

raising:[英 [ˈreɪzɪŋ] [ˈreiziŋ] ]


过去式:raised;   过去分词:raised;

raising 基本解释


名词提高; 增加; 高岗; 高地

动词养育; 引起( raise的现在分词 ); 提起; 唤起


raising 网络解释

1. 起毛:织物的拒水整理效果还与织物的组织结构有11.起毛(raiSing) 起毛整理是用密集的针或刺将织物表层的纤维剔起,形成一层绒毛的工艺过程,又称拉绒整理. 主要用于粗纺毛织物、腈纶织物和棉织物等. 织物在干燥状态起毛,绒毛蓬松而较短.

2. raising的反义词

2. 打凸成形:打凹成形 hollowing | 打凸成形 raising | 打槽机 routing machine


3. 饲育:rainy season 雨季 | raising 饲育 | raman effect 喇曼效应

4. 养育:rainyseason 雨季 | raisedbog 高位沼泽 | raising 养育

raising 双语例句

1. Product leaders do not stop for self-congratulation. They are too busy raising the bar.


2. The horse is raising its head, neighing and galloping forward with one foot treading on a flying swallow.


3. The conclusion is that the writer should go through mature period if he wants to keep raising momentum.


4. Precision seeding is one of important measures of raising corn yield.


5. We now have great difficulties in raising money for the war, but once the people are mobilized, finances too will cease to be a problem.


6. However, with the exploitation of manganese resources, the method mentioned aboved faces the problems such as lacking raw stuff and cost raising.



7. There are abundant traditional educational resources in Huizhou. The homestead interest and fund of Binxing is one of the main sources of new style educational fund raising.


8. Objective To research the function of HUANGGUAXIANG in modulating intestinal flora imbalance, improving the quality of life and raising the survival hydroperitonia mice.

目的 研究黄瓜香等在调节肠道菌群和改善荷瘤小鼠生存质量,提高生存率方面的作用。

9. In this post, I'll lista few of the most common pets and the benefits or drawbacks of raising littermates of that species together.


10. raising什么意思

10. The result shows that:(1) Raising Shannxi strategic position was a jucture of textile industry development


11. Let us pray for this great opportunity for outreach and raising up of Fuzhou church workers.


12. In the process of satisfying these expansions, the government proposes the water right management project. However the conflict is highly raising between agricultural and industrial uses. In this study, we examine the water right of agriculture in Taiwan.


13. Weng Haiqin: Sometimes, raising a child can be very difficult, especial in my case. My husband travels too much. I am always left alone with little children at home with little help.


14. raising什么意思

14. She is raising 10 cubs herself and her husband was killed by that fishing trawler so it`s hard for her to find enough fish.


15. raising

15. China's central bank surprised markets by raising the interest rate on its three-month bills for the first time since August, intensifying its grip on liquidity a day after it promised to keep credit growth in check.


16. This paper studies the fund raising model for river realignment by the game theory, and applies it in the investment of Sunan Cannel. Realignment Project.


17. The Fund Raising of river realignment is very difficult Because of its huge fund needs, qusi一public goods quality and its involving of different area. So these cause the lagging of its investment.


18. In farm investment analysis, a farm budget based on an easily segregated activity such as planting a single hectare of a crop or raising a particular group of animals.


19. Higher yield per hectare was obtained through good management practices. And factors which frequently play an important role in raising crop yield per hectare are as follows:(1) varieties; (2) irrigation; (3) fertilizers and (4) cropping systems.


20. The functions of piano teaching lie in raising students'ability to think - including...


raising 单语例句

1. The regulator could consider raising the proportion that institutional investors could buy in initial public offerings.

2. The buying spree is raising Bush administration fears the arms could end up with militants in Iraq.

3. Peter said he wants to further raise foreigners'image among Chinese people by traveling the country by car and raising funds for the charity.

4. The best way to win respect is to constantly strive to improve oneself, not by raising oneself up by belittling others.

5. Owning a pet in China is considered by some quarters a status symbol, as raising one is considerably expensive.

6. China's economic power is growing by the day, laying the foundations for raising the starting point.

7. Authorities have also threatened heavy penalties for companies who attempt to profit from a natural disaster by raising wholesale prices.

8. Some tourist attractions are also reportedly raising cable car admission prices in order to increase revenue.

9. The league said it had offered to increase each team's salary cap by raising the percentage upon which that calculation is based.

10. The department said it planned to have an updated " Cost of Raising a Child Calculator " on the Internet soon.

raising在线翻译raising 英英释义


1. helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community

e.g. they debated whether nature or nurture was more important

Synonym: breedingbringing upfosteringfosteragenurturerearingupbringing

2. the properties acquired as a consequence of the way you were treated as a child

Synonym: rearingnurture

3. the event of something being raised upward

e.g. an elevation of the temperature in the afternoon

a raising of the land resulting from volcanic activity

Synonym: elevationlift


1. increasing in quantity or value

e.g. a cost-raising increase in the basic wage rate