

scientist:[英 [ˈsaɪəntɪst] 美 [ˈsaɪəntɪst] ]



scientist 基本解释

名词科学家; 科学工作者

scientist 网络解释

1. 科学者:又美国今年环境保护节日,白宫招待与会人员聚餐,全部素食,次日亦立即遭受肉商攻击,由此可见在美国式自由环境下,由于商业气息太浓,已影响科学研究,发生偏差,使科学(Science)与科学者(Scientist)不能分开,为了研究,为了生活,

2. 科学家,科学工作者:scientific 科学的 | scientist 科学家,科学工作者 | scintigram 闪烁图

scientist 双语例句

1. scientist的近义词

1. I`m not a scientist, but I`m guessing that`s wrong.


2. A scientist's secret, geo-thermal experiment has triggered the volcanic activity; and now Matt, his geologist ex-wife, and a team of unlikely heroes have only a few sticks of dynamite and a prayer to rescue the city from volcanic apocalypse.


3. scientist什么意思

3. The scientist has announced that it is only a rock on Mars.



4. Admittedly, specified education will cultivate individual to be a smart scientist or a skilled engineer. How ever, in today's world, the progress in human society, such as CPU designed by Intel or AMD, are mostly created by cooperation, not by individuals. People who can better communicate and copperate with other is in great need, where a skilled but wordless one is surely not accepted. Same circumstances need to be considered in other aspects of social science.


5. I'm a scientist...


6. Dinesh Abrol, a scientist at the National Institute for Science, Technology and Development Studies in Delhi, says that university research in India and the United States are vastly different.

印度德里的国立科学技术和发展研究所的科学家Dinesh Abrol说,印度和美国的大学研究非常不同。

7. 2M5|S:cqa'G The so-called division between the pure scientist and the applied scientist is more apparent than real.


8. A team led by University of California at Irvine scientist Eva Lee found that the compound, mifepristone, prevented breast tumors by blocking progesterone in mouse breast tissue cells.

由位于 Irvine 的加利福尼亚大学科学家 Eva Lee 带头的科研小组发现化合物米非司酮可通过阻止患乳癌的小鼠的乳腺组织细胞的黄体酮的合成而对抗乳癌发生。

9. Mr. Tilley is the station manager and resident scientist here on Middle Caye, one of six small islands within the Glover`s Reef atoll.


10. scientist

10. What is appropriate for an individual depends on the particular applications, activites, and opportunities for FITness that are associated with the individual's area of interest or specialization, and what is reasonable for a FIT lawyer or a historian to known and be able to do may well differ from what is required for a FIT scientist or engineer.


11. Mr Maurizio Seracini is a pioneering scientist who has made his name by ingeniously adapting the latest medical and military technology to reveal the secrets of great art works.


12. He is a well-known scientist in the world.


13. scientist的意思

13. Franklin was not the only scientist inspired to conduct experiments with electricity. In the 1780s, the Italian scientist Luigi Galvani made a dead frog`s leg move by by means of an electric current.

Franklin 并不是唯一的在电力实验方面灵光突现的科学家。18世纪80年代,意大利的科学家 Luigi Galvani 用电流让一只切断的青蛙的腿移动。

14. I will be a scientist in the future.


15. She was a scientist of great account.


16. Since then, Darwinian theory has become the accepted scientific doctrine, but now scientist Ted Steele is stirring things up again.



17. Ding U Doo is an outstanding library scientist and librarianship activitist of latter-day China.


18. In the year 2004, US scientist working at a top secret undergound lab in Alaska clone the microbe.



19. If I were a scientist, I would invent a multi-purpose chip for the benefits of humans.


20. scientist的翻译

20. A Japanese scientist recorded one bamboo plant which grew almost 1.5 meters (4feet) in 24 hours!


scientist 词典解释

1. 科学家;科学工作者

A scientist is someone who has studied science and whose job is to teach or do research in science.

e.g. Scientists have collected more data than expected.


scientist 单语例句

1. The longtime Republican district fell to the Democrats Saturday when wealthy scientist and businessman Bill Foster snatched the seat in a closely watched special election.

2. The controversial scientist warned that only a catastrophic event would persuade humans that the threat of climate change was serious.

3. Now a Japanese scientist may have the answer - an internal central heating system.

4. You'll find him out in the fields more often than behind a lectern, and China's most famous rice scientist is still chafing at the bit.

5. However, becoming a chemist was not the scientist's childhood dream.

6. This was because the medical scientist was not a member of either the Chinese Academy of Sciences or the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

7. Eminent American linguist, cognitive scientist and activist Noam Chomsky calls it " profit over people ".

8. " China had gone through a lot of difficulties during the first 30 years after 1949, " said Chinese University political scientist Ivan Choy.

9. The chief scientist said the satellite will slow down as it nears its destination, then circle the moon three times before settling into the orbit planned for it.

10. The scientist who said the planet behaves like a single organism, claimed humans were " not clever enough " to handle climate change problems.

scientist 英英释义


1. a person with advanced knowledge of one or more sciences