

glean:[英 [gli:n] 美 [ɡlin] ]


过去式:gleaned;   过去分词:gleaned;   现在分词:gleaning;

glean 基本解释


及物动词收集; 拾落穗

glean 相关例句


1. Much of the information he gleaned was of no practical use.


glean 网络解释

1. 收集:),卡车真凶残(truculent),不要不诚实(fraudulent),成功多汁水(succulent),退出可食用(esculent)哥哥学习要收集(glean),哥哥离去小故障(glitch),哥哥速度会烦躁(grate),哥哥成熟会抱怨(gripe)里面惰性(inert)怕敏捷(pert),

2. glean在线翻译

2. 收集、拾、发现:callback 回叫、复查、回收 | glean 收集、拾、发现 | punt 平底船


3. 收集(资料探明:glaze 釉 | glean 收集(资料探明 | glide 滑动;消逝 n.滑行


4. 收集体:glaze 釉 | glean 收集体 | glide 滑动

glean 双语例句

1. glean的意思

1. And she said, Let me glean and gather after the reapers among the sheaves.


2. She said, 'Please let me glean and gather among the sheaves behind the harvesters.


3. glean

3. Thus says the LORD of hosts: Glean, glean like a vine the remnant of Israel; Pass your hand, like a vintager, repeatedly over the tendrils.


4. And Boaz said to Ruth, Listen, my daughter. Do not go to glean in another field, and also do not pass from here but stay close to my young women.

2:8 波阿斯对路得说,女儿阿,听我说,不要往别人田里拾取麦穗,也不要离开这里,要紧随着我的使女们。

5. glean是什么意思

5. You remember the story of the poor Boer farmer who struggled for years to glean a livelihood out of his rocky soil, only to give it up in despair and go off to seek his fortune elsewhere.


6. When I have fears that I may cease to be When I have fears that I may cease to be Before my pen has glean'; d my teeming brain, Before high-piled books, in charactery, Hold like rich garners the full ripen'; d grain; When I behold, upon the night'; s starr'; d face, Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance, And think that I may never live to trace Their shadows, with the magic hand of chance; And when I feel, fair creature of an hour, That I shall never look upon thee more, Never have relish in the faery power Of unreflecting love; --then on the shore Of the wide world I stand alone, and think Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.


7. glean

7. The statistical method used to glean useful information from the data might drive the initial presentation.


8. This post is part of my ongoing effort to glean useful career skills from attending more arts and cultural events.


9. Then it's up to you to study that take and glean what you can from it.


10. glean什么意思

10. You will have to decide that, for only you can glean your true name.


11. If so, we can glean the following facts


12. What can we glean from all this?


13. I am listening to all of his CDs to glean facts about his tastes.

我在听他所有的 CD收藏,以了解他的品味。

14. And yes, you can use them to glean recommendations!


15. The contacts you make andinformation you glean aid you on a personal level whenever youchange jobs, while improving your current status.


16. glean什么意思

16. Pick up ears of wheat; glean a wheat field


17. Pick up; collect; gather捡麦穗: pick up ears of wheat; glean a wheat field


18. glean的翻译

18. So she went out and began to glean in the fields behind the harvesters.......


19. And Ruth the Moabitess said unto Naomi, Let me now go to the field, and glean ears of corn after him in whose sight I shall find grace.


20. And Ruth the Moabitess said unto Naomi, Let me now go to the field, and glean ears of corn after him in whose sight I shall find grace. And she said unto her, Go, my daughter.

2:2 摩押女子路得对拿俄米说、容我往田间去、我蒙谁的恩、就在谁的身后拾取麦穗、拿俄米说、女儿阿、你只管去。

glean 词典解释

1. 耐心学习,仔细收集(信息、知识等)

If you glean something such as information or knowledge, you learn or collect it slowly and patiently, and perhaps indirectly.

e.g. At present we're gleaning information from all sources...


e.g. 10,000 pages of evidence were gleaned from hundreds and hundreds of interviews.


glean 单语例句

1. We could only glean the highlights through full texts of the toasts by premier Zhou and president Nixon.

2. American officials will not talk publicly about how they glean clues to Castro's health.

3. Anni is trying to glean the best from the East and the West.

4. US officials will not disclose how they glean clues to Castro's health.

5. The NCA said copyright owners had designated an association for the collective management of audio and video copyrights to glean royalties on their behalf.

6. Interior Minister Claude Glean told reporters at the scene that the suspect's brother has been arrested.

glean 英英释义


1. gather, as of natural products

e.g. harvest the grapes

Synonym: reapharvest