

equator:[英 [ɪˈkweɪtə(r)] 美 [ɪˈkwetɚ] ]



equator 基本解释

名词赤道; (平分球形物体的面的)圆; (任何)大圆

equator 网络解释

1. 赤道:1)赤道(equator)永远出现正规半日潮(semidiurnaltide3)同时考虑月球和太阳对潮汐的效应,在朔望(syzygy)之时,长轴方向靠近,两潮叠加形成大潮(springtide上、下弦之时,两潮抵消形成小潮(neaptide).

2. (地球)赤道:但是当你越洋过海从地球赤道(Equator)的老家吉隆坡去到在地球北回归线(topic of cancer)的香港,距离超过2516公里,若是你,是否也曾想过,你的神是否同样伴随著你呢?

3. equator的反义词

3. 赤道线:这里还必须指出的是,地球的赤道线(equator)在一天(24小时)之内向东旋转一周(360),亦即每小时15,而赤道线每转1的距离为60海里(约111公里),也就是说,赤道上的任一点每小时都向东旋转1665公里(≈15×111),

4. 赤道,衣可以脱赤道衣可以脱了:million-一百万 一百万要埋一窝银 | equator-赤道,赤道衣可以脱了 | mansion-大楼 满城的大楼

equator 双语例句

1. equator

1. Closest approach will be on the night side, just a little bit south of the equator, in full view of Earth.


2. equator的反义词

2. In summer, because the vertical incident solar rays regionmoves by the equator to the north, causes of southeast trade crossingthe line the southern hemisphere to change the southwest monsoon toinvade Northern Hemisphere, meets one another with the originalNorthern Hemisphere's Northeast Tradewind, compels crowds this airrise, the increase convection current, again because the southwestmonsoon and the Northeast Tradewind direction is different, meets oneanother often creates the undulation and the whirlpool.


3. equator

3. An imaginary line paralleling the equator where a magnetic needle has no dip.


4. One degree of longitude equals four minutes of time all around the world. But in measuring distance, one degree shrinks from about one hundred nine kilometers at the equator to nothing at the north and south poles.


5. And you have already studied something about Barlow Lens and Equator Mounts...



6. The Republic of Portugal lies to the north of the Equator at latitude 3930 and longitude 800west of Greenwich Meridian.


7. Kingman Reef is part of a chain of Pacific atolls and islands that straddles the Equator south of Hawaii.


8. The angular distance along the celestial equator from the observer's meridian to the hour circle of a given celestial body.


9. equator在线翻译

9. If someone maintains t h at two and two are five, or t h at Iceland is on t h e equator, you feel pity rat h er t h an anger, unless you know so little of arit h metic or geograp h y t h at h is opinion s h akes your own contrary conviction.


10. equator

10. In the mid- and high-latitudes there is very strong equator-ward momentum transport anomalously mainly by stationary eddies.


11. The great circle representing the apparent annual path of the sun; the plane of the Earth's orbit around the sun; makes an angle of about 23 degrees with the equator.


12. Experimental results indicate that the polar radius of the long spherical hollow Be rotor is 0.52 μm longer than equator radius, which is well coincident with the design value of 0.54 μm.

实验结果表明:该加工后的长球形空心铍转子的极点半径比赤道半径长0.52 μm,与设计值0.54 μm相吻合。

13. It's 830 miles long and 600 miles wide, and lies straight across the equator.


14. There are also flows of cooler air from the poles towards the equator to replace the air that moves polewards.


15. Not only have vineyards crept much closer to the equator, the extent of viticulture has moved polewards – arguably one of the more benign effects of climate change.


16. If you straddled the equator you would see neither clockwise or counterclockwise movement.


17. equator在线翻译

17. That`s not at the equator.


18. This is because the island is so close to the equator.


19. equator在线翻译

19. He says countries closest to the equator will be hardest hit.


20. The line that passes through the center of the Earth linking the perigee and apogee, known as the line of apsides, itself rotates in the orbital plane at a speed that depends on the geometry of the elliptical orbit and the inclination of the orbital plane to the equator.


equator 词典解释

1. 赤道

The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth at an equal distance from the North Pole and the South Pole.


equator 单语例句equator的翻译

1. With a long coastline and a lot of islands, it is renowned as the " Emerald of the Equator ".

2. Opportunity is situated in an area called Meridiani Planum near Mars'equator.

3. It indicates fu dao le or " fortune's arrived here " and she will do it to remind Kiwi's that spring has arrived north of the equator.

4. Poachers have also hit Kenya's renowned rhino sanctuaries in Laikipia, on the equator in the foothills of snowcapped Mount Kenya.

5. The landing site near Mars'equator was picked because there are signs of water everywhere, meeting one of the requirements for life as we know it.

6. The dark dunes that run along the equator contain a volume of organics several hundred times larger than Earth's coal reserves.

7. The end of their calendar comes close to the winter solstice, a natural phenomenon when the path of the sun and the Milky Way equator meet.

8. A new study says animal species are fleeing the equator and heading north much faster than a decade ago.

9. Using a sunscreen is especially important in the mountains and near the equator, but also at the seaside because water reflects the sun's rays.

10. The satellite will orbit the Equator and is the farthest operational spacecraft China has ever catapulted into space.

equator 英英释义


1. an imaginary line around the Earth forming the great circle that is equidistant from the north and south poles

e.g. the equator is the boundary between the northern and southern hemispheres

2. a circle dividing a sphere or other surface into two usually equal and symmetrical parts