



geologic 基本解释



geologic 网络解释

1. 地质的:fertile soil 有生產力的土壤 | geologic 地質的 | nonmetallic mineral resources 非金屬礦物資源


2. 地质(学)的,地质(学)上的:gaseous 气体的,气态的 | geologic 地质(学)的,地质(学)上的 | geologist 地质学者

3. 地质学的,地质的:fur 毛皮 | geologic 地质学的,地质的 | grasshopper 蝗虫

4. geologic的翻译

4. 地質上的:stock 貯存 | geologic 地質上的 | debtors 借方;債務人

geologic 双语例句

1. The principal contents of the symposia on stratigraphy in the 31st International Geological Congress comprise the following aspects:geologic time scale, biostratigraphy, event stratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, isotopic stratigraphy, integrated stratigraphy, sedimentary facies and palaeogeography, palaeobiogeography, and tectono-palaeogeography.

介绍了第 3 1届国际地质大会有关地层学学术讨论的主要内容,包括地质年代表、生物地层学、事件地层学、层序地层学、磁性地层学、同位素地层学、综合地层学、沉积相与沉积古地理、生物古地理、构造古地理 10个方面。

2. geologic

2. Combined with general situation and geologic condition of a certain project, the author introduces the measures to ensure engineering quality from surveying setting-out, data processing and the implement of relevant systems, illustrates measures of construction quality control, and checks out its construction results, which is fit for the design requirement.


3. From the perspective of geologic evolution, this paper discusses the conformation features of fault block, emphatically demonstrates the closure property of the margin of complex fault block and the controlling of the fault block internal structure on accumulation of CBM, and points out that the synclinal and synclinorial areas of thrust fault block and structurally triangle fault block areas would be favorable for CBM occurrence.


4. On the basis of analyzing the geometry characteristic of geologic section, the data model of section is built.


5. Engineering geologic conditions of bridge foundation are analyzed and assessed.


6. Of, relating to, or belonging to the geologic time, system of rocks, and sedimentary deposits of the first period of the Paleozoic Era, characterized by warm seas and desert land areas.


7. Based on the studies of predecessors, we have divided the filled strata of Tazhong-uplift into 3 first order sequences and 7 second order sequences in Palaeozoic Era mostly according to the unconformities of stratigraphic distribution, the depositional sequences and reflection characteristics in the seismic profile of Tazhong area. Based on the fine interpretation of seismic profile of Tazhong area, mainly using geologic frame abduction, the denudation of the major unconformities (T74, T70 and T60) was estimated.


8. It can reflect the basic characteristics of geologic body objectively and exactly through the analysis andprocessing of the geoelectric data.


9. These eight projects are in southwestern China's Yunnan and Guizhou provinces where the geologic conditions are complex.


10. Based on the geologic background of Jia 2 Member in Jialingjiang Formation of the lower Triassic in Sichuan Basin, the li- thology, sedimentary structures, sedimentary rhyme, palaeoelimate and diagenetic evolution were analyzed.


11. geologic

11. The paper introduced the geologic feature and exploration/development history of Pyay oilfield of secondary basin in Prome Bay, Burma, which has had nearly 40 years'development history.


12. geologic

12. Taking Xingxian county as the typical area with geologic disaster in northwest of Shanxi, on the basis of data gathered in field investigation of geologic disasters, a space database of geologic disasters of Xingxian county was established. The investigation results were made into digit on the GIS software platform, and then the distribution map of geologic hazards was obtained.


13. The coherent inversion method and rootmeansquare velocity conversion method are jointly applied to build the interval velocity model. The tomographic imaging technique is used to optimize the geologic model. Based on the research of depth migration method and comparison of migration effects, the approaches and steps for building accurate migration velocity field are summarized, thus greatly improving the effects and efficiencies of velocity modeling and migration imaging.


14. geologic的翻译

14. In this paper, based on the contrast analysis of TSR reaction systems (wet gas and magnesium sulfate, methane and calcium sulphate, heavy hydrocarbon and magnesium sulfate), through the analysis of TSR chemical equations and study of chemical kinetics and chemical thermodynamics, combined with geologic information, it is concluded that methane is believed to be the product of the TSR reaction between heavy hydrocarbon and sulphate, and not main reactant; there is synchroneity between the TSR reaction and the increasing of C2+ gaseous Alkane, the TSR reaction rate increase as C2+ Gaseous Alkane increase and the volume of H2S almost not increase till the wet gas cracked to be dry gas and then dry gas with H2S is generated.


15. Problems also arise from geologic phenomena that are associated with subduction zones including back arc opening, continental growth, recycling of crustal materials and metallogenesis.


16. Various geochronometric methods have been applied to dating of important geologic events in complex Archean terranes.


17. geologic

17. Geologic condition of this well is very complicated, not only exist the difficulties of generally long open well, but also the various pressure strata exist in a same hole and be uncertainly with the formation pressure coefficient, it is easy to occur drilling accident if can not be treated well.


18. On the basis of surveying and gathering documents and previous jobs, a lot of work was done on field geologic research, core observation and description, sampling and analysis, then data procession and compilation. Finally, partial seismic and log date were rehandled and interpreted.


19. How the trend does is accorded to some certain regulations, as studies appointed out of climatic fluctuation in the geologic past with a exampe of 20ka limate change shown in the salt lake sediments in Inner Mongolia.


20. geologic的翻译

20. For the regional climate understanding about the wind drifting sands and dust motions a ppeared in present winter and spring seasons induced by southwards strentch of the Sibria-Mogolia anticyclone in the northern part of China, it is admitted that the 27 periods of aeolian sand accumulation revealed in the Salawusu Section should be the results of several-dynamic state processes of the geologic time's wind sands and dust similar to those of the above-mentioned winter and spring.


geologic 单语例句geologic的翻译

1. But 50 years is less than a drop in the ocean on geologic time scales.

2. It collected information on Arctic maritime ecology and atmospheric, geologic and fishing conditions.

3. But unidentified experts were quoted as saying that coordinates, topography and geologic information of key areas and core facilities are still top secret.

4. The new study reviewed existing geologic evidence for the known impact and considered interesting patterns in species survival.

5. The SBSM said the database is vital to disaster relief work in Tibet, which is prone to natural disasters due to its fragile geologic conditions.

6. Development of the regions would have to pass geologic surveys and safety assessments and then be certified by the technicians.

7. It will be permanently displayed in the Hong Kong Museum of Science, allowing residents of the island to learn more about the geologic history of China.

8. Examining a rock's layers can give scientists hints about the geologic history of the region where it was found.

9. Besides supervising 17 local coal mines, they are responsible for monitoring geologic hazards and dangerous biochemical goods.

geologic在线翻译geologic 英英释义


1. of or relating to or based on geology

e.g. geological formations

geologic forces

Synonym: geological