

restore:[英 [rɪˈstɔ:(r)] 美 [rɪˈstɔr, -ˈstor] ]


过去式:restored;   过去分词:restored;   现在分词:restoring;

restore 基本解释

及物动词修复; 归还; 交还; 使恢复

及物/不及物动词恢复(某种情况或感受); 使复原; 使复位; 使复职


restore 相关例句


1. The army was called in to restore law and order to the place.


2. The new manager's job is to restore the company to profitability.


3. He was completely restored.


4. Their attempt to restore the king failed.


5. The stolen bike was restored to its owner.


restore 网络解释

1. 复原:在恢复(recover)使用非一致性备份(inconsistent backup)复原(restore)的数据库时,归档重做日志(archived redo log)必不可少. 除非使用了 RMAN 的增量备份(incremental backup)功能,否则必须利用归档重做日志对非一致性备份进行恢复.

2. 修复::Oracle 数据库的恢复实际上包含了两个概念:数据库修复(RESTORE) 与数据库恢复(RECOVER): 数据库修复: 是指利用备份的数据库文件来替换已经损坏的数据库文件或者将其恢复到 数据库修复: 一个新的位置.RMAN 在进行修复操作时,

restore 双语例句

1. Gluten and acid orange juice can also help restore tanning the skin.


2. Ginkgo: to improve the uneven colour, bleak and restore the skin Whitening Source luster.


3. Ginkgo: to improve t he uneven colour, bleak and restore the skin Whitening Source luster.


4. restore的意思

4. Anyone who violates these Procedures in the area of public welfare forest shaIl be ordered tO stop the illegal activities and restore in time by the competent forestry anthorities of the People`S Government above the county/banner level; if he/she failed to restore within the time limit, the competent forestry authorities of the People`S


5. The head of the European Central Bank pledged on Sunday to do whatever it takes to restore confidence to rocky markets, as governments world-wide pour cash into banks and markets hit by the financial storm that has toppled banks in the United States and Europe.


6. restore的翻译

6. It is in the world interest to avoid drifting into a widening division between the have and have-not nations; to help develop the practical means for the United Nations to keep the peace; to preserve and restore our natural environment; to use the natural resources of the sea for the benefit of all; to ensure that the increase in population does not impair the quality of life; to curb narcotics traffic; to end sky piracy and the kidnapping and murder of diplomats; to ensure that the human rights of prisoners of war not be violated.


7. One of the earlier aspects of our plan is restore your rights, and draconian laws that are unconstitutional will be removed as quickly as possible.


8. restore什么意思

8. Note: If the drive already has a triple MBR, then bootlace will cancel itand restore the original partition layout.

注意:如果驱动器已经是一个三重的 MBR ,那么 bootlace 会删除它并且恢复为原本的分区布局

9. In the 1970s, Arab countries and other friendly developing countries gave strong support and made persistent effort in helping restore New China's lawful seat in the United Nations.



10. So this a dissertation that be expect permeate to Chen Huo Chuan since translate〈Road〉Zhi content, Does detail decipher analyze with inquire into, Again cooperates with author to should a novel recollect create annotation explanation, Attempts come restore author create this a novel's real intention, And by means of thinks this possess emperor people literature controversy work do a history orientation.


11. Eye health care is a major key to life. Use the Eye Beauty Massager can good take care of your eyes, enjoy the gentle Eye SPA to help you to restore the vitality of the eyes.

眼部护理是健康生活的一大关键;眼部美容器照顾您的双眼,轻松享受专有Eye SPA,帮助您恢复眼部活力。

12. restore的解释

12. You can also do a selective restore.


13. They should come out in full force and help clean up the areas and restore electricity.


14. Based on present designs for dynamic fixator of lumbar spine (dynamic stabilization fixator, DSF), this study presents a new DSF design. The goals for the new DSF design are: to reduce intradiscal pressure without increasing the loads on adjacent discs, to improve the movement and the load transfer of spinal segment, to restore stability of motion segment.

依据目前各国腰椎活动式固定器(Dynamic stabilization fixator;简称DSF)的设计,比较其优缺点再设计出目前型式,此DSF目标为降低退化性椎间盘压力且不增加邻近椎间盘压力、可承担腰椎部分力量、恢复脊椎稳定性、保持椎体间适当活动度、及避免椎间盘持续老化。

15. An emergency procedure consisting of external cardiac massage and artificial respiration; the first treatment for a person who has collapsed and has no pulse and has stopped breathing; attempts to restore circulation of the blood and prevent death or brain damage due to lack of oxygen.


16. restore什么意思

16. Nd when Mnn's work ws essentilly discredited by Steve McIntyre nd Ross Mckittrick, it becme politicl necessity to find other proxies tht would replce Mnn's questionble choices nd restore the pristine beuty of the Hockey Stick shpe.


17. After our supper together and a few songs, to restore the frazzled energy, we gratefully called it a day!


18. Thoroughly changed the traditional water electrolysis machine produced by the electrolysis of alkaline water to restore the process.


19. After liberating, below the leader of party and people government, silkworm mulberry production got restore quickly and develop, obtained unprecedented achievement, make brief reviewing now.


20. restore

20. An administrative level password is required to restore the original Windows interface.


restore 词典解释

1. 恢复

To restore a situation or practice means to cause it to exist again.


e.g. The army has recently been brought in to restore order...


e.g. As they smiled at each other, harmony was restored again...



His visit is expected to lead to the restoration of diplomatic relations...


They were committed to the eventual restoration of a traditional monarchy.


2. 使恢复;使康复;使复原

To restore someone or something to a previous condition means to cause them to be in that condition once again.

e.g. We will restore her to health but it may take time...


e.g. He said the ousted president must be restored to power...



I owe the restoration of my hearing to this remarkable new technique.


3. 修复(建筑、画或家具等)

When someone restores something such as an old building, painting, or piece of furniture, they repair and clean it, so that it looks like it did when it was new.

e.g. ...experts who specialise in examining and restoring ancient parchments.


e.g. ...the beautifully restored old town square.



I specialized in the restoration of old houses...


The bones were 'mislaid' during the seventeenth-century restorations.


4. 归还;交还;返还

If something that was lost or stolen is restored to its owner, it is returned to them.

e.g. The following day their horses and goods were restored to them...


e.g. The looted property was restored and the chargé d'affaires was told that the soldiers responsible had been arrested.


restore 单语例句restore

1. State television said President Pervez Musharraf had ordered the provincial government in Karachi to take immediate steps to restore order and act against those responsible.

2. But for ancient Chinese books, the way to restore them is unique.

3. The Chinese authorities have keenly realized the necessity to restore external balance by boosting domestic demand.

4. But that doesn't mean we should let a chance to restore normalcy and strengthen friendship slip by.

5. The station had just helped restore power to a neighbouring village on September 2 when it received a call at 8 pm about another outage.

6. He also voiced a call for concerned parties in the region to restore political stability and social order through dialogues and consultation.

7. The official said Tripoli will remain the capital of Libya, calling on the police to resume work and restore order in the city.

8. The new leadership's resolute measures to crack down on price hikes and restore market order were effective in helping calm down a panicked public.

9. The ceasefire succeeded to restore a sort of calmness and Israel started to gradually lift the sanctions.

10. Given these factors, it is impossible to restore peace in the region without the active participation of Syria.

restore 英英释义


1. return to life

get or give new life or energy

e.g. The week at the spa restored me

Synonym: regeneraterejuvenate

2. restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken

e.g. She repaired her TV set

Repair my shoes please

Synonym: repairmendfixbusheldoctorfurbish uptouch on

3. give or bring back

e.g. Restore the stolen painting to its rightful owner

Synonym: restitute

4. bring back into original existence, use, function, or position

e.g. restore law and order

reestablish peace in the region

restore the emperor to the throne

Synonym: reinstatereestablish

5. return to its original or usable and functioning condition

e.g. restore the forest to its original pristine condition

Synonym: reconstruct