

latent:[英 [ˈleɪtnt] 美 [ˈletnt] ]


latent 基本解释


形容词潜在的; 潜伏的; 休眠的; 潜意识的



latent 网络解释


1. 潜在的:SEM是一门整合过去所有的直线统计模式(linear statistical model)分析技术的新兴方法学,适用於处理多元的(multiple)、潜在的(latent)、因果的(cause-effect)线性关系之探究与资料分析的问题情境,

2. 潜伏:当然随著受伤的严重度不同,有时触痛点可能潜伏(latent)未徵候而微不足道. 根据Jerome的临床经验,尿道症候群患者的长期病史会有断断续续的频尿急尿症状进展到伴随骨盆疼痛. Schmidt和Vapnek的报告指出,直接施压於骨盆肌肉,

3. latent的反义词

3. 潜伏性:西医认为:在所有的实体肿瘤之中,前列腺癌是独特的,具有两种表现形式,一为组织学或潜伏性(latent)前列腺癌,这种类型占50岁以上男性的30%左右,而80岁以上男性的60%-70%.

4. 潜在:以及是否受到在台旅游时感受之便利性与友善度之影响,并进一步了解其间的关系与建立线性结构模式(LISREL),利用调查所得之结果作为显现变数,归纳出具行为或观感特性之潜在(Latent)变数或因素,并由变数间的线性关系、因果模式与假设检定的探讨,

latent 双语例句

1. In equatorial regions, the air-sea humidity difference is overestimated in WHOI relative to PIRATA, which leads to the biases in latent heat flux.


2. latent的反义词

2. Then a series of competing models was established and evaluated by the second sample set using confirmatory factor analysis procedure. The five-factor oblique model was found to be the most efficient one. The internal-component evaluation found that latent variables have good reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity.



3. Of course, some middle-grade rubber blanket because the price resulting from material constraints have its innate deficiencies, such as business card printing and membership card to make a long version of the product, even if the blanket that is very clean, and then business card printing and membership card making flat screen product, is vulnerable to the last business card printing and membership card making long editions latent image.


4. Using the PSU/NCAR MM5, control and dry experiment for the explosive cyclone process of 19th to 21st December in 1981 over the Western Pacific are performed. The results show that the tropopause and isothermal surfaces were raised by latent heat release in the upper level, and the disturbance trough was formed at the upper level: due to the adiabetic cooling of the ascending flow. Its adaption process resulted in the inertial instability in the upper level.

利用PSU/NCAR MM5模式对1981年12月19日20时-21日20时一次太平洋西部气旋强烈爆发过程进行干过程和控制过程对比数值模拟试验,得出:潜热释放使对流层顶和等温面抬高,气流在高层上升冷却形成扰动槽,其适应过程使高层出现惯性不稳定。

5. A human body may be latent pathological defects or dysfunction, but the surface still showed ill come.

一个人 体内可能潜伏着病理性的缺陷或功能不全,而在表面仍然不表现出病态来。

6. For example, the latent defects in the delivered product can be predicted using measurements of defects identified during product verification activities.


7. For example, the latent defects in the delivered product canbe predicted using measurements of defects identified during productverification activities.


8. latent

8. As many as 25%-50% of these latent defects are easy to discover and are revealed during development and are quickly removed.


9. On the other hand, electric aging is not sensitive for latent defects, for example, some devices after electric aging screening are usually found fail rapidly.


10. It is understood that the residential quality assurance insurance, internationally known as latent defects insurance, referred to as IDI, is the world`s States to ensure that residential quality, protecting the interests of consumers An international practice, from France.


11. The amount of energy for latent heat released and ultrasound speed measured at the zone of maximum ice crystal formation were respectively about 72% of total input energy and 63.64% of ultrasound speed range during the freezing process.

试验结果显示,牛肉在冻结过程的中心温对应时间曲线中,冻结点附近潜热特性明显,在 0 ~- 5 ℃之间则冰晶最大生成带特性明显。

12. Latent functionally thermal fluid is a kind of new medium with thermal energy storage and heat transfer enhancement.



13. Based on the importance of heat flux variability to the earths climate change and the dependence of the study about heat flux variability on the accuracy of heat flux data, this study will focus on the quality evaluation of heat flux datasets available and seasonal and interannual variability of latent and sensible heat fluxes in the tropical Atlantic Ocean.


14. The result is a latent electrical image on the surface of the drum.


15. At this stage there is a latent image which is not yet visible.


16. A latent image is formed on the surface of the OPC drum by the light beam.


17. Development: Process of making a visible film image from the latent image produced during exposure.


18. The latent semantic model was used to find the latent semantic in image block and their spatial distribute in image.


19. latent

19. And the image gradient distribution of calculation result was closer to the latent image than the RL.


20. latent的解释

20. Fourth, we will effectively improve government debt management, strengthen internal and external restraints, and effectively guard against and fend off latent public finance risks.


latent 词典解释

1. 潜在的;潜藏的;隐伏的

Latent is used to describe something which is hidden and not obvious at the moment, but which may develop further in the future.

e.g. Advertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt message.


latent 单语例句

1. China already gained experience from consumer subsidies in the past couple of years in tapping this latent buying power.

2. Some Western countries holding the flag of a " free market " are now carrying out latent trade protectionism.

3. But China has been patiently and peacefully coordinating with other countries to solve some latent problems that could evolve into " confrontations " in the region.

4. The high incidence of latent rules derives from a dearth of educational resources and a lack of transparency during recruitment.

5. The latent risk embedded in borrowing linked to local governments has also drawn particular attention from the banking regulator.

6. But the market equilibrium could change quite abruptly because of latent demand from the construction and manufacturing sectors.

7. It is a positive and necessary change that market reforms remove the practices that eased latent unemployment pressures in the era of the planned economy.

8. Scientists are unsure whether female Komodo dragons have always had this latent ability to reproduce or if this is a new evolutionary development.

9. Latent rules severely impair social equality and hamper the healthy development of China's education system, says an article on the website of Xinhua News Agency.

10. " A latent nightmare has turned into reality, " said the Korea Times.

latent 英英释义


1. (pathology) not presently active

e.g. latent infection

latent diabetes

2. potentially existing but not presently evident or realized

e.g. a latent fingerprint

latent talent