



1.And, of course, there is the case of the Japanese real estate, where investors lost 40 percent of their money over the last twenty years.当然,日本房地产也是这种情况,投资者在过去二十年亏损了40%。

2.But 40 percent said it was wrong for a man to tell a woman she was overweight.但是40%的人表示,男人告诉女人说她超重是不对的。

3.Please, 86 percent of American women are married at least once by the age of 40, so stop reading all that lonely-girl porn.拜托,86%的美国女性在40岁时至少结了一次婚,因此不要再看孤独女孩的言情小说了。

4.In massacre situations, up to 40 percent of circumstantial matches turn out to be wrong, according to one recent study in Kosovo.最近在科索伏进行的一份研究指出,在大屠杀的情况下,有40%推测的身份是错误的。

5.The U. N. has appealed for more than $1 bilpon to address the crisis and has so far raised about 40 percent of the money it has requested.联合国呼吁超过10亿美元的捐款来解决这场危机,目前为止只筹集了大约40%。

6.However, even that term is supposed to be used for products that are at least 40 percent beef.迈尔斯还表示,然而,即便是肉馅一词,也指的是牛肉含量至少为40%的产品。

7.Let's say hypothetically that the cost for a partner benefit is $10000 a year and the employee is at the 40 percent marginal tax bracket.我们来假设一下,配偶的保险费是每年1万美元,而雇员的边缘税率是40%。

8.He expects New Oriental's Engpsh training program for kids to grow by at least 40 percent during the next couple of years.她认为在未来的两年内新东方儿童教学课程将增加至少40%。

9.In more than 50 countries around the world, the shadow economy is at least 40 percent the size of documented GDP.全世界有超过50个国家,其黑市经济的规模至少达到了该国GDP的40%。

10.Almost 40 percent of the male population engages in a form of homosexual activity and a small percentage don't ever copulate with females.大约40%的雄性会参与某种形式的同性行为,而少数从不与雌性有性行为。