

fragment:[英 [ˈfrægmənt] 美 [ˈfræɡmənt] ]


过去式:fragmented;   过去分词:fragmented;   现在分词:fragmenting;   复数形式:fragments;

fragment 基本解释


名词碎片; 片段,未完成的部分; (将文件内容)分段



fragment 相关例句


1. The interruption fragmented his argument.




1. The bowl fell and fragmented into bits.


2. The vase was fragmented in shipment.



1. The glass fell to the floor and broke into fragments.


2. She dropped the bowl on the floor and it broke into fragments.


fragment 网络解释

1. fragment的反义词

1. 片段:对爱情的追寻与对暴力的恐惧,正是皮娜鲍什创作一贯的主题. 她很快在编舞领域崭露头角. 1968年她的处女作(Fragment)未引起轰动,但次年便凭(ImWindderZeit)在当年欧洲新生代编舞家大赛中夺魁,一举成名.


2. 破片:克瑞沙克(Kresak)认为Phaethon是彗星破片(fragment)的残留物(remnant),短周期彗星是一原本很大的天体之残留物,此天体在不断地失去质量后仍保有足够的大小;彗核的破裂物或许能解释在轨道上四散的流星体.

3. fragment:frag; 碎片叫(如

fragment 双语例句

1. Intercutting may also be used to create a montage sequence--a series of brief shots that show different details of an action that occur simultaneously or that show fragment s of variety of events related to one another by the story.


2. AIM: To study the binding sites of ZNC PR, a C-terminal pentapeptide fragment of argipressin, in rat brain.


3. fragment在线翻译

3. The FABP gene cDNA fragment was amplified by RT-PCR and cloned into pMD19-T vector for sequencing and analyzing.


4. Bioinformatic analysis of this fragment suggested that it may contain a lot of GATA-1 and at least one NF- E2 binding sites.



5. Cloning and Expression of a Human Monoclonal anti-D Fab Fragment in E. coli with the Use of Bacteriophage Vector


6. We applied this technique to many tiny spots on our lone available fragment of Oklo rock, only one millimeter thick and four millimeters across.


7. After restriction mapping, most part of its 1.9kb inserted fragment was remo...


8. fragment的近义词

8. Results Restriction enzyme mapping shows that one fragment whose size is about 560bp was inserted into the 〓.


9. fragment的反义词

9. Fragment 104, for example, compares a human life to a'thinking reed.



10. At this moment, the mind fragment got together yesterday night run away again, I became back to a wolf child whose whole purpose was for surviving.



11. In our study, two important lepidopteron pests, beet armyworm and cotton bollworm were surveyed for their endogenous piggyBac. As a result, endogenous piggyBac elements were found in these two insects, and one of the piggyBac elements isolated from the genome of cotton bollworm was intact and thought to be potentially active.1 Clonging and sequence analysis of piggyBac from beet armywormUsing PCR technique, with degenerate primers, a DNA fragment of piggyBac-like element was cloned from the genome of beet armyworm, spodoptera exigua hubner. The DNA fragment was 456bp in length, and the deduced amino acid sequence shares 50%- 78% similarity with other piggyBac elements from insects. But one stop code was found in this DNA fragment.

由于转座子很难用常规的RT-PCR和RACE技术进行克隆鉴定,故本研究在兼并引物PCR的基础上,利用inverse PCR和vectorret PCR技术,不仅调查了鳞翅目两种重要的农业害虫甜菜夜蛾和棉铃虫的內源piggyBac存在情况,同时克隆到了內源性的piggyBac转座子,并且从棉铃虫中获得了一个结构完整、具有潜在活性的piggyBac转座子HaPLE1.1甜菜夜蛾piggyBac转座子基因的克隆与序列分析采用PCR技术,利用兼并引物,从甜菜夜蛾基因组中克隆出一个內源性piggyBac类似因子的DNA片段,并命名为SePLE。

12. To investigate the relationship of PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism with the pathogenesis of Haemophilus parasuis to guinea pig, the 12 HPS isolates from Anhui Province were classified into 5 different RELP genotypes (AAA、BBB、BAB、BAC、CAB) based on the nucleotide sequences of the tbpA gene.


13. The other results demonstrated that adenovirus-mediated tran sfer and espression of the wild-type p53 in GLC-82 lacking ghe p53 g ene resulted in GLC-82 cells apoptosis which was indicated by FCM and DNA fragment analysis.


14. The Ang-1 cDNA fragment was amplified by RT-PCR, and then cloned into PGEM-T Easy Vector for sequence analysis. The linear pPIC9K plasmid DNA both ends phosphoric acid base was removed with the law of calf intestines alkaline phosphoric acid enzyme, so as to prevent the one's own ring of plasmid, and then subcloned into Pichia Pastoris Expression Vector pPIC9K.



15. The amplified fragments were cloned and sequenced. The sequence analysis revealed that this fragment contains 5364 nucleotides and shares over 70% similarity at both the nucleotide level and amino acid level with reported isolates of SCBV. The sequence has two complete open reading frames, which resembles to SCBV ORFI and ORF2 organizationally, but the open reading frame of RNase H was absent compared with SCBV.

该序列具有SCBV基因组结构特征,含有2个完整的ORF,与Gen Bank中已报道的2个SCBV分离物之间的核苷酸及氨基酸序列同一性均大于70%,但该序列与完整的SCBV基因组全序列相比,不具备完全的ORF3,缺失了对病毒复制过程极为重要的功能性基因RNase H的序列区段。

16. At the upstream of the FSH-β retroposon, there was a fragment whose sequence was homogeneous to the retroposon.


17. Sequence homology analysis revealed that Shimen strain had the highest homology with Japanese strains (ALD and GPE-), and slightly lower homology with other three CSFV strains. Shimen strain had also significant homology with two BVDV strains (NADL and SD-1). The deduced amino acid sequence homology of Shimen strain with five CSFV and two BVDV strains was all upper than 90%. It is further confirmed that this fragment is the most conserved in pestivirus amino acid sequence. It is consistent with its essential function in replication and translation of virus genome and in processing of polyprotein precursor.


18. fragment的解释

18. The results showed that the genomic DNA from Antheraea yamamai showed positive bands after hybridized with the fragment of DH-PBAN cDNA from Samia cynthia ricini, which labeled with [α-32P]-dCTP.

结果表明,标记的蓖麻蚕的DH-PBAN cDNA片断能够与天蚕、樟蚕、柳蚕和棉铃虫的基因组DNA结合。


19. The Effect of MLCK860/1176 fragment on phosphorylated myosin, HMM and S1 ATPase activity.


20. The results show that the phosphorylated myosin ATPase activity enhances in response to increasing concentration of MLCK860/1176 fragment in the presence of actin with Vmax = 19.426±1.669 (n=3) and Km = 0.486±0.106(n=3in

其中MLCK对磷酸化肌球蛋白ATP酶活性的影响表现为,当反应体系中加入肌动蛋白时,酶促反应动力学特征表现为:Vmax = 9.822±1.391(n=3),Km= 0.360±0.086(n=3);当反应体系中不加肌动蛋白时,酶促反应动力学特

fragment 词典解释The noun is pronounced /'frægmənt/. The verb is pronounced /fræg'ment/. 名词读作/'frægmənt/。动词读作/fræg'ment/。

1. 碎片;片断;小部分

A fragment of something is a small piece or part of it.

e.g. ...fragments of metal in my shoulder...


e.g. She read everything, digesting every fragment of news.


2. (使)成碎片;(使)分裂;(使)分化

If something fragments or is fragmented, it breaks or separates into small pieces or parts.

e.g. The clouds fragmented and out came the sun...


e.g. Fierce rivalries have traditionally fragmented the region...



...the extraordinary fragmentation of styles on the music scene.


Europe had become infinitely more unstable and fragmented.

欧洲已经变得相当不稳定,也越来越分化。fragment 单语例句

1. You can see only a fragment of this colour in the territory, the proportion of exponents being far greater across the border.

2. The crisscross pattern of strokes tends to fragment the outlines, creating a free composition.

3. A smaller foam fragment may have struck the right wing, but lasers and other sensors found no evidence of damage.

4. In fact, some Russian officials and scientists have also expressed doubts about the skull fragment.

5. Moderate Sunni Arab leaders have urged their community to reject the constitution, saying it will fragment Iraq and leave them weak compared to Shiites and Kurds.

6. One bullet narrowly missed an AP reporter, who was hit in the shoe by a small bullet fragment.

7. " I picked up the fragment and knew it was not an ordinary one, " the man surnamed Ren said.

8. Other villagers said only a small fragment of the population really felt it was necessary.

9. It marked the first time the only known skull fragment of the Buddha left the Chinese mainland.

10. The bone fragment was found in a sand pit in a suburb of the city.

fragment的意思fragment 英英释义


1. a broken piece of a brittle artifact

Synonym: shardsherd

2. an incomplete piece

e.g. fragments of a play

3. a piece broken off or cut off of something else

e.g. a fragment of rock


1. break or cause to break into pieces

e.g. The plate fragmented

Synonym: break upfragmentizefragmentise