

hopeless:[英 [ˈhəʊpləs] 美 [ˈhoʊpləs] ]


hopeless 基本解释

形容词不可救药的; 不抱希望的,绝望的; 没有希望的,惨淡的; 不可能的


hopeless 反义词


hopeless 相关例句


1. The lost hikers felt helpless.


2. hopeless

2. Our position is hopeless; we'll never get out alive.


3. The doctor said the old man's condition was hopeless.



4. His work is hopeless, and so is he.


5. Your work is hopeless.


hopeless 网络解释

1. 绝望:恋童、灰暗绝望(Hopeless)的人生、模糊到没有的正邪观、黑到令人窒息的题材固然是影片的一方面,但丝丝入扣的音乐、精湛的演技、细腻的感情刻画却使这部电影拥有绝对经典的地位.

2. 绝望的:hopeful 有希望的 | hopeless 绝望的 | hopely 有希望地

3. hopeless什么意思

3. 心没有希望的;绝望的:prince王子 | hopeless 心没有希望的;绝望的 | foolish adj 愚蠢的,傻的

4. hopeless什么意思

4. 无希望的:less:careless 粗心的; | hopeless 无希望的; | useless 无用的;

hopeless 双语例句

1. Under the new name of Jane Elliott, she finds a job as village schoolmistress and tries to forget her seemingly hopeless love for Rochester.


2. Hopeless, restless I keep fighting Cuz your small world's not enough You're still weak of that my love One day, you'll say that I am stronger than you you Caught in your spell Do you think you're unbreakable Caught in your spell Don't you know who I am Cuz your small world's not enough You're still weak of that my love One day, you'll say that I am stronger than you you Caught in your spell Do you think you're unstopable Caught in your spell Don't you know who I am Caught in your spell Do you think you're unbreakable Caught in your spell Don't you know who I am

本人倒???绝望,焦躁不安我一直战斗 Cuz您的小世界没有足够的您仍然薄弱的,我的爱有一天,你会说,我比你,你夹在你的法术你认为你是牢不可破夹在你的法术难道你不知道我是谁 Cuz您的小世界上没有足够的您仍然薄弱的,我的爱有一天,你会说,我比你,你夹在你的法术你认为你unstopable 夹在你的法术难道你不知道我是谁夹在你的法术你认为你是牢不可破夹在你的法术难道你不知道我是谁


3. Be bottled up like a turtle trapped in a jar; be hopeless like a rat in a hole


4. hopeless的意思

4. A hopeless, jerkwater town where mustard is turned out in carload lots, in vats and tuns and barrels and pots and cutelooking little jars.


5. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness despair and hopeless is love.


6. For the rest, among the old trees was depth within depth of grey, hopeless inert ia, silence, nothingness.


7. Trager never looked the part of a hopeless romantic.


8. hopeless

8. We give the hopeless, the helpless and the suicidally inclined a listener when they need one so that


9. I was about to rescue Skipper from a hopeless situation, when suddenly...



10. Result its fuzzy works put forth effort loyal and righteous thought that maintain, damage punishing the effect of advising of works already, make Zhu Ge-liang virtuous looks hopeless image crisis awareness intelligently too, make people full of more distrust the unsafe sense to Zhu Ge-liang, damage image of Zhuge greatly.


11. After angor go by, I think deeply that quietly, discover my already hopeless love just now having mounted you and I, may abandon you by no means!



12. They were taking it out on one another because of their hopeless dissatisfaction.


13. hopeless什么意思

13. However, american judiciary strangled this one opportunity, funny is, the reason that this strangles a basis is to should maintain market competition, but its outcome is probable however the biggest competitor that is a Gu Ge forces hopeless situation, this announced to common people again the absurd place of antitrust law.



14. So the parents feel lost and even hopeless when their children do not get into college.


15. I+will+never+consider+defeat+and+I+will+remove+from+my+vocabulary+such+words+and+phrases+as+quit, +cannot, +unable, +impossible, +out+of+the+question, +improbable, +failure, +unworkable, +hopeless, +and+retreat; +for+they+are+the+words+of++I+will+avoid+despair+but+if+this+disease+of+the+mind+should+infect+me+then+I+will+work+on+in++I+will+toil+and+I+will++I+will+ignore+the+obstacles+at+my+feet+and+keep+my+eyes+on+the+goals+above+my+head, +for+I+know+that+where+dry+desert+ends, +green+grass


16. hopeless的反义词

16. Hopeless is how many people feel about America's government-funded public schools, particularly in the dodgier parts of big cities, where graduation rates are shockingly low and many fail to achieve basic levels of literacy and numeracy.


17. hopeless的反义词

17. To be honest, I feel very frustrated and thought I was hopeless.


18. You are fighting a hopeless battle by doing that.


19. hopeless什么意思

19. Until he realized that I was a hopeless lecher.


20. If your superiors take the same hopeless attitudes as you do, it will be a black day for your country.


hopeless 词典解释

1. 不抱希望的;绝望的

If you feel hopeless, you feel very unhappy because there seems to be no possibility of a better situation or success.

e.g. He had not heard her cry before in this uncontrolled, hopeless way...


e.g. The economic crisis makes jobs almost impossible to find and even able pupils feel hopeless about job prospects.



I looked around hopelessly.


...a young woman hopelessly in love with a handsome hero.


She had a feeling of hopelessness about the future.


2. 无望的;注定失败的;不会成功的

Someone or something thing that is hopeless is certain to fail or be unsuccessful.


e.g. I don't believe your situation is as hopeless as you think. If you love each other, you'll work it out...


e.g. A doctor is there to treat and to cure, not to dismiss anyone as a hopeless case.


3. (人)没有希望(做好…)的,不行的,无能的

If someone is hopeless at something, they are very bad at it.


e.g. I'd be hopeless at working for somebody else...


e.g. I was fine at sports, but pretty hopeless academically.


4. 糟糕透顶的;无可救药的;极坏的

You use hopeless to emphasize how bad or inadequate something or someone is.


e.g. I don't drive and the buses are quite hopeless...


e.g. Argentina's economic policies were a hopeless mess.



The story is hopelessly confusing...


Harry was hopelessly lost...


By October 1990, when arrested, he was hopelessly in debt.

到1990年10月被捕时,他已经负债累累。hopeless 单语例句

1. They feel bad and hopeless and cry for class struggle when they see with their own eyes how the rich parade themselves.

2. By June 1776 their efforts had become hopeless and a committee was formed to compose a formal declaration of independence.

3. And yet one of the interesting angles on the credit crunch is just how hopeless the wealthy have been at managing their cash.

4. Four years ago when he broke up with his girlfriend, he felt hopeless and despondent and reluctant to tell others about his problem.

5. The singer was a guest judge for auditions to be featured on next season's show, and she didn't pull any punches with the hopeless hopefuls.

6. When Deng Xiaoping took the helm at the end of the " cultural revolution ", he realized that the country would be hopeless without quality education.

7. The classic Gilbert and Sullivan operetta The Pirates of Penzance focuses on The Pirate King and his hopeless band of pirates on England's south coast.

8. Petraeus said the situation in Iraq was " dire " but not hopeless.

9. When a jobless movie director meets a hopeless office worker, they come up with the idea of opening an acting school.

10. The train ran for 9 km in blaze, forcing passengers to jump out of the train in a hopeless attempt to survive.

hopeless 英英释义



1. (informal to emphasize how bad it is) beyond hope of management or reform

e.g. she handed me a hopeless jumble of papers

he is a hopeless romantic

2. without hope because there seems to be no possibility of comfort or success

e.g. in an agony of hopeless grief

with a hopeless sigh he sat down

3. certain to fail

e.g. the situation is hopeless

4. of a person unable to do something skillfully

e.g. I'm hopeless at mathematics