

gathering:[英 [ˈgæðərɪŋ] 美 [ˈɡæðərɪŋ] ]



gathering 基本解释

名词聚集; 采集; 集会; 积累

动词集合; (使)聚集( gather的现在分词); 推断; 了解

gathering 相关例句


1. There was a large gathering of people at the ceremony.


gathering 网络解释

1. gathering什么意思

1. 收集:如果你是一个新手,当你的采矿(Mining)、伐木(Foresting)、收集(Gathering)技能到达40以前,不要离开新手岛. 如果你将来要做一个厨师,那么还要加上钓鱼(Fishing)技能. 这些技能到达40将可以使你收获2级(tier 2)原料. 在新手岛上时,

2. 采集:--采集(Gathering):在植物(Plant)上采集草药(Herb). --召唤圣灵(Summoning Spirit):使用宝石(Gem)召唤圣灵(Spirit). 说明:工人可以每天开采一定量的水晶(Crystal). 随着玩家税收(Taxing)技能的提高而增加. 水晶是秩序系附魔(Enchant)技能的必要物品.


3. 聚会:对得起自命不凡的自己,一个个梦想,就像鱼儿吐出的水泡,由小到大,滋生到灭亡,一声长叹,终成痞子~~~最近周围生活(living)和工作的朋友(Friend)中,经常有人说起自己是达人,经常参加什么 聚会(gathering) ,认识了不少同城朋友,

gathering 双语例句

1. With the development of astrogation and electronics, modern remote sensing technology plays an important role in information gathering.


2. The Han Dynasty carried out the prefectural state counting system which stipulated locality every year and prefectural state every three years submitted a count gathering all kinds of files in this region to central government.


3. Priest:friends, family, we're gathering to celebrate thejoyous union of Ross and Emily.


4. When empress Dowager Cixi celebrated her 60th birthday, the local officer of Huishan presented a clay figurine set, Immortality Peach Gathering.


5. Explanation: According to an Earth-based calendar, the Spirit rover spent the first day of 2006 gathering data to complete this panoramic view from Gusev crater on Mars.


6. On one occasion, he participated in high school gathering, a playmate to get a bag of white powder on the table, to tell you about the benefits of taking this thing, a strong sense of curiosity so that he could not resist a mouthful of smoke.


7. Often their gathering has either drawn in the wrong individuals creating great difficulties for the group anchoring for the event, or failed to draw in the numbers required for the job.


8. gathering在线翻译

8. Members should check forum always to update oneself about the Guild Latest News such as Competition, Out-Door Activities, Gathering, and etc.


9. Now, god gave me the chance to find out, so I hurriedly prepared and went to the gathering place.


10. The boulevard is an eclectic gathering of people, bizarre little booths, an epic opera house and a great place to just watch people.


11. You have not engaged in our great and gathering conversation, nor did you create the wealth of our marketplaces.


12. With the warm spring wind is gathering flowers fairy paradise; summer flowers and green leaves, is worth two cents of their dance scene; of the fall harvest season and as warm as in spring, is the desire of God at a time when Enron; winter The cold is expected Qiao, Snow White is the time to travel the world......


13. Post inoculation many times, the CPE in Marc-145 cell appeared in rounding, gathering shedding features stably.


14. CLAF is the earliest founded and most influential landscape architecture and gardening expo held in China. Regarded as the annual gathering for contractors, designers and buyers, CLAF 2009 promises to be the best trade platform for exhibitors and trade visitors with its professional organization and high quality forum.


15. When death threats began approaching when Jesse's girlfriend Lisa, though Jesse strive to control their own consciousness in order to fight Freddy, but Freddy's evil ideas have become stronger, in a gathering organized by Lisa, Freddy suddenly appear on the presence of children...


16. I firmly believe that people of the world it would be a gathering of the most memorable, a green and beautiful, culture and traditions, fair and fraternity event, one to the Olympic Games has brought more far-reaching significance of the term event.


17. Deals with new project develop/track/ sample/approve/quotation/order/delivery time/gathering the whole of flow.



18. The ant is not gathering this food for itself alone. It has two stomachs in its body.



19. The ant is not gathering this food for itself alone.


20. Ay, where are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too, While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day, And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue; Then in a waiful choir the small gnats mourn Among the river sallows, borne aloft Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies; And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn; Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft The red-breast whistles form a garden-croft; And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.


gathering 词典解释

1. 集会;聚会

A gathering is a group of people meeting together for a particular purpose.

e.g. ...the twenty-second annual gathering of the South Pacific Forum.


2. (夜色)渐浓的,逐渐变黑的

If there is gathering darkness, the light is gradually decreasing, usually because it is nearly night.

e.g. The lighthouse beam was quite distinct in the gathering dusk.


gathering 单语例句

1. Many of them are diversifying their business scope and gathering momentum to make an impact on other industries such as finance and manufacturing.

2. Yue said the new calculation mechanism could help improve information gathering in the sector, but the results would depend on how the new methods are implemented.

3. The attendance at this annual gathering set new records for both in terms of the number of guests and their caliber.

4. All the " babies " at this gathering are those of the canine kind.

5. Lenders are gathering deposits after their capital was depleted by almost $ 600 billion in losses tied to the global credit crunch.

6. Shale gas exploitation has been gathering steam in China as the nation looks for cleaner energy to cut its carbon emissions and fuel economic growth.

7. It appears that retooling the survey mode has succeeded in gathering data closer to the actual conditions.

8. A grand gathering was held Saturday to commemorate the centenary of the university.

9. A centennial grand watercolour show is on at National Art Museum of China, gathering more than 300 works.

10. The square was a de facto community gathering spot and a recreation center.

gathering什么意思gathering 英英释义


1. the act of gathering something

Synonym: gather

2. the social act of assembling

e.g. they demanded the right of assembly

Synonym: assemblyassemblage

3. sewing consisting of small folds or puckers made by pulling tight a thread in a line of stitching

Synonym: gather

4. a group of persons together in one place

Synonym: assemblage