



过去式:pirated;   现在分词:pirating;

pirates 基本解释


海盗( pirate的名词复数 );剽窃者;侵犯版权者;非法播音的人;

pirates 网络解释

1. 海盗传奇:光荣的系列,或许不是首款以航海贸易为题材的游戏,但它的成功为以后该类型的游戏打下了基础,之后的(Patrician)系列、(Pirates)等,多少都有其影子.

2. 加勒比海盗:但如果是像加勒比海盗(Pirates)那样的电影,就不会这样. 拍摄傲慢与偏见(Pride and Prejudice),幻灵夹克(the Jacket)时会这样,拍(Domino)时达到一种极限了. 我刚刚结束的新片(the Edge of Love)当然也算一个,

3. pirates

3. 海盗夺金冠:据现年42岁的夏洛特刘易斯透露,她在1986年参演波兰斯基执导的电影(Pirates)时,遭到了这位导演性侵犯. 如今,波兰斯基因1977年的性侵犯少女案,面临着被美国引渡回国受审,被判刑两年的危险,夏洛特刘易斯想通过此声明,

pirates 双语例句

1. If these pirates have refugees inside theleft into the gene, and that these genes have on the risks andcosts high.


2. pirates

2. Out of the eight men who had fallen in the action, only three still breathed - that one of the pirates who had been shot at the loophole, Hunter, and Captain Smollett; and of these the first two were as good as dead; the mutineer, indeed, died under the doctor's knife, and Hunter, do what we could, never recovered consciousness in this world.


3. I don't like this place, it's filled with pirates and brigands.


4. pirates的翻译

4. Pirates film, the soundtrack really is Shenmi, epic-style music depicted the ancient Egyptian mystery and majesty of the side, the soundtrack is Caodao Jerry.


5. pirates在线翻译

5. However, a man believed to be the pirates` leader speaking to VOA by satellite telephone denied those reports.


6. On September 25 a Ukrainian ship became the victim of pirates in the Gulf of Aden near Somalia.


7. Other maritime security services are less controversial: fitting ships with kit, such as barbed or electric wires, to make it hard for pirates to clamber aboard.


8. Out of the eight men who had fallen in the action, only three still breathed - that one of the pirates who had been shot at the loophole, Hunter, and Captain Smollett; and of these the first two were as good as dead; the mutineer, indeed, died under the doctors knife, and Hunter, do what we could, never recovered consciousness in this world.


9. pirates的解释

9. Although the number of commercial java games is still small compared to those written in C or C++, the market is expanding rapidly Recent updates to java make it faster and easier to create powerful gaming applications-particularly java 3D-is fueling an explosive growth in java games java games like puzzle pirates, chrome star wars galaxies Runescape alien flux kingdom of wars law and order II Roboforge Tom Clancy`s Politika and scores of others have earned awards and become bestsellers Java developers new to graphics and game programming as well as game developers new to java 3D will find killer game programming in java invaluable this new book is a practical introduction to the latest java graphics and game programming technologies and techniques it is the first book to thoroughly cover java`s 3D capabilities for all types of graphics and game development projects Killer game programming in java is a comprehensive guide to everything you need to know to program cool testosterone-drenched java games it will give you reusable techniques to create everything from fast full-screen action games to multiplayer 3D games in addition to the most thorough coverage of java 3D available killer game programming in java also clearly details the older better-known 2D APIs 3D sprites animated 3D sprites first-person shooter programming sound fractals and networked games killer game programming in java is a must-have for anyone who wants to create adrenaline-fueled games in java

虽然商业手机游戏数量仍然很小相比,在C或C ++编写的,市场正在迅速扩大的最新更新到Java使其更快,更轻松地创建功能强大的游戏应用,特别是Java 3D的,正在引发一场在Java爆炸性增长谜一样的海盗游戏Java游戏,铬星球大战星系Runescape战争外来通量王国法律和秩序第二Roboforge汤姆克兰西的波利迪卡和多少十人已经获得了奖项,并成为畅销书 Java开发新的图形和游戏编程和游戏开发新的Java 3D将在爪哇发现的杀手游戏编程宝贵这本新书是一个实际介绍了最新的Java图形和游戏编程技术和技巧,是第一本以彻底支付的图形和游戏开发项目的所有类型的Java的3D功能杀手在Java游戏编程是一个全面的指南,一切您需要清楚的方案凉爽睾酮普照的java游戏它会给你可重复使用的技术,以创造一切从快全屏幕的3D动作游戏到多人,除了最彻底的覆盖游戏Java的三维可用杀手java游戏编程也明确详细的老年人更知名的2D API的三维动画的3D鬼怪精灵第一人称射击游戏编程健全分形和网络游戏杀手java游戏编程是一个必须拥有的人谁制造在Java肾上腺素燃料游戏


10. Also, in just the past week we have witnessed a number of other brazen attacks by the pirates. Greek and Togolese ships have been taken hostage, and another American cargo ship came under attack as well. In a telling irony, the U. S. S. Destroyer Bainbridge that arrived on the scene to ward off this attack showed up with the recently rescued Captain Phillips still onboard. No rest for the weary indeed.


11. The rampant acts of Somalia pirates have caused a serious hazard to international shipping and the safety of maritime navigation, and it is a threat and damage to international peace and security.


12. An Italian tugboat and its crew of 16, seized by Somali pirates four months ago, has been released.


13. Walk slowly, the Aged, skull, King Shenzhou rocket holes, One-Line-Sky, Xiantao Stone, Journey to Snooze, Pirates dianthera gecko, stone monkey was born, Buddha, giant Zhaoxi, double Shishan, thekang mai plot, giant xiangshan (palace-style window Danxia Clostridium), flying stone, skylights, thehu li jing uncanny workmanship of nature, such as art, people dizzying, Lenovo million


14. Space outside the realms of the empires gives home to more than just brigands and pirates, it is also the home of those at the other end of the spectrum - those that dedicate their lives to aiding the needy.


15. The main references are the files of Chi dynasty, which are collected in the Taipei Palace Museum, to discuss the problems between pirates and government, the rise of pirate groups, and the influence of the government. We focus on the eastern ocean development and expect to understand the pirate activities during the Chiaching period.


16. pirates的反义词

16. Don Juan, and a 16-year-old lady fall in love due to the sent by her mother to travel to distant lands, compounded with the sea to save his daughter fall in love escape the pirates were pirates as a slave auction, in Turkey, Jin Gong dry out the affair and fled to Russia and received the Queen's darling, Sui Bong Queen ambassador to the United Kingdom of life.


17. The pirates listened grimly, and then replaced the mushroom.


18. The company's Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End earned more than ten times as much --$10.5 million -- in its first week in China.


19. The pirates spent the better part of a month partying, killing several of the natives and setting fire to one of the native villages.



20. News-Press - He supplied pirates and legitimate merchant ships with smoked fish and a place to careen, or repair their boats, by scraping off the barnacles and caulking them so they would again be seaworthy.


pirates 单语例句

1. The Pittsburgh Pirates have won baseball's World Series many times, but not since 1979.

2. The sailors entered a special cabin that was built to prevent pirates from entering and was stocked with necessities for those living inside.

3. The crew gave back their prisoner but the pirates reneged on the plan and are continuing to hold Phillips captive.

4. Somali pirates seized a chemical tanker and a cargo vessel late on Monday, underlining the continued risk to shipping in some of the world's busiest trade routes.

5. The announcement came hours after nine pirates attacked a Chinese cargo ship with 30 crewmen in Somali waters on Wednesday.

6. Yin's proposal came after a Chinese cargo ship and its crew of 25 were rescued from Somali pirates on Monday.

7. The Pirates of the Caribbean star was looking pleased with herself when she gave waiting photographers an eyeful of the expensive ring on her finger.

8. The previous text called on nations possessing warships in the Gulf of Aden to help hunt down pirates with the agreement of the Somali government.

9. The Gulf of Aden off Somalia's coast has become a hotbed for naval forces, with more than 40 ships from 22 countries patrolling its waters for pirates.

10. Escort taskforce 529 became the third Chinese naval escort taskforce sent out to patrol the Gulf of Aden to protect shipping from Somali pirates.