署(OCC)对中国银行纽约分行的整改指令中要求设立首席风险官CRO)的规定 …

4.合同研发外包全球合同研发外包CRO)服务业发展动态与趋势供稿人:王静波 供稿时间:2004-10-13     § 请为这篇文章打分(5分为最好) …

5.新药研发外包新药研发外包CRO)模式并不是李革的原创,但的确可以说是李革把这种商业模式引入了中国。在药明康德创建的2001年之 …



1.The only clue was the word "Croatoan" carved into a post of the fort and "Cro" carved into a nearby tree.唯一的线索就是被刻在堡垒上的“Croatoan”和刻在一棵树上的“Cro”。

2.with its strategic location at the cro roads of east - west trade , venice grew into a great maritime power.由于地处东西贸易重要的十字路口,威尼斯拥有强大的海洋优势。

3.We started out by providing a cpnical research organization [CRO]-pke service that supported projects that came out of global research.我们开始提供临床研究组织(CRO)服务,如支持全球研发服务项目。

4.they would devour all our cro and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from i ect-eating animals.假如没有那些以昆虫为食的动物保护我们,昆虫将吞噬我们所有的庄稼,害死我们的牛羊家畜,使我们不能生存于世。

5.But as the economic downdraft worsened, they were given more power, giving the title even more value within the C-Suite.但随着经济衰退的状况日渐恶化,CRO被赋予了更多权力,甚至在最高管理层中比CFO更受重视。

6.Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the newest darpng of Internet Marketers, after all what good is traffic if it doesn't convert.转化率优化是网络营销人士的新宠,毕竟如果不能带来转化,再高的流量也是枉然。

7.The framework of optimizing design, headpne, copy and call-to-action should provide you with a good plan to design your CRO program.在设计你的CRO项目时,整个的优化设计,标题,内容和呼唤行动的框架能提供给你一个不错的计划。

8.Cro the road very carefully. Look both ways, or you might be knocked down.过马路要非常小心,要看两边,不然会被车撞倒。

9.Meanwhile, the five largest CROs have increased their market share and now hold 45 per cent of the total market.与此同时,5家最大的CRO不断提高市场份额,目前其份额已占整个市场的45%。

10.alley croing; strip croing Growing two or more cro in alternating strip or blocks on the same piece of land at the same time.条植法;条播法在同一块田里按条或块同时种植两种或两种以上的作物。