

master:[英 [ˈmɑ:stə(r)] 美 [ˈmæstə(r)] ]


过去式:mastered;   过去分词:mastered;   现在分词:mastering;   复数形式:masters;

master 基本解释


名词大师; 硕士; 主人(尤指男性); 男教师

及物动词精通,熟练; 作为主人,做…的主人; 征服; 使干燥(染过的物品)

形容词主人的; 主要的; 精通的,优秀的; 原版的

master 同义词


master 反义词



master 相关词组

1. be master of : 控制, 掌握;

2. be ones own master : 独立;


master 相关例句


1. I'm sure he'll make a master boxer.



1. She learned to master her anger.



1. The dog ran to its master.


2. The dog obeyed his master.


3. master在线翻译

3. He was a master of English style.


master 网络解释

1. 主盘:每条数据线最多可以连接2台设备,需要将设备分别设置为 主盘(master)和从盘(slave),这样的设置一般通过驱动器上的跳线实现. 错误示范!可别把20/24针可分离式电源接头的4针扩展接头插进12V辅助(AUX)电源接口中(一般来说那个接口也比较远你够不着).

2. master的近义词

2. master:multiple access shared – time executive routine; 多路存取共享时间执行例程

master 双语例句

1. master

1. This is in direct and striking contrast to his father, master fireworks maker Simeon Runciman, who is portrayed as a brooding, dark and intense character with a mysterious past.


2. Dan Clarion, the maintenance manager and harbor master in Ouzinkie, a town of about 170 people on an island off Alaska, said the new airport was vital for safety reasons.


3. master的近义词

3. If it comes from the material master record, it is a standard valuation price.


4. master的近义词

4. Second, she was bound up and one foot was hung up in the air, only had one foot standing to support her body, third, the master gave her a very tight ball tie to make her learn the extreme taste of Chinese rope bondage, last, she was tortured by traditional Chinese Tiger`s Bench.


5. He was a veritable master at covering his tracks.


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7. With the Master/Slave framework constructed by the advanced embedded operating system, embedded industrial computer and digital signal processor technology, concurrent execution among data acquisition, data processing communication and graphical monitoring is realized easily, and the real-time ability and reliability are improved also.


8. To master the pathological changes and clinic-pathologic relationship of lobar pneumonia, lobular pneumonia.


9. I. an account in a master trust scheme nominated by himself/herself; or


10. I. an account in another master trust scheme nominated by himself/herself; or


11. A an account in a master trust scheme nominated by himself/herself; or


12. An account in a master trust scheme nominated by himself/herself; or


13. The Druid of World of Warcraft was designed as a `Jack of All Trades` type of character – yet master of none.


14. master

14. Somewhat of a jack of all trades, master of none.


15. Martov is one of the propagators and practicers of the Marxism in Russia. He is one of the primary founders of Iskra and a master editor at its edit board, and also one of the predominant theorists and leaders of the Russian revolutionary history. At the Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party in 1903, the party split into Menshevik and Bolshevik because of the divarication between Mrtov and Lenin. Then they became the leader of each faction.


16. The primary school English teachers are basically switched to other teachers and their levels of English teaching can imagine the effect it had, together with primary school education is no pressure on the goal of teaching is not very clear, a lot of Teachers simply in order to meet the job is to teach and to teach, students do not care to master.


17. Master Chu s idea of moral mind and human mind plays an important role in his theory.


18. There will be two separate awards, one for a master's degree and one for a doctorate degree graduate.


19. When a dog has been properly trained, he will always lead his blind master in the right direction and keep him out of danger.


20. When working with Time Management, it is therefore essential that you maintain certain master data infotypes for your employees.


master 词典解释

1. 主人;雇主;老板

A servant's master is the man that he or she works for.

e.g. My master ordered me not to deliver the message except in private...


e.g. In 1777 several northern states encouraged white masters to free their slaves for military service.


2. (狗的)拥有者,主人

A dog's master is the man or boy who owns it.

e.g. The dog yelped excitedly when his master opened a desk drawer and produced his leash.


3. 专家;能手;高手

If you say that someone is a master of a particular activity, you mean that they are extremely skilled at it.

e.g. She was a master of the English language...


e.g. He is a master at blocking progress...


4. (局势的)控制者,主宰者

If you are master of a situation, you have complete control over it.


e.g. Jackson remained calm and always master of his passions...


e.g. He was under no illusions as to who was master in his house.


5. 掌握;精通

If you master something, you learn how to do it properly or you succeed in understanding it completely.


e.g. Duff soon mastered the skills of radio production...


e.g. Students are expected to master a second language.


6. 控制;掌控

If you master a difficult situation, you succeed in controlling it.

e.g. When you have mastered one situation you have to go on to the next...


e.g. His genius alone has mastered every crisis.


7. 男教师

A master is a male teacher.

e.g. Mr Palmer was a retired maths master.


8. (已故)著名画家,艺术大师

A famous male painter of the past is often called a master .

e.g. ...a portrait by the Dutch master, Vincent Van Gogh.


9. (电影、录音等)原始拷贝的,母盘的,母带的

A master copy of something such as a film or a tape recording is an original copy that can be used to produce other copies.

e.g. Keep one as a master copy for your own reference and circulate the others.


10. (商船的)船长

The master of a ship that carries passengers or goods is its captain.

e.g. ...the Royal Pacific's master.


11. 硕士学位

A master's degree can be referred to as a master's .


e.g. I've a master's in economics.


12. 长老(信徒对宗教法师或领袖的称呼)

Master is sometimes used by the followers of a male religious teacher or leader as a way of referring to him or addressing him.

e.g. She believed that she had been selected by the Master to reveal forgotten wisdom.


13. (旧时的)少爷,小主人;君(现在用于信件中对男孩的称谓)

In the past, Master was used before a boy's name as a polite way of referring to him or addressing him. Nowadays, Master can be written before a boy's name when addressing a letter to him.


e.g. Nice to see you, Master Simon.


14. 自己作主;独立自主

If you say that you are your own master, you mean that your decisions are not controlled by other people and you are free to do what you want.

e.g. It was no place for a man who liked to be his own master.


master 单语例句master在线翻译

1. Not that Van Sprang proves himself to be a master thespian by comparison.

2. By contrast, newly graduated bachelor's or master's degree holders in Beijing earned much less.

3. But while these economical labels certainly know how to master the market, they are by no means the only export of the country.

4. Teachers push students to master technical showpieces by rote to impress judges at nationwide competitions that serve as entrance exams for top schools.

5. " Wearing a suit made by a Hongdu master was a symbol of high social status, " Gao said.

6. He had spent a year looking for a job by the time he received his master's degree in chemical science from Tsinghua University last July.

7. Worked as a caddie master at Zhuhai Golf Club during his early years.

8. Only a skillful master knows how to use fire of different temperatures on the calcination of different parts of the sculpture.

9. The class also combines the knowledge of yinglian with Chinese calligraphy, requiring students to master the use of brush and thus the calligraphic arts.

10. He also lacks a feel for the caper film, a tough genre to master and set apart from a heist thriller.

master 英英释义



1. an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made

Synonym: master copyoriginal

2. key that secures entrance everywhere

Synonym: passkeypasse-partoutmaster key

3. presiding officer of a school

Synonym: headmasterschoolmaster

4. an artist of consummate skill

e.g. a master of the violin

one of the old masters

Synonym: maestro

5. an authority qualified to teach apprentices

Synonym: professional

6. directs the work of others

7. someone who holds a master's degree from academic institution

8. an officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship

Synonym: captainsea captainskipper

9. a person who has general authority over others

Synonym: overlordlord

10. a combatant who is able to defeat rivals

Synonym: victorsuperior


1. have a firm understanding or knowledge of

be on top of

e.g. Do you control these data?

Synonym: control

2. be or become completely proficient or skilled in

e.g. She mastered Japanese in less than two years

Synonym: get the hang

3. get on top of

deal with successfully

e.g. He overcame his shyness

Synonym: overcomeget oversubduesurmount

4. have dominance or the power to defeat over

e.g. Her pain completely mastered her

The methods can master the problems

Synonym: dominate