

designate:[英 [ˈdezɪgneɪt] 美 [ˈdɛzɪɡˌnet] ]


过去式:designated;   过去分词:designated;   现在分词:designating;

designate 基本解释

及物动词指派; 指明,指出; 表明,意味着; 把…定名为

形容词指定而尚未上任的; 选出而尚未上任的


designate 相关例句


1. He was designated to lead the expedition.


2. Churches are designated on the map by crosses.


3. He designated Smith as his successor.



4. He was designated by the President as the next Secretary of State.


5. The ruler of a kingdom is designated a king.


designate 网络解释

1. 指示:一个URI只能指示(designate)一个资源. 假如一个URI指示多个资源的话,它就不是统一资源标识符(Universal Resource Identifier)了. 不过,当你请求一个URI时,服务器可以返回给你关于多个资源的信息:包括你所请求的资源,

2. 标明:15个州的法律标明(designate)了可以在少年法院审理也可以在刑事法院审理的案件类型. 在这些州,检察官有权决定向哪一个法院起诉,少年法院并不参与其中. 各州法律所规定的管辖权竞合的案件类型不一,

designate 双语例句

1. Tributary that people from the sea so that the friendly envoys of the Silk Road, to be its Houzang, and he cited his left hand before looking for vessels to the sea-like, a statue of worship in the temple in the South China Sea, and he put on China's Yi Guan, closure To achieve Xi Si Kong, Song Emperor Gaozong of Shaoxing years, but also help facilitate closure of Xi Wei-designate.


2. designate是什么意思

2. Study in the climate, the spring is the pentad (5 days for one-designate) the average temperature 10 ℃ to 22 ℃ slots.


3. designate

3. We'd like to designate Shanghai as the loading port because it is the biggest.


4. designate是什么意思

4. We`d like to designate London as the loading port, for it has larger accommodation capacity.


5. We'd like to designate new york as the loading port, for It has larger accommodation capacity.


6. We'd like to designate new york as the loading port, for it have larger accommodation capacity.


7. designate

7. Li lost in death, the Lee family when Lee Law are dead, Lee is with the dare to ride a white horse, Generalhuo qu bing combat with the Huns. yuan 狩five years, Li XiaoWei dare post office, you gen huo qu bing military offensivezuo xian wang Hun Lee dare courageously fighting the enemyzhan sha a lot ofzuo xian wang Shuai won the flag and war to a glorious military exploits have been the emperor Kannaici jue designate to replace Li as a doctor to make the charge and the officers guarding the palace guard.


8. And/or listing the contract to determine how orders that do not designate a particular process will be executed.


9. Xueyan executive director-designate, have a stronger team spirit.


10. Some members of the Working Party stated that China should designate independent tribunals, contact points, and procedures for the prompt review of all administrative actions relating to the implementation of laws, regulations, judicial decisions and administrative rulings of general application referred to in Article X:1 of the GATT 1994, including administrative actions relating to import or export licences, non-tariff measures and tariff-rate quota administration, conformity assessment procedures and other measures.

一些工作组成员表示,中国应指定独立审查庭、联络点和程序,以便迅速审查所有与GATT 1994 第10条第1款所指的法律、法规、普遍适用的司法决定和行政决定的执行有关的行政行为,包括与进出口许可证、非关税措施和关税配额管理、合理评定程序及其他措施有关的行政行为。

11. I had an interview with the ambassador designate.


12. The third-designate, we started to learn computer expertise.


13. designate

13. Note that users can select which button of a multi-button mouse to designate as the primary button in Mouse preferences.


14. In fact, one reason to redeclare a property is to designate a different default value.


15. The point is that you don't just designate people to help you.


16. But if you don't designate that time it will get lost in the shuffle.


17. designate的反义词

17. If you don`t, designate a spot for it immediately.


18. designate的意思

18. He has been designate d as his father's successor.


19. I designate you to act for me while I am away.


20. Use this window to designate the inside and outside interfaces that you want to use in NAT translations.


designate 词典解释The verb is pronounced /'dezɪgneɪt/. The adjective is pronounced /'dezɪgnət/. 动词读作 /'dezɪgneɪt/,形容词读作 /'dezɪgnət/。

1. 标示;把…定名为;称呼

When you designate someone or something as a particular thing, you formally give them that description or name.

e.g. ...a man interviewed in one of our studies whom we shall designate as E...

在我们的一项研究中接受访谈的男子,我们称之为 E

e.g. There are efforts under way to designate the bridge a historic landmark...


2. 指定

If something is designated for a particular purpose, it is set aside for that purpose.

e.g. Some of the rooms were designated as offices.


e.g. ...scholarships designated for minorities...


3. 指派;选派;委任

When you designate someone as something, you formally choose them to do that particular job.

e.g. Designate someone as the spokesperson...


e.g. The President's designated successor is his son.


4. (已受委派)尚未上任的;(已当选)尚未就职的

Designate is used to describe someone who has been formally chosen to do a particular job, but has not yet started doing it.

e.g. Japan's Prime Minister-designate is completing his Cabinet today.


designate 单语例句designate在线翻译

1. He said he hopes the government would recognize artists'value and designate centralized art zones.

2. The ministry will designate quality control centers to analyze the data and publish their results on a regular basis.

3. MOSCOW - Russia's prosecutor general said that Moscow would pursue a criminal case for bribery against Ukrainian prime minister designate Yulia Timoshenko.

4. The cultural heritage bureaus can designate these buildings, but they usually do not provide the financial wherewithal for upkeep or protection.

5. His legal team is also planning to appeal to CAS over the right of FIFA to designate Zhang Jilong as'acting president'of the AFC.

6. China was the first country in the world to designate a land day.

7. It asked local health authorities to designate certain hospitals for quarantine and treatment of flu patients and expand stock of related drugs and medical devices.

8. The ministry had stipulated that cities that did not submit reports on time would not get new approvals to designate land for construction purposes.

9. He called for the government to designate an area in each district to reduce fire hazards and nourish a revitalized street market culture.

10. They will also designate a sector which will combine beautiful natural environment and perfect infrastructure for those banks to settle.

designate 英英释义



1. design or destine

e.g. She was intended to become the director

Synonym: intenddestinespecify

2. decree or designate beforehand

e.g. She was destined to become a great pianist

Synonym: destinefatedoom

3. indicate a place, direction, person, or thing

either spatially or figuratively

e.g. I showed the customer the glove section

He pointed to the empty parking space

he indicated his opponents

Synonym: indicatepointshow

4. assign a name or title to

Synonym: denominate

5. give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)

Synonym: delegatedeputeassign