
come in是什么意思_come in用法和例句

come in:[英 [kʌm in] 美 [kʌm ɪn] ]

come in是什么意思

come in 基本解释

进来; 到达; 当选; (赛跑等比赛中)取得(名次)

come in 相关例句


1. The train has already come in.



2. When do fresh strawberries come in?


3. come in

3. The ambassador came in last month.


4. come in的反义词

4. The horse came in second.


5. When did the miniskirt first come in?


come in 情景对话


B:When can you come in for an interview?


A:Is (Friday afternoon/ Monday morning/ Tuesday) ok with you?

(星期五下午/星期一上午/星期二 )来你方便吗?


A:We need seven of these .


B:They come in cases of five .


A:Then ,send two cases please .


B:Good . thank you for the order .


At the dentist’s-(看牙医)

A:I have a terrible toothache.


B:Which tooth is it?


A:(Pointing) This one here.


B:Ah, yes. There’s a big cavity.


A:Can you fill it?


B:I’m afraid not. The tooth is too far gone. It’ll have to be taken out.


A:Then I might as well have it out now.


B:You’d better wait. The gums are swollen. Take the medicine I prescribe and come back in three days.


come in 网络解释

1. 流行:毒以许多形式流行(come in)起来. 一般而言,在你们世界的雨林中,毒物和解毒物会彼此相邻地生长在一起. 为什么会这样?为了控制奴隶人口,Anu人在仓库里把毒药和解毒药相邻地放在同一个架子上. 以相同的方式,

2. come in是什么意思

2. 请进:Get in the house! Right now!进屋去! 立刻! | Come in!请进! | -Hi -Hi,-嘿 -嗨,

3. 进入,进来:come from 出生于,来自 | come in 进入,进来 | come off 从. . . 离开,脱落

come in 双语例句

1. For better development in the future, Mr.*** decided to go to Britainfor further study. Our company needs high-qualified manager, so we totallyagree with his study plan and sincerely hope that Mr.*** can come backto our company for further work after finishing his study.


2. In the first decade of the 21st century, the GNP will double that of the year 2000, the people will enjoy an even Better-to-do life and a more or less ideal socialist market economy will have come into Being


3. come in的反义词

3. The reasons of our country`s philanthropy undertakings fall behind the times are these: the imperfect of legal system and doesn`t enforce the law strictly; the defects come from setting up a philanthropy organization, registering it and administration it; the management methods fall behind the times, financial accounting in utter disorder; lacks of philanthropy goal.


4. We hope you'll come back and stay with us again in the future.


5. In the days to come, we would like to work with you to create a brilliant tomorrow!


6. I guess I`m already missing you in the days to come.


7. In the days to come, is willing to work with new and old customers create a better future.


8. If I should leave you in the days to come.


9. come in

9. I am sure that I will do better in the days to come.



10. And I wish to share with you my thoughts on this topic in the days to come.


11. NIV I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have come into the deep waters; the floods engulf me.


12. The data come from the nation's first complete survey of forest coverage in five years.


13. During July the thickets at lower elevations come into their own with the pinkish-white flowers of the rosebay rhododendron, by far more common in the park than the catawba rhododendron.


14. And when did we see you ill, or in prison, and come to you?

25:39 又什么时候见你病了,或是在监里,来看你呢?

15. When did we see you sick, or in prison, and come to you?

25:38 又什么时候见你病了,或是在监里,来看你呢?

16. come in的近义词

16. The hole is too narrow, so we can only one side to come in.


17. It is evident that Bach's music has and will continue to shape my life in years to come.


18. Or you wake up, bleary with jet lag, in a city you've never seen before and feel you've come home.


19. Plus we have players on the sideline waiting to come in - Ole since he`s come back, and who`s been scoring again; Gaby too.


20. Everybody has his dream. In order to come true the dream, maybe you must give up sth.


come in 词典解释

1. (信息)传来;(报告或电话)接收到

If information, a report, or a telephone call comes in, it is received.

e.g. Reports are now coming in of trouble at yet another jail.


2. (钱款)定期收到;有收入

If you have some money coming in, you receive it regularly as your income.

come in的反义词

e.g. She had no money coming in and no funds.


3. 加入,参与(讨论、安排或任务)

If someone comes in on a discussion, arrangement, or task, they join it.

come in在线翻译

e.g. Can I come in here too, on both points?...


e.g. He had a designer come in and redesign the uniforms.


4. (新的观点、时装或产品)流行起来,上市

When a new idea, fashion, or product comes in, it becomes popular or available.

e.g. It was just when geography was really beginning to change and lots of new ideas were coming in...


e.g. I wouldn't be sorry to see proportional representation and I think it's a thing which will gradually come in.


5. (在某件事中)起作用,发挥作用

If you ask where something or someone comes in, you are asking what their role is in a particular matter.

come in的反义词

e.g. Rose asked again, 'But where do we come in, Henry?'


e.g. Finally, he could do no more, which is where Jacques came in.


6. (潮)涨

When the tide comes in, the water in the sea gradually moves so that it covers more of the land.

come in 单语例句

1. Each year thousands of Chinese mainlanders come to the Philippines to do business, and more and more end up settling in the country.

2. It means it is risky business for both and should ensure an attacking game in which two teams come to win.

3. The business veteran predicted economic relations between China and France should advance at a rapid pace in the years to come.

4. By all means, more and more people in China have come to realize the significance of participatory democracy.

5. " You've come way too late, " one woman shouted at Ma in footage broadcast on cable news channels.

6. In the fifth and sixth month of the Tibetan calendar each year, many Buddhists come to the lake pay homage and pray.

7. As China's enterprises are more active in overseas business, this area of activity has come under the spotlight.

8. If the world goes on in this cancerous way, we will have to wait for death to come.

9. The'Come on Over'singer made the startling confession in a candid interview, although she refused to go into any further details.

10. Once you come upon the restaurant you cannot help but wander in.

come in什么意思come in 英英释义


1. take a place in a competition

often followed by an ordinal

e.g. Jerry came in third in the Marathon

Synonym: placecome out

2. to insert between other elements

e.g. She interjected clever remarks

Synonym: interjectinterposeput inthrow ininject

3. be received

e.g. News came in of the massacre in Rwanda

Synonym: come

4. to come or go into

e.g. the boat entered an area of shallow marshes

Synonym: enterget intoget ingo intogo inmove into

5. come into fashion

become fashionable