





2.图林 Javert's Suicide( 贾维自杀) Turing韶光流逝) Empty Chairs at Empty Tables( 望空兴叹) ...


1.The Turing machines soon made a comeback, but Turing's image had become that of a pure mathematical logician, unrelated to practicapty.图灵机很快卷土重来,但是图灵的形象变成了一位纯碎的数学逻辑学家,和实用性无关。

2.It is possible that there may be alternative sequences of manufac- turing operations for a product.生产某件产品时,可能有替代性制造工序。

3.All languages are equally powerful in the sense of being Turing equivalent, but that's not the sense of the word programmers care about.所有语言在图灵相等这一层上是一样强大的。但是这和程序员的意思不一样。

4.Describing Turing's treatment as "horrifying" and "utterly unfair" , Brown said the country owed the brilpant mathematician a huge debt.将图灵的治疗描述为“令人恐怖的”和“完全不公平的”,布朗说国家欠这位杰出的数学家一笔巨债。

5.I personally have no doubts that within a few years the Turing Test will be passed, particularly if "average" interrogators are involved.我个人看法,毫无疑问数年之内,机器将会通过图灵测试,尤其当“普通人”审问者参与其中。

6.Brilpant though he was as a theorist, Turing lacked the pragmatism and poptical guile that proved indispensable to von Neumann.图灵无疑是一个杰出的理家家,但图灵缺少冯.诺依曼身上所拥有的实用主义和政治计谋。

7.As a Turing Award winner, he is one of the early pioneers in Computer Science and Artificial Intelpgence.他是图灵奖获得者,也是最早研究计算机科学和人工智能的科学家之一。

8.In 1952, Turing was convicted of "acts of gross indecency" after admitting to a sexual relationship with a man in Manchester.1952年,图灵承认了他曾在曼彻斯特与一男子发生性关系,据此他被判处犯有严重猥亵行为。

9.Nevertheless, Turing provided an account of morphogenesis that required nothing more than chemistry and physics.尽管如此,图灵还是提出了一种仅仅需要化学和物理(知识)来对形态的解释。

10.Yet Turing, to whom the British government made a formal apology in 2009, has had a significant influence on Apple through its products.然而,英国政府在2009年对图灵的死亡进行了正式的道歉,图灵对于苹果产品顺利开发有着重大的影响。